This paper deals with the concept of the genesis of the modern age as introduced by Hans Blumenberg in his book The Legitimacy of the Modern Age (1966) which he elaborated on and complemented in his later writings. The paper is divided into five sections. The first very briefly presents the general features of Blumenberg’s philosophy, especially his notion of “relief from the absolute”. The second section introduces Blumenberg’s concept of gnosis and of the Christian responses to gnosis. Blumenberg was convinced that the modern times emerged as the second overcoming of gnosis which was more successful than its first overcoming by Christianity. The third section introduces Blumenberg’s idea of the recurrence of the hidden gnostic God in late medieval nominalism. The fourth section presents ways in which the modern age, according to Blumenberg, emerged as the successful overcoming of gnosis – especially with the help of the amazing development of science and technology in the early-modern period. The fifth section contains some critical reservations about Blumenberg’s theory. Nevertheless it also appreciates the relevance of Blumenberg’s philosophy for today’s discussion about both the nature and the history of early modern philosophy.
Článek pojednává o koncepci geneze novověku, kterou Hans Blumenberg představil ve svém díle Legitimita novověku (1966) a kterou dál rozpracovával a doplňoval v dalších dílech. Článek je rozdělen do pěti oddílů. První velice stručně představuje obecné rysy Blumenbergovy filosofie, zejména jeho pojem ulehčení od absolutna. Druhý oddíl představuje Blumenbergovo pojetí gnoze a křesťanskou reakce na gnozi. Blumenberg je totiž přesvědčen, že novověk vznikl jako druhé překonání gnoze, které bylo úspěšnější než první překonání provedené křesťanstvím. Třetí oddíl vysvětluje Blumenbergovu myšlenku návratu gnostického skrytého Boha v pozdně středověkém nominalismu. Čtvrtý oddíl ukazuje způsoby, jimiž se podle Blumenberga ustanovil novověk jako druhé a úspěšné překonání gnoze – především za pomoci masivního rozvoje vědy a techniky. Pátý oddíl obsahuje kritické výhrady vůči Blumenbergově koncepci a rovněž ocenění aktuálnosti jeho filosofie pro dnešní diskuse o povaze raně novověké filosofie.
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The SECURE project was founded under the 7th Framework Programme to provide research results of current mathema-tics, science and technology (MST) curricula for pupils aged 5, 8, 11 and 13 in ten EU member states, including Poland. The curricula have been examined throughout three different representations, as they are intended by the authorities (in legal documents), implemented by the teachers and perceived by the learners. The research framework at all three levels has been constructed upon the curriculum spider web (van den Akker, 2003) with addition of item “attitude”. The study involved altogether almost 9000 pupils, 1500 teachers and 600 schools in consortium member states. In this contribution a part of research concerning the average results on (1)learners’ attitude towards MST school subjects, (2) influence of topics, activities and teachers on liking the MST subjects by pupils, (3) learners’ self-esteem in MST subjects and (4) their opinion on the easiness of MST subjects are presented. In particular, we focus on Polish results (regions of Krakow City and Krakow County) and compare them with the European average. The study shows a substantial drop in all the variables measured, mostly evident between ages 8 and 11. In general the trends across ages and subjects in Poland are similar to those in Europe with a few exceptions indicated in the paper.
The pharmaceutical industry is a rapidly developing branch of the national economy. Polish pharmaceutical market, bringing the yearly profits of billions of zlotys, has a substantial impact on the economic development of the country. The main objective of this article is to determine the share of industry in GDP, the role of the pharmaceutical industry in country development, in science and technology progress, in trade balance, etc. Attempt was made to estimate the potential for investments in Poland and prospects of further branch development.
Przemysł farmaceutyczny jest prężnie rozwijającą się gałęzią gospodarki narodowej. Polski rynek farmaceutyczny, przynosząc corocznie zyski rzędu miliardów złotych, ma niebagatelny wpływ na rozwój gospodarczy kraju. Artykuł jest próbą określenia udziału sektora w PKB oraz roli, jaką odgrywa przemysł farmaceutyczny w rozwoju gospodarki, w kształtowaniu się salda handlu zagranicznego i w postępie naukowo technicznym. Oszacowano potencjał dla inwestycji w Polsce, określono perspektywy rozwoju, a także rolę polskiego rynku farmaceutycznego w skali kontynentu i świata.
Research background: For many years, the authors have been dealing with the issues of student inventiveness and the related innovation and creativity. The presented work refers to the sources, understood as shaping the pro-engineering attitudes of young people, which in effect translates into the creation of new, often innovative solutions in the field of technology. Purpose: The aim of the research is to identify activities related to knowledge in the field of science and technology during the period of attendance at secondary school. These activities include knowledge and skills acquired at school and other relationships between young people and science and technology resulting from passions and passions. An additional goal is to indicate proposals for development in this area, mainly concerning the teaching process. Methodology: The source of data for the conducted analyses are the results of surveys conducted in 2021. The analysis of the acquired data was carried out using the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method. The AHP method, by incorporating expert opinions, allows you to achieve an additional goal. This is an original approach to the analysis and interpretation of survey results. It will not replace classical statistical analyses of varying complexity, but it can be a kind of complement. Findings: The implementation of the research indicated a significant interest of young people in the issues of science and technology, and the obtained data allowed to take a comprehensive look at the education of young people in this area and present suggestions for the modification of teaching forms. This may contribute to reducing the shortage of engineering staff and researchers creating new innovative solutions in many countries. This will be an important factor in economic development based on innovative technologies.
As an island nation, the topic of training and sending out seafarers is a present challenge in Japan. Awareness activities for elementary, junior high, and senior high school students are essential for securing future mariner job candidates. In this study, we conducted maritime and marine educational methods using various procedures to raise awareness about previous maritime industries. We also brought in maritime specialists for junior high school students who will be continuing to maritime educational institutions, and conducted a comparative study of the results. In this study, we compared three types of educational content: lectures on leadership techniques, observational field trips, and hands-on lessons. The results showed that students had the highest interest in the hands-on lessons, followed by observational field trips, then finally the lectures. These results demonstrated that when creating class content for maritime and marine education, this should be adapted to the identity of the young people who are to receive that education.
The propriety review and choice and concentration of R&D investment and government R&D investment effectiveness verification are essential for science and technology global competitiveness enhancement. This study focused on the government R&D investment in research equipment and attempted to analyze its expected effects through cost-benefit analysis using the actual research equipment utilization record. Cost-benefit analysis is classified into cost reduction effect analysis and basic research effect analysis. In this study, the expected effects (i.e., cost reduction and basic research effects) were analyzed for the research equipment utilization record analysis, using the new research method. Based on the research results, the new research method is proposed to be used for the government R&D investment expected effect analysis as it is expected to contribute to the said research. The research result and the new research method for the government R&D investment also have academic value and originality.
Ocena przydatności oraz wybór i koncentracja inwestycji w badania i rozwój oraz weryfikacja efektywności inwestycji rządowych w badania i rozwój mają zasadnicze znaczenie dla globalnego wzrostu konkurencyjności nauki i technologii. Badanie to koncentrowane jest na rządowych inwestycjach w badania i rozwój w zakresie sprzętu badawczego. Podjęto próbę przeanalizowania spodziewanych efektów poprzez analizę kosztów i korzyści, wykorzystując rzeczywisty zapis dotyczący użytkowania sprzętu badawczego. Analiza kosztów i korzyści została zaklasyfikowana do analizy efektu redukcji kosztów i analizy podstawowego efektu badawczego. W niniejszym badaniu spodziewane efekty (tj. redukcja kosztów i podstawowe efekty badawcze) zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem analizy zapisu wykorzystania sprzętu badawczego przy użyciu nowej metody badawczej. W oparciu o wyniki badań, do oczekiwanej analizy skutków inwestycji rządowych na badania i rozwój, zaproponowano zastosowanie nowej metody badawczej, ponieważ oczekuje się, że przyczyni się ona do wspomnianych badań. Wyniki badań oraz nowa metoda badawcza rządowych inwestycji w badania i rozwój mają również wartość akademicką i są oryginalne.
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