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The dynamic changes in the global economy has caused the rapid growth of transport needs. Outsourcing and off-shoring has increased the distance between the particular places where the production process is provided. Therefore, logistics has become more macro-scale than before. Maritime traffic is therefore the main transport mode served a global movements of goods. Such companies like Maersk, NYK or Hanjin are today a global transport players offering a wide scope of service. Proper functioning of maritime transport needs also a good developed system of seaports. Effectiveness and efficiency of global transport is depend on seaports infrastructure, equipment, staff and management. So, seaports has become a critical element of supply chains concept. In the following analysis, the relation between the main requirements of supply chain management (SCM) and contemporary practice of seaports management are investigated. The type of port management systems and its operation model will reflect on the possibility of implementation of SCM. In the last part of presented elaboration main pros and cons of particular solutions of port management are defined and indicated.
tom nr 4
The paper considers the transhipment process between sea ships and railways as a critical hinge where goods are moved from one transport mode to another one. By linking them, a transport chain is created. During research it has been found out that processes between the intermediaries of the transport chain seaport–rail are not well organised and adjusted. A low level of communication between the intermediaries (ports, freight forwarders, railway transport companies, etc.) leads to conflicts and insecurities in rail freight transport. Additional time buffers which are planned by railway companies and freight forwarders due to those insecurities in the transport flow make it slow and untimely. That makes it difficult for the intermediaries to plan own activities in an optimal way. The untimely trains and the non-adjusted railway transhipment works in ports, makes the transport processes longer than they need to be. With a better integration of the operational processes the transport chain shall be better adjusted. In this paper the actors as well as the processes at the interface seaport-rail have been identified and characterised. The interrelations between single transhipment processes have been examined but also the way how they are integrated in transport chains. In a first research a sample of observed 50 freight trains has been chosen to evaluate the integration of rail freight services in transport chains. For the trains, their involvement in certain processes within a seaport’s rail yard has been quantified. It was possible to distinguish between their involvement in productive and non-productive processes and thus have been identified. The results of the field research lead to the development of an information flow model which is aimed to reduce buffer time by enabling a better communication between the intermediaries of the transport chain. Approaches for further research to link the partial works of single intermediaries in an organisational and applied way are presented. With it, the insecurities during the transhipment within rail freight yards in seaport shall be reduced. Thus, additional time buffers can be minimised and the ship–to–rail transhipment flow becomes smoother.
Content available remote Wybrane uwarunkowania wpływające na rozwój polskich portów morskich
This article attempts to systematize those factors influencing the development of major seaports in Poland. Certain factors were examined in depth, including the priorities of investment policy to the year 2030 in seaports of primary importance for the Polish economy, and access to ports from both land and sea.
The article focuses on the organizational aspects of the customer and fiscal service in the Polish seaports. The infrastructural constraints in the use of ports are described, as well as the reduction of the competitiveness of port services. Attention has been paid for services performed in the port: customs clearance, phytosanitary and veterinary control. Another issue is the VAT in the port and its impact on customer service. In this article, it is estimated that over the past 20 years, ports have lost about 200 million zł.
The article shows the conditions for seeking a balance between the expansion of port infrastructure and respect for the natural environment in its environs. It presents "good practice" in terms of having achieved a balance between economic and environmental sustainability in selected ports. That part of the article dealing with the methodology of impact assessment procedures has practical implications for both investment and planning for those areas protected by the "NATURA 2000 Programme".
Constant growth of the competition between Baltic ports requires systematic monitoring of changes at the European transportation service market which has to be carried out in order to improve the effeciency of services offered by domestic seaports. It plays a significant role expecially in liner containers transportation performed within the Baltic region where the only chance of rasing ports competitiveness is to reduce vessels handling time in ports. Containers trans-shipment in Polish seaports are increasing and gaining a great importance in comparison with other handling cargoes. Taking into consideration a rise in turnover which causes increasing of vessel handling time in ports the opportunity to improve efficiency is to introduce modern logistic solutions in containers trans-shipment. The article shows the essential role of modern logistic solutions in development of Polish seaports functioning. Nowadays, introducing of computer systems and their software allow to improve the efficiency of container terminals in cargoes and means of transportation services.
Content available remote Uwarunkowania ekonomiczno-organizacyjne rozwoju polskich portów morskich
Polish ports constitute an important element of national transportation system. In the last decade ports have experienced some favorable transitions in port infrastructure and capacity, also with profound development of container terminals. The first part of the paper was devoted to economic estimation of port industry market structures and port labor restructuring. Investments and its structure, role of private (foreign investors included) and public sectors was elaborated followed by the analysis of port industry economic performance (sales, profit margin, value added). In the second part of the paper some economic and organization conditions of ports development were reviewed.. Economic consequences of vertical transport integration, namely emerging transport and supply chains, on port operations were outlined. Asymmetry in benefits and costs of port development was discussed also abilities of the port itself to affect on demand for port services. Hinterland transport and its deregulation as important reasons for efficient transport chains and Polish ports development were outlined.
Content available remote Uwarunkowania środowiskowe w procesie rozwoju portów morskich w Polsce
The main area of interest of the Polish seaports authorities is a port development. These challenge could be implemented by intensive development (activation of seaports operation on the basis of existing infrastructure) or extensive progress (new infrastructural investments). One of the crucial restriction of contemporary seaports development are environmental issues. Limitation of the negative influence of the transport system in Europe is a crucial element of EU common transport policy. For that reason, the development process of seaports is related on the specific rules, agreements or conventions (e.g. Natura 2000, Helcom, Marpol). It could be stated that the environmental protection limits the tempo of seaports growth and making the investments more and more expensive. On the other hand, the maritime transport and the seaports are an environmental – friendly alternative for European transport. So, the huge support by activities and initiatives like SSS, MoS or Marco Polo is contributed to these part of transport market.
Porty morskie, stanowią wyjątkowo atrakcyjny obszar działań asymetrycznych, a w tym ataków terrorystycznych. Ze względu na swoje usytuowanie porty są zagrożone działaniami terrorystycznymi prowadzonymi zarówno z kierunku lądowego, jak i morskiego. W celu zabezpieczenia obiektu portowego podejmowane są działania w dwóch kierunkach: technicznym oraz organizacyjnym. Formy i metody ochrony obiektów portowych przed zagrożeniami są ściśle uzależnione od przeznaczenia chronionego obiektu.
Seaports are an extremely attractive area for asymmetric actions, including terrorist attacks. Due to its location ports are at risk of terrorist actions carried out both from the direction of land and sea. In order to secure a port facility activities are undertaken in two directions, including technical organizational projects. Forms and methods of port’s facilities protection are dependent on the nature and destination of the protected object.
Content available remote Falochron osłonowy dla portu zewnętrznego w Świnoujściu
tom nr 5
Budowa falochronu osłonowego o długości około 3 km, ostrogi przy istniejącym falochronie wschodnim oraz wykonanie robót czerpalnych przy budowie toru podejściowego i obrotnicy dla statków to działania realizowane w ramach budowy portu zewnętrznego dla terminalu LNG w Świnoujściu. Do sierpnia zrealizowano 84% prac, a zakończenie inwestycji przewiduje się na marzec 2013 r.
Artykuł porusza problematykę funkcjonowania współczesnych rynków usług portowych. Rozwój międzynarodowych łańcuchów dostaw, postęp techniczny i procesy integracyjne w żegludze morskiej, rozwój konteneryzacji, nasilająca się konkurencja na rynkach portowych, wymogi ochrony środowiska naturalnego powodują konieczność dostosowywania się portowych usługodawców do zmieniających się oczekiwań i wymagań klientów, zarówno gestorów ładunków, jak i przewoźników, zwłaszcza morskich. Ich działania dostosowawcze wiążą się z podejmowaniem inwestycji służących zapewnieniu odpowiedniego potencjału do obsługi ładunków, pasażerów i środków transportu, wymaganej jakości oferowanych usług, ale także z właściwą organizacją portowych ośrodków podażowych i prowadzą do budowania ich konkurencyjności. Zarówno czynniki związane z otoczeniem portów morskich, jak i te o charakterze wewnątrzportowym wpływają na zmiany w relacjach podaży i popytu na rynkach usług portowych. Współczesne rynki usług portowych charakteryzują pewne zjawiska świadczące o ich zmianach i rozwoju. Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie istoty rynku usług portowych oraz jego powiązań z otoczeniem, które ulegając bardzo szybkim i poważnym zmianom, tworzy nowe warunki funkcjonowania portowych ośrodków podażowych oraz całych rynków usług portowych.
This article describes the issues associated with functioning of contemporary seaport services markets. The growth of international supply chains, technical progress and the integration processes in shipping, growth of containerization, increasing competition in the seaport services markets and environmental protection regulations make it necessary for port service providers to adapt to the changing expectations and requirements of their customers, both shippers and, especially maritime, carriers. Thus, the activities they undertake are associated with making investments to ensure an adequate capacity to handle cargo, passengers and means of transport, required quality of service, but also with appropriate organization of port supply centres and lead to an improvement of their competitiveness. Both the factors associated with the external and internal environment of seaports affect the changes in the relationship between the supply and demand on port services markets. Contemporary port services markets are characterized by certain phenomena which can be a sign of their adaptation and development. The aim of this article is to present the essence of the port services market and its relationship with the environment, which subject to rapid and significant changes, creates new conditions for the operation of port supply centres and the entire port services market.
Seaports in Europe operate in the open market and high competition. Gaining competitive advantage is the primary objective of each of them. This requires the interaction of the spheres of administration-management and operation-service and to implement each of these specific activities, which you can specify the distinctive best practices. In this material, made a comparative analysis of structures and actions spheres of the administration-management of selected ports identifying best practices in managing established to carry out the development strategy and gain competitive advantage in selected markets.
Multi-dimensional, comprehensive service of the various vessels strengthens the competitive position of ports on the European market. It is a necessary, but not sufficient condition to count in a significant way on the international stage. Ports need innovative solutions that will impact on the diversification of services and improve the use of port capacity. Adapting them to handle multitasks vessels accomplishing such functions as fishing and tourism may be such a solution . The article analyzed the port possibilities to handle proposed vessels. The authors pointed influence of operating innovative solution on ports revitalizing and environment development.
The purpose of this paper is to define the key tasks of the seaports in the implementation of the new European transport policy goals under logistics-restructured environment and to develop logistic centres in them through identification of key elements and mechanisms for successful integration in the European transport system. This is closely related to regional development that results from the establishment of new businesses in close proximity to ports. Realization of the proper modernization strategies would greatly benefit major seaports’ efforts for developing corporate customer value and to advance development a competitive and resource efficient European transport system.
Porty morskie pełnią bardzo ważną rolę w globalnym łańcuchu dostaw. Od ich sprawnego funkcjonowania zależy w dużej mierze efektywność procesów zaopatrzenia gospodarki. W pracy zaprezentowano rozważania dotyczące infrastruktury krytycznej państwa, umiejscowienia portu morskiego w infrastrukturze krytycznej państwa, bezpieczeństwa globalnego łańcucha dostaw towarów oraz dokonano analizy zagrożeń mogących zdestabilizować pracę portu morskiego.
Seaports play a vital role in the global supply chain. From their smooth operation depends largely on the effectiveness of supply management processes. The paper presents reflections on the national critical infrastructure, location of port in infrastructure critical, the security of global supply chain of goods and analyzes risks to destabilize the work of a sea port.
Państwa członkowskie NATO zaangażowane są w operacje w różnych rejonach kuli ziemskiej. Rejony prowadzonych operacji są z reguły znacznie oddalone od stałych baz sił zbrojnych państw sojuszu. Wymusza to konieczność przetransportowania ludzi oraz dużych ilości sprzętu i materiałów na znaczne odległości. W tym zakresie uzyskanie najlepszych efektów możliwe jest przy wykorzystaniu transportu morskiego.
NATO Member States are involved in operations in different parts of the globe. Areas of operation are usually away from the solid bases of the armed forces of members alliance. It requires long distance transport people and a large amount of equipment and materials. In this regard, to obtain the best results when it is possible to use sea transport.
tom nr 6
Międzynarodowe reguły handlu (International Commercial Terms-Incoterms) definiują warunki sprzedaży towarów na całym świecie. Zostały one ustanowione w celu rozstrzygania sporów dotyczących kosztów i odpowiedzialności za towar, pomiędzy nabywcą i sprzedawcą. W artykule przedstawiono warunki sprzedaży stosowane podczas transakcji handlowych prowadzonych drogą morską.
International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) define the conditions for the sale of goods worldwide. They were established to settle disputes relating to the cost and responsibility for the goods between the buyer and seller. This paper presents the conditions of sale used in commercial transactions conducted by sea.
nr 1(53)
The purpose of this article is to present a summary of studies compiled under research concerning a company's situation for organizational effectiveness of two selected Polish seaport companies from 2013 to 2017. Researched PH and TR companies operate in the same port area but it is not a direct neighbourhood. The ranges of activity of both companies do not overlap. The research is focused on a very specific procedure of diagnosing and positioning an organizational situation represented by both companies from 2013 to 2017. The situation is determined by a recognized level of organizational effectiveness or potential ineffectiveness caused by dysfunctions. The diagnosis is based on a qualitative, long, in-depth analysis of the organizational situation of the companies by means of the specific model, “The Business Life Cycle Model of Organizational Effectiveness Influenced by Dysfunctions”. The measuring instrument (grading system) of this model is used to introduce the outcomes of the research work. All collected outcomes of each individual diagnosis gives the picture of an overall organizational performance of a given company annually, during the whole period of the research. The outcomes are adequately visualized on an appropriate scale, making the most of the model.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań sytuacji w zakresie efektywności organizacyjnej dwóch wybranych polskich przedsiębiorstw portowych w latach 2013-2017. Badane przedsiębiorstwa PH i TR działają w tym samym porcie, ale nie w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie. Zakresy działalności obu tych przedsiębiorstw nie pokrywają się. Badanie koncentruje się na bardzo specyficznej procedurze diagnozowania i pozycjonowania sytuacji organizacyjnej reprezentowanej przez badane przedsiębiorstwa w latach 2013-2017. Przedmiotową sytuację określa rozpoznany poziom efektywności organizacyjnej lub potencjalnej nieskuteczności spowodowanej dysfunkcjami. Diagnoza opiera się na jakościowej analizie sytuacji w zakresie efektywności organizacyjnej przedsiębiorstw za pomocą modelu sprawnościowo-dysfunkcyjnego cyklu życia organizacji biznesowej.
W artykule zawarto uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda dotyczące regulacji ustawy z dnia 20 grudnia 1996 r. o portach i przystaniach morskich na tle ustawy kodeks spółek handlowych. Analizy prawne obejmują działalność legislacyjną w obszarze tzw. spółek portowych, którą oceniono z uwzględnieniem wytycznych z zakresu zasad techniki prawodawczej. Scharakteryzowano status prawny spółek akcyjnych, które zarządzają portami morskimi o podstawowym znaczeniu dla gospodarki narodowej oraz innymi portami. Wskazano, na liczne błędy legislacyjne, którymi są obarczone przepisy szczególne ustawy.
The article includes de lege lata and de lege ferenda comments concerning the Polish Seaports and Harbours Act of December 20th 1996, based on the Commercial Companies Code. Legal analysis include legislative activity in the area of the so-called seaport companies, which was evaluated taking into account guidelines from legislative technique principles. Legal status of joint stock companies managing seaports crucial to national economy and other seaports was characterized. Numerous legislative errors relating to specific provisions of the Act were pointed out.
W morsko-lądowych łańcuchach transportowych logistyczne procesy integracyjne przebiegają pomiędzy trzema podstawowymi ogniwami: żeglugą morską, portami morskimi i transportem zaplecza. Porty są bardzo ważnym elementem międzynarodowego łańcucha dostaw. Jako punkty początkowe i końcowe transportu morskiego są integralną częścią łańcucha transportowego, jak również miejscem działalności związanej z handlem i żeglugą morską oraz centrami logistycznymi o zasięgu międzynarodowym. Ponieważ silnie oddziałują na regionalną gospodarkę i społeczeństwo, narażone są na duże ryzyko wystąpienia sytuacji zagrożenia ich bezpieczeństwa. Z tego powodu porty morskie powinny być szczególnie chronione jako obiekty infrastruktury krytycznej państwa.
The logistics integration processes in sea-land transport chains occur between three basic links: shipping, seaports, and transport facilities. Ports are a very important element of the international supply chains. Being the initial and the final points of sea transport, they not only constitute an integral part of the transport chain, but are also the location of the marine trade and shipping activities as well as logistics centres of international range. As their influence on the regional economy and society is significant, they face a high security risk. That is why seaports should be specially protected as infrastructural facilities of critical importance to the state.
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