The museum as a place of learning and special informal surroundings nowadays is changing its role and functionality. Among up and coming semi-museums like Science Centres, Museums of Science etc., it has to create a new model of educational offer. Children living in a cybernetic culture are accustomed to new hi-tech, digital devices. Accordingly, the museum tries to propose ‘hands-on’ exhibitions. Each place understands this kind of interactivity differently, and not everyone practises what is declared indeed. Moreover, a comparison between a typical museum ‘Ośrodek Kultury Morskiej Centralnego Muzeum Morskiego’ and new kind of semi-museum ‘Hewelianum’ in Gdansk, proves that learning can still be oriented in one direction, just to transmit some data, not to create personal understanding even using modern techniques and equipment. There are very important questions which need to be answered – what is the difference between museum and semi-museum, or whether we need exhibitions with digital devices just to create interactive environment? Being in the museum should be recognized as a chance of artistic learning, enriched with regional cultural heritage and aesthetics. Unfortunately, even in the museums it can be found out that education depends on economics, which influence the quality and shape of children’s learning, and is similar to the typical school learning.
Jaka powinna być edukacja architektoniczna doby rewolucji informatycznej – ery powszechnego dostępu do wiedzy? Jedną z możliwych odpowiedzi może być sformułowana przez amerykańskiego badacza metod nauczania Davida A. Kolba teoria nauki przez doświadczenie. Wg Kolba zdobywanie wiedzy przebiega w cyklu czterech faz następujących po sobie: doświadczenia, refleksji, generalizacji oraz zastosowania. Jest to proces powtarzalny, bazujący na przybliżaniu się do rozwiązania poprzez kolejne eksperymenty – nauka odbywa się metodą prób i błędów. Niniejsza praca przedstawia przykład dydaktyki opartej na teorii nauki przez doświadczenie.
What is the formula for efficient architectural education at the time of IT revolution, when all kinds of information are just one click away? One of the possible answers is experiential learning – a method proposed by American educational theorist David A. Kolb. Kolb believes that learning is a process consisting of four phases: experience, reflection, conceptualization and application. The process is repetitive and involves reaching a solution through constant experimentation – learning by trial and error. This paper is a case study of teaching using the method of experiential learning.