ObjectivesIt is generally held that exposure to both high-pressure and long-lasting contact with water makes diving a potentially hazardous sports activity as far as the ears are concerned. There is a number of research investigating the condition of the middle ear in a short period following diving; however, the knowledge regarding the long-term effects of regularly repeated diving remains limited.Material and methodsThe aim of this study is to evaluate the function of the middle ear after a diving season in a group of 31 adults diving regularly (1–17 years) by means of the following methods: 1) interview, 2) otoscopy, 3) pure tone audiometry, 4) classic tympanometry, and 5) wideband tympanometry.ResultsPeriodic problems with pressure equalization in the middle ear were observed in 12 individuals (38.7%). In all the analyzed cases, the authors found a normal condition of the external auditory canal and the tympanic membrane in otoscopy, normal hearing in pure tone audiometry, curve type A, and normal gradient in both classic and wideband tympanometry. Conclusions: Safe diving (according to safety precautions) does not have any long-term negative effects on the condition of the middle ear. However, these observations should be verified in a larger group of divers.
The implementation of the sustainable development objectives, requires additional knowledge about underwater landscapes of inland reservoirs. In this article, we assumed that (1) underwater landscapes of lakes are shaped mainly by the type of substrate and the assemblages of flora and fauna inhabiting a given reservoir; (2) vegetation is one of the most important elements of underwater landscapes, which dynamically reacts to environmental changes. This article presents the results of a study on the underwater landscapes of Lake Wielki Staw in the Karkonosze Mountains. Thirteen types of underwater landscapes were distinguished in the lake based on underwater inventory and spatial analysis using ArcGIS 10.7 software. The level of changes that occurred in the underwater landscape studied was determined using the underwater landscape structure maps for 2005, 2011, 2017, and 2021. In addition, the landscape change index (LCI) for Lake Wielki Staw was determined for 2005-2011, 2011-2017, and 2017-2021. The results obtained indicate that underwater landscapes in lakes, similarly to terrestrial landscapes, are dynamic and subject to changes. In the case of Lake Wielki Staw, the changes in the range of Isoëtes lacustris communities in individual parts of the lake limited the differences in the area of all types of underwater landscapes distinguished. This allows us to use underwater vegetation inhabiting a given reservoir as an indicator of changes in underwater landscapes.
The aim of the research was to evaluate the occurrence of arrhythmias and heart rate variability during diving in recreational divers. Continuous electrocardiographic (ECG) Holter monitoring was conducted in a group of 50 divers (age 36,8 } 8,7). The recorded data included the duration of the dive, including a period of 60 minutes before the dive and 60 minutes after the dive. Moreover, divers filled in a questionnaire that had been prepared for the purpose of the study and the psychological tests State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). The ECG recordings were synchronised with dive computers to correlate the ECG changes with diving events and analysed for the heart rate, arrhythmias and conduction disorders. The average heart rate was the highest (M=107.34 beats/minute) before diving, and the lowest after diving (M = 102.00 beats/minute). Supraventricular arrhythmias were recorded in nineteen (38%) of the participants of the study. The number of arrhythmias during diving (M = 14,45) is significantly higher than before (M = 9,93, p < 0,01) and after dive (M = 6,02, p < 0,05). All results were obtained from the continuous ECG Holter monitoring. It seems that using continuous ECG monitoring in conditions similar to diving (physical and psychological stress), brings more benefits than traditional, resting electrocardiogram.
Celem pracy było określenie poziomu lęku jako stanu i lęku jako cechy u płetwonurków amatorów. Grupę badawczą stanowiło 30 płetwonurków (w tym 13 kobiet) zrzeszonych w jednej z bydgoskich szkół nurkowania. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz ISCL (polska wersja kwestionariusza STAI Spielbergera). U większości (90%) badanych lęk jako cecha kształtował się na poziomie średnim i niskim. 46% badanych przejawiało lęk jako stan na poziomie wysokim. Kobiety istotnie silniej odczuwały lęk jako stan w porównaniu z mężczyznami (p<0,001). Nie stwierdzono istotnych korelacji pomiędzy wiekiem badanych a poziomem odczuwanych przez nich lęków.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of trait and state anxiety in recreational scuba divers. 30 divers (including 13 female) aged 14-44 were examined with Spielberger's STAI Questionnaire. Results revealed that majority of subjects (90%) presented low and intermediate level of trait anxiety. Anyway, 46% of them presented high level of state anxiety. State anxiety differed significantly between male and female divers (p<0.001). There were no significant differences according to the age of the subjects.
Alergiczny nieżyt nosa występuje w różnych regionach świata od 10 do 40% populacji. Test skin prick jest „złotym standardem” do wykrywania chorób alergicznych typu I według klasyfikacji Gella i Coombsa, w której pośredniczy IgE. Badania za pomocą testów Skin Prick wykonano u 60 nurków w wieku od 30 do 40 roku życia. Do badania zastosowano następujące testy powietrznopochodne: pyłki drzew, traw, zbóż, chwastów, białka roztoczy kurzu domowego, sierść i naskórek zwierząt oraz grzyby pleśniowe. Na podstawie wywiadu i dodatniego testu skin prick u 17 nurków stwierdzono alergiczny nieżyt nosa. Wnioski: 1. Alergiczny nieżyt nosa może powodować problemy zdrowotne u nurków i być przyczyną wypadków nurkowych. 2. Zastosowanie testu Skin Prick podczas kwalifikacji zdrowotnej w Wojskowej Komisji Morsko-Lekarskiej, pozwoliłoby wykluczyć kandydatów na nurków chorujących na alergię.
Allergic rhinitis occurs in various regions of the world and affects from 10 to 40% of the population. The skin prick test is the "gold standard" for the detection of type I allergic diseases according to the Gella and Coombs classification, which is mediated by IgE. For our experiment, skin prick tests were performed on 60 divers aged between 30 and 40 years of age. The following tests for airborne allergens were used: tests for pollen from trees, grasses, cereals, weeds, proteins from house dust mites, animal hair and epidermis, and moulds. On the basis of an interview and a positive skin prick test allergic rhinitis was diagnosed in 17 divers. Conclusions: 1. Allergic rhinitis can cause health problems in divers and be the cause of diving accidents. 2. The application of the skin prick test during the health qualification in the Military Maritime Health Commission, would allow the exclusion of diver candidates suffering from allergies.
Przetrwały otwór owalny (PFO) jest występującym u około 25 % dorosłej populacji wariantem anatomicznym polegającym na utrzymywaniu się połączenia między prawym i lewym przedsionkiem serca. O ile w większości przypadków nie ma on znaczenia klinicznego, to u części ludzi może dochodzić do przecieku żylno tętniczego, prowokowanego wzrostem ciśnienia w klatce piersiowej (na przykład kaszel, kichanie, dźwiganie ciężarów). W takim przypadku dojść może do wystąpienia paradoksalnej zatorowości i przedostawania się z krążenia żylnego do tętniczego materiału zatorowego wywołującego udary niedokrwienne mózgu. Materiał ten mogą stanowić np. pęcherzyki gazu występujące w chorobie dekompresyjnej. Złotym standardem w wykrywaniu PFO jest przezprzełykowa echokardiografia z dożylnym podaniem kontrastu (TEE), której czułość i specyficzność w diagnostyce PFO sięga 94%-100%. TEE jest jednak badaniem inwazyjnym, które niesie ze sobą potencjalnie niebezpieczne działania niepożądane. Alternatywą dla TEE jest przezczaszkowa sonografia dopplerowska z kontrastem (c-TCD). Jako metoda znacznie mniej inwazyjna niż TEE, tania, bezpieczna oraz cechująca się bardzo wysoką czułością i specyficznością (odpowiednio 97% i 93%), może w znaczący sposób poprawić wykrywanie przypadków PFO z przeciekiem żylno – tętniczym oraz umożliwić przesiewowe badania nurków i kandydatów na nurków.
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a condition present in 25% of the adult population. It is a remnant of fetal foramen ovale which allows blood to pass from the right to the left atrium, bypassing the fetal lungs. In majority adults it does not have any clinical significance, but in some people it may allow shunting of venous blood into the left atrium (right – left – shunt or RLS), circumventing the lung filter, especially during sneezing, cough, lifting heavy equipment. Is such case, PFO may be a route for venous emboli or gas bubbles from veins to the arterial system. It is known as a paradoxical embolism and may be cause of ischaemic stroke or neurologic decompression sickness (DCI), inner-ear DCI and cutis marmorata. Transesophageal echocardiography is considered as a reference standard in detection of intracardial shunts. Its sensitivity and specificity ranges between 94%-100%. However, TEE is an invasive examination with potentially serious side effects. An alternative examination in RLS detection is contrast enhanced Transcranial Doppler (the bubble study or c-TCD). In comparison to TEE, Transcranial Doppler is not invasive, relatively not expensive and save technique. With its high sensitivity and specificity in detection of PFO, 97% and 93% respectively, it may improve detection of RLS and allow to conduct screening examination for PFO in divers.
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