During the 16th–18th centuries major changes took place in western European education, both within the organization as well as the methods and curricula, which are often referred to as an educational revolution. Humanism and the Reformation had a significant impact on the changes, and in the 17th century – the rapid development of science and technology. Polish contribution to the ongoing transformation of education was relatively small, but the solutions developed in the West were used. The main assumptions of Renaissance pedagogy were known in Poland already in the 15th century, and in the next century Reformation brought a new organizational model of schools and new educational solutions and curricula. These changes were also consolidated by the teaching orders, which over time monopolised teaching of the middle-level. These changes were introduced to the Polish education by foreign teachers and reformers who came to Poland in large numbers. New concepts were not just passively accepted, as there were a number of improvements, adjusting these concepts to the Polish conditions.
During the 16th–18th centuries major changes took place in western European education, both within the organization as well as the methods and curricula, which are often referred to as an educational revolution. Humanism and the Reformation had a significant impact on the changes, and in the 17th century – the rapid development of science and technology. Polish contribution to the ongoing transformation of education was relatively small, but the solutions developed in the West were used. The main assumptions of Renaissance pedagogy were known in Poland already in the 15th century, and in the next century Reformation brought a new organizational model of schools and new educational solutions and curricula. These changes were also consolidated by the teaching orders, which over time monopolised teaching of the middle-level. These changes were introduced to the Polish education by foreign teachers and reformers who came to Poland in large numbers. New concepts were not just passively accepted, as there were a number of improvements, adjusting these concepts to the Polish conditions.
Logistyka coraz częściej znajduje swoje zastosowanie w procesach świadczenia usług publicznych. Jedną z takich usług jest edukacja. W związku z brakiem badań teoriopoznawczych i praktycznych w zakresie związków logistyki i funkcjonowaniem organizacji szkolnej zasadnym wydaje się postawienie pytania o użyteczność logistyki na potrzeby organizacji szkolnej. Celem artykułu w związku z tym jest teoretyczna eksploracja tak postawionego problemu badawczego. Na kanwie pewnych założeń dotyczących specyfiki funkcjonowania organizacji szkolnej podjęta została próba odpowiedzi na pytanie o możliwość wykorzystania dorobku logistyki w funkcjonowaniu organizacji szkolnej.
Logistics is more and more often used in public service delivery processes. One of such services is education. Due to the lack of epistemological and practical research in the field of logistics relations and the functioning of the school organization, it seems legitimate to ask the question about the usefulness of logistics for the needs of the school organization. The aim of the article is therefore the theoretical exploration of such a set research problem. Based on certain assumptions about the specifics of the functioning of the school organization, an attempt was made to answer the question about the possibility of using the achievements of logistics in the functioning of the school organization.
Considering the students’ diversity with regards to abilities, skills, access school conditions, health conditions, ethnic background and even immigrant students who are not fluent in the Spanish language, most Primary and Secondary Schools are assuming an inclusive education. In the European Higher Education Area, and more specifically, in the Teacher Training degree, School Placements constitute the basic starting point and, in fact, they are a challenge for pre-service teachers. Undoubtedly, these students do not only carry out School Practice in normalized Primary Schools, rather they need to know the school’s real functioning, its internal management and organization, the human, material and technical resources to face up students’ diversity and offer them the necessary educative attention. Roughly speaking, the I School Practices are aimed at getting engaged in the knowledge of official and institutional documentation. For this reason, this case study analyses how the I School Placements are carried out in a Spanish inclusive Primary School, located in Zaragoza which belongs to the region of Aragón. The research developed focuses on the analysis of the School Education Project, as far as we believe it is devoted to reflect how school works on (general and specific syllabus designs, guidelines, teaching-learning processes, didactic objectives, methodological approaches, classroom organization, assessment types and techniques and so on). In this sense, the results illustrate how the theoretical and the practical principles implicitly and explicitly undertaken in this school improve the development of an authentic inclusive education.
Mając na uwadze różnorodność studentów, ich indywidualne spojrzenie, predyspozycje, umiejętności, dostęp do edukacji i ochrony zdrowia, pochodzenie etniczne, a także środowisko imigranckie, które niejednokrotnie słabo włada językiem hiszpańskim, większość szkół podstawowych i średnich dopuszcza nauczanie inkluzyjne. W europejskim środowisku akademickim, a dokładniej w obszarze kształcenia nauczycieli, ten typ nauczania jest wyzwaniem dla przyszłych nauczycieli. Bez wątpienia studenci przygotowujący się do zawodu nauczyciela podczas pierwszych praktyk potrzebują wiedzy o funkcjonowaniu szkoły, wewnętrznym zarządzaniu i organizacji, zasobach ludzkich i źródłach technik nauczania, aby zaoferować uczniom niezbędne indywidualne podejście. Pierwsze praktyki szkolne przyszłych nauczycieli opierają się na ich zaangażowaniu w poznawanie dokumentacji instytucji. Niniejsza praca analizuje przebieg praktyk studenckich przyszłych nauczycieli w hiszpańskiej szkole podstawowej w Saragossie (region Aragón). Badanie skupia się na analizie „Projektu edukacji szkolnej”, który ukazuje funkcjonowanie szkoły (opisy sylabusów, przewodniki, opis procesów nauczania, przedmioty dydaktyczne, podejście metodologiczne, organizacja pracy w klasie szkolnej, techniki nauczania i wiele innych). Wyniki badań pokazują, jak teoretyczne i praktyczne reguły wpływają na polepszenie rozwoju edukacji inkluzyjnej.
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