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Content available remote Obraz brzemienia rodziny z osobą chorą na schizofrenię
Naukowe zainteresowanie rodziną chorych na schizofrenię ma swoistą historię. W latach czterdziestych w systemie rodzinnym upatrywano główną przyczynę tej choroby. Obwinianie rodziny za spowodowanie choroby przerodziło się następnie w oskarżanie o powodowanie jej nawrotów. Akcentowane obecnie teorie genetyczne także nie rozwiązują problemu, gdyż rodzice czują się winni z powodu swoich genów. Z czasem zaczęto dostrzegać, że rodzina dźwiga materialne, emocjonalne i społeczne konsekwencje choroby, a ciężar opieki nad chorym nazwano „brzemieniem rodziny". W tym kontekście doszło do rozwoju tendencji przeciwstawnych, nastawionych na niesienie pomocy i wsparcia rodzinom z chorym na schizofrenię. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie, jak trudnym i złożonym problemem jest życie z człowiekiem chorym psychicznie w rodzinie. Artykuł składa się z dwóch części; w pierwszej nakreślono ogólnie funkcjonowanie rodziny w sytuacji zachorowania jednego z jej członków, w drugiej natomiast przybliżono rozumienie brzemienia i czynników z nim związanych.
Scientific interest in the families of schizophrenic people has had a history of its own. In 1940's, the family was considered to be the main factor responsible for the illness. Blaming the family was later replaced by accusing it of causing relapses. Genetic theories which are being propagated currently do not seem to solve the problem either, as the parents may feel guilty for their genetic load. With the course of time, it has become clear that the family bears the material, emotional and social consequences of the disease, and the responsibility of providing care for the ill has been termed "family burden". This stance gave birth to various tendencies aimed at helping and supporting the families of people with schizophrenia. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the difficulty and complexity of families providing care for a family member with schizophrenia. The article consists of 2 parts: the first one outlines the general family functioning in families providing care for a family member with schizophrenia and the second one aims at characterizing the burden and related factors.
Content available Jakość życia pacjentów ze schizofrenią
Introduction. Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by a varied picture and clinical course, characterized primarily by disturbances in thinking and perception, as well as maladjusted and shallow affect. The etiopathogenesis is not fully known, one of the accepted theories is the involvement of biopsychosocial factors, including stress. The age of onset usually falls in early adulthood - for women it is 25–34 years of age, and for men 15–24 years of age. The aim. The aim of the research was to assess the quality of life in the context of the life domains of patients with schizophrenia. Materials and methods. The study included a group of 100 patients treated at Szpital Lipno Sp. z o.o. who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. The age of the respondents ranged from 18–75 years. The research tool was the SQLS-R4 questionnaire (Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale Revision 4) extended with an original certificate. Results. The respondents, making a subjective assessment of the quality of life, described it as satisfactory. The quality of life in the vital sphere was higher than in the psychosocial domain and in general satisfaction Conclusions. Schizophrenia is a disease that significantly contributes to the reduction of the quality of life, mainly in the psychosocial domain.
Wstęp. Schizofrenia jest chorobą psychiczną, którą charakteryzuje zróżnicowany obraz i przebieg kliniczny, charakteryzuje się przede wszystkim zakłóceniami myślenia i postrzegania, a także niedostosowanym i spłyconym afektem. Etiopatogeneza nie jest do końca znana, jedną z uznawanych teorii jest udział czynników biopsychospołecznych, w tym stresu. Wiek zachorowania przypada zazwyczaj na okres wczesnej dorosłości – u kobiet jest to 25–34 rok życia, a u mężczyzn 15 –24 rok życia. Cel. Celem badań była ocena jakości życia w kontekście domen życia pacjentów ze schizofrenią. Materiały i metody. Badaniem objęto grupę 100 pacjentów leczonych w Szpital Lipno Sp. z o.o. , u których zdiagnozowano schizofrenię. Wiek badanych mieścił się w zakresie  18–75 lat. Narzędziem badawczym był kwestionariusz SQLS-R4 (Schizophrenia Quality of Life Scale Revision 4) poszerzony o autorską metryczkę. Wyniki. Respondenci dokonując subiektywnej oceny  jakości życia określili jako stan zadawalający. Jakość życia w sferze witalnej była na wyższym poziomie niż w domenie psychospołecznej oraz ogólnym zadowoleniu. Wnioski. Schizofrenia to schorzenia, które w istotny sposób przyczynia się do obniżenia poziomu jakości życia głównie w domenie psychospołecznej.
Studies indicate that physical activity has a positive effect both physiologically and socially for psychologically ill and vulnerable people, and that this effect is the same or greater for psychologically well-functioning people. In spite of this, treatment sites often hesitate to include sports and physical activity as part of the treatment offered. This article argues that there is a strong correlation between the body and mind, but from a different point of view than that adopted by the prevalent scientific research in the field. Specifically, I elucidate how the mind-body relationship and self-consciousness are influenced by physical activity for people with schizophrenia, and argue that symptoms are relieved as a result of physical activity. Consciousness has a bodily component that, for people with schizophrenia, is less well-integrated in the consciousness than for psychologically well-functioning people, and sports and physical activity can help facilitate this integration. My argument is based partly on phenomenological concepts and partly on an empirical research project concerning physical activity for people with schizophrenia. The conclusion is that their level of functioning and self-assessed quality of life increased markedly through physical activity. The purpose of the present article is thus partly to qualify the treatment chosen for people with schizophrenia, and partly to qualify the theoretical discussion concerning the role played by the body and physical activity in connection with consciousness and relief.
Content available Zaburzenia dyskursu w schizofrenii
The main aim of the article is to show a spectrum of problems experienced by people with schizophrenia, which emerges as communication disorders. In the area of problems, etiology of the disease and its impact on the discourse are taken into account. The occurrence of disturbed areas of communication outlines a language model which may appear among people with schizophrenia.
Content available remote Kognitívny deficit u pacientov so schizofréniou
The aim of the review article is to provide recent empirical evidence about cognitive deficit in patients with schizophrenia. Authors characterized cognitive deficit, analysed neurobiological basis and assessment of deficit severity, relationships to course of illness and symptoms of disorder. Approach of clinical neuropsychology is compared to current approach based on the cognitive neuroscience. Last part of the article is devoted to the topic of rehabilitation and treatment of cognitive deficit through the psychopharmacological intervention and cognitive remediation.
Autori sa v prehľadovej práci zameriavajú na priblíženie aktuálnych poznatkov v oblasti kognitívneho deficitu, ktorý je prítomný u pacientov so schizofréniou. Uvádzajú charakteristiku kognitívneho deficitu, jeho neurobiologický základ a taktiež zhodnotenie jeho závažnosti, vzťah k priebehu a symptómom poruchy. Opisujú prístup klinickej neuropsychológie a novších postupov v rámci kognitívnych neurovied k jeho skúmaniu. V závere sa venujú aktuálnym možnostiam ako ovplyvniť kognitívny deficit, či už prostredníctvom psychofarmakologických postupov, alebo prostredníctvom kognitívnej remediácie.
The aim of this paper is to compare susceptibility to the Stroop effect in men with schizophrenia and in men with frontal lobe lesions. A sample of 90 men participated in the study. They were divided into three groups: men with schizophrenia (n = 30), men with localized frontal lobe lesions (n = 30) and healthy men (n = 30) as a control group. Significant differences measures found between controls and men with schizophrenia in all of the analyzed variable (Control task execution time p 0,001; Interference task execution time: p 0,001; Difference between two times p 0,05). Men with frontal lobe lesions differed significantly from healthy controls in the terms of speed of the task execution (Control task execution time p 0,01; Interference task execution time: p 0,01), but were no more prone to the Stroop effect than healthy controls. No significant differences were found between schizophrenia and frontal lobe lesion groups.
The aim of the study was to assess working memory and executive functions in first-degree relatives of schizophrenic patients (healthy parents). There were 25 healthy parents of schizophrenic patients, 8 males and 17 females, mean age 53 years, participating in the study. The control group consisted of 25 healthy individuals, matched by age and gender to the parents of schizophrenic patients. In this group, there were 10 males and 15 females, mean age 54 years. The neuropsychological assessment included Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, N-back Test and Stroop Test. The results indicated that there were statistically significant disturbances of working memory and executive functions in the group of healthy first- degree relatives of schizophrenic patients, compared to the group of individuals unrelated to schizophrenic patients. These differences were greater in the case of parents of schizophrenics with lower level of education, compared with the healthy subjects without family history of schizophrenia.
Purpose: The study is an attempt at describing the psychological characteristics of caregivers of relatives with schizophrenia which contribute to deepening or reducing the negative consequences of care. The study examines the relationship between the burden of care and maladaptive cognitive schemas and strategies of coping with stress used by the caregivers. Exploring this problem area may be important for the planning and implementation of support programs for people caring for relatives with mental illness. Material and methods: Thirty caregivers of relatives with schizophrenia completed a questionnaire set comprising the Zarit Burden Interview, the Mini-COPE, the Young Schema Questionnaire – Short Form 3 (YSQ-S3-PL) and a sociodemographic sheet. Results: Significant relationships were found between burden of care and sociodemographic indicators, maladaptive schemas and adaptive/non-adaptive coping strategies. Especially, caregivers of family members with schizophrenia which is associated with depression and/or alcohol dependence are more likely to report the burden of caring for individuals with schizophrenia than those with somatic comorbidities. Higher burden of care characterises caregivers who have a higher level of eight out of 18 maladaptive schemas and less frequently use active coping with stress. Correlations between maladaptive schemas and coping strategies have also been obtained. Conclusions: In  working with carers of relatives with schizophrenia, special attention should be paid to the coexistence of other disorders like depression or alcohol abuse. Moreover, the work should be focused on maladaptive schemas in caregivers, which can block their use of adaptive strategies of coping with stress.
Cel: W badaniu analizowano związek między odczuwanym przez opiekunów osób chorych na schizofrenię ciężarem opieki a posiadanymi przez nich nieadaptacyjnymi schematami poznawczymi w ujęciu Younga i współpracowników oraz strategiami radzenia sobie ze stresem. Poznanie tego obszaru problemowego może być ważne dla planowania i wdrażania programów wsparcia dla osób opiekujących się krewnymi chorującymi psychicznie. Materiał i metody: Trzydziestu opiekunów krewnych chorych na schizofrenię wypełniło ankietę socjodemograficzną oraz Zarit Burden Interview Version 1.0 (ZBI), Kwestionariusz Schematów Younga (YSQ-S3-PL) i kwestionariusz Mini-COPE. Wyniki: Stwierdzono istotne zależności między odczuwanym ciężarem opieki a wskaźnikami socjodemograficznymi, schematami nieadaptacyjnymi oraz adaptacyjnymi i nieadaptacyjnymi strategiami radzenia sobie ze stresem. W przypadku chorych na schizofrenię, u których współwystępowała jednocześnie depresja i/lub uzależnienie od alkoholu, opiekunowie odczuwali znacząco większy ciężar opieki niż w przypadku chorych, u których występowały obok choroby psychicznej choroby somatyczne. Większy ciężar opieki charakteryzuje opiekunów, którzy mają wyższy poziom ośmiu z osiemnastu schematów w ujęciu Younga i rzadziej korzystają z aktywnego radzenia sobie ze stresem. Odnotowano również korelacje między nieprzystosowawczymi schematami i strategiami radzenia sobie. Wnioski: Pracując z opiekunami krewnych chorych na schizofrenię, należy zwrócić szczególną uwagę na współistnienie u ich podopiecznych zaburzeń, takich jak depresja czy nadużywanie alkoholu. Ponadto pomoc powinna koncentrować się na próbach zmiany nieadaptacyjnych schematów u opiekunów, które mogą blokować stosowanie przez nich przystosowawczych strategii radzenia sobie.
Content available Doświadczenie muzyczne w regulacji nastroju
The theoretical concept of the use of music in daily life and its connection to mood regulation in terms of musical experience, describe people in terms of their individual differences. Considered in this context, the issues relate to the relationship between musical experience (according to the concept of P.D. Werner, 2006) and the use of mood regulation strategies (according to the idea R. Larsen, 2000) or the use of control strategies involving mood music (according to the concept of S. Saarikallio and J. Erkkilä, 2007). Citing the results of their study, lead author introduces the reader to the world of elementary operations empirical and wants to stimulate reflection on the issue of infiltration of human experience in the field of psychology to the complex world of music.
Aim: Research into quality of life has become very important recently, since quality of life is increasingly used to characterise diseases and estimate the efficiency of therapeutics. The aim of this study was to determine significant factors that are associated with the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia accommodated in social welfare institutions. Material and methods: The study was conducted at the Institution for the Accommodation of Adults “Male Pcelice,” Kragujevac, Serbia. It was designed as a cross-sectional study. The quality of life was measured by using five distinct scales. The data on factors that might be associated with the quality of life were obtained from case records and the patients’ questionnaires. The association of every single factor was evaluated by using comparative analysis and the method of multiple linear regression. Results: Multiple linear regression shows that EuroQoL Five-dimensions – Five-Level scale score was associated with gender (B = −0.059 ± 0.021; p = 0.006) and daily dose (B = −0.051 ± 0.015; p = 0.001); Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire score was associated with the patient’s level of education (B = 2.873 ± 1.054; р = 0.007); the number of prescribed antipsychotics was associated with the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale score (B = 3.150 ± 1.111; р = 0.007); the physical domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF was associated with the year of disease onset (B = −0.142 ± 0.055; р = 0.011) and the daily dose (B = −2.335 ± 0.787; р = 0.004); the psychological domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF was associated with gender (B = −2.686 ± 1.216; р = 0.029); the social relationship domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF was associated with the level of education (B = 3.109 ± 1.289; р = 0.017) and the number of prescribed antipsychotics (B = −3.297 ± 1.516; р = 0.031); the environment domain of the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF was associated with the number of prescribed antipsychotics (B = −1.420 ± 0.653; р = 0,031). Conclusion: The quality of life of patients with schizophrenia was higher in males with a university degree, when the duration of the disease was shorter, negative symptoms were less pronounced, and with fewer side effects. Efforts to improve the quality of life in patients with schizophrenia accommodated in social welfare institutions should be made that could contribute to the prevention of adverse outcomes.
Cel pracy: Badania nad jakością życia nabrały ostatnio szczególnej wagi – coraz częściej kategoria ta jest stosowana do opisu chorób oraz oceny skuteczności leczenia. Celem badania była określenie istotnych czynników związanych z jakością życia pacjentów chorych na schizofrenię przebywających w placówkach psychiatrycznych stałego pobytu. Materiał i metoda: Badanie o charakterze przekrojowym zostało przeprowadzone wśród pacjentów Centrum Pobytu dla Osób Dorosłych „Male Pcelice” w miejscowości Kragujevac w Serbii. Jakość życia chorych na schizofrenię zmierzono za pomocą pięciu skal. Dane dotyczące czynników, które mogły mieć wpływ na jakość życia badanych, zostały pozyskane z dokumentacji medycznej pacjentów oraz z wypełnianych przez nich ankiet. W ocenie zależności pomiędzy jakością życia pacjentów a poszczególnymi czynnikami wykorzystano analizę porównawczą oraz metodę regresji wielorakiej. Wyniki: Metodą regresji wielorakiej wykazano, iż wynik skali EuroQoL Five-dimensions – Five-Level korelował z płcią pacjentów (B = −0,059 ± 0,021; p = 0,006) oraz dzienną dawką przyjmowanych leków (B = −0,051 ± 0,015; p = 0,001), wynik Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire – z poziomem wykształcenia (B = 2,873 ± 1,054; р = 0,007), liczba przyjmowanych leków przeciwpsychotycznych – z wynikiem skali Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (B = 3,150 ± 1,111; р = 0,007), domena fizyczna skali World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF – z czasem trwania choroby (rokiem wystąpienia choroby) (B = −0,142 ± 0,055; р = 0,011) oraz dzienną dawką przyjmowanych leków (B = −2,335 ± 0,787; р = 0,004), domena psychologiczna skali World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF – z płcią (B = −2,686 ± 1,216; р = 0,029), domena społeczna skali World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF – z poziomem wykształcenia (B = 3,109 ± 1,289; р = 0,017) oraz liczbą przyjmowanych leków przeciwpsychotycznych (B = −3,297 ± 1,516; р = 0,031), zaś domena środowiskowa skali World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF – z liczbą przyjmowanych leków przeciwpsychotycznych (B = −1,420 ± 0,653; р = 0,031). Wnioski: Jakość życia chorych na schizofrenię objętych badaniem była wyższa u pacjentów płci męskiej z wyższym wykształceniem, o krótszym przebiegu choroby, z mniej dotkliwymi objawami oraz mniejszą liczbą skutków ubocznych. Poprawa jakości życia osób chorujących na schizofrenię przebywających w placówkach psychiatrycznych stałego pobytu pozwoli zapobiec niepomyślnym wynikom leczenia psychiatrycznego.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder and has a huge economic burden related to direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include such expenditure as hospitalization. Indirect costs, however, result mostly from the loss of productivity. Although patients are frequently interested in job opportunities, unemployment is widespread among them. Thus, we evaluated opinions of medical universities students’ concerning situation on the labor market among those in the remission stage of schizophrenia. The study was carried out between October 2015 and October 2016 in Poland and other European Union countries using a self designed questionnaire. The study tool consisting of five questions was distributed to students by direct contact and via the Internet. Of a 5200 distributed sheets, we received 1036 questionnaires and 942 were finally analyzed. In the students’ opinion, patients are generally interested in finding a job but they are afraid coming back to work. Although unemployment is common among patients with schizophrenia, the number of patients capable of working is significantly higher than the number of those actually employed. According to results of the study, getting a job might be effectively supported by non-pharmacological interventions. Considering the noticeably higher number of patients capable of working compared to those employed, development of employment possibilities should be a priority for mental health care decision makers. It should lead to reduction of the patients’ concerns related to looking for a job. Moreover, comprehensive treatment could reduce the economic burden of schizophrenia.
Violent and aggressive behaviour is a serious problem among hospitalised psychiatric patients. The aim of this study was to assess factors that may help predict violent behaviour in psychiatric inpatients. Method: The study group consisted of 107 patients hospitalised in the Department of Adult Psychiatry, Poznan University of Medical Sciences in Poznań, with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (n = 58), schizophrenia (n = 39) and anxiety disorders (n = 10). Sociodemographic and clinical data were obtained through a review of medical records and patient interviews using a self-prepared questionnaire. Results: Of 107 respondents, aggressive behaviour occurred in 46 patients (42.99%). A low risk of aggressive behaviour was observed in 68 patients (63.6%), medium risk – in 37 patients (34.6%), and high risk – in 2 subjects (1.9%). The study demonstrated a significant association between aggressive behaviour and short duration of the illness (p = 0.002), the criminal history of the patient (p = 0.003), the use of sedatives (p = 0.04), unemployment (p = 0.00034) and male gender in patients with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder (p = 0.03). There were no statistically significant differences between the incidence of violence and the main diagnosis (p = 0.56). The study showed no association with alcohol (p = 0.5) and psychoactive substance abuse (p = 0.07), age (p = 0.8), addiction in family (p = 0.1), history of suicide attempt (p = 0.08) and the lack of insight into the illness (p = 0.8). Conclusions: Based on these results, it appears that the most important factors in the occurrence of aggressive behaviour were criminal history, prior violent behaviour and short duration of the illness. The use of sedative drugs and male gender were also significant risk factors.
Zachowania gwałtowne i agresywne są poważnym problemem wśród pacjentów hospitalizowanych psychiatrycznie. Celem pracy była ocena czynników, które mogłyby być predyktorami występowania zachowań agresywnych. Metoda: Grupę badaną stanowiło 107 pacjentów hospitalizowanych w Klinice Psychiatrii Dorosłych Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu z rozpoznaniem choroby afektywnej dwubiegunowej (n = 58), schizofrenii (n = 39) i zaburzeń lękowych (n = 10). Dane  socjodemograficzne i kliniczne uzyskano poprzez przegląd dokumentacji medycznej pacjenta oraz wywiad z wykorzystaniem kwestionariusza własnego. Wyniki: Spośród 107 badanych zachowania agresywne występowały u 46 osób (42,99%). Niskie ryzyko zachowań agresywnych stwierdzono u 68 chorych (63,6%), średnie – u 37 (34,6%), a wysokie – u 2 (1,9%). Badanie wykazało znaczący związek między ryzykiem wystąpienia zachowań agresywnych a krótkim czasem trwania choroby (p = 0,002), karalnością pacjenta (p = 0,003), stosowaniem leków uspokajających (p = 0,04), brakiem zatrudnienia (p = 0,00034) i płcią męską w grupie osób z rozpoznaniem choroby afektywnej dwubiegunowej (p = 0,03). Nie zaobserwowano istotnych statystycznie korelacji między występowaniem agresji a typem choroby (p = 0,56). Nie wykazano również związku badanej zmiennej z uzależnieniem od alkoholu (p = 0,5) i narkotyków (p = 0,07), wiekiem (p = 0,8), uzależnieniem w rodzinie chorego (p = 0,1), liczbą prób samobójczych (p = 0,08) i brakiem wglądu w chorobę (p = 0,8). Wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że najważniejszymi czynnikami ryzyka zachowań agresywnych są karalność pacjenta, występowanie w przeszłości zachowań agresywnych i krótki czas trwania choroby. Istotnymi czynnikami okazały  się także stosowanie leków uspokajających oraz płeć męska.
Delusional misidentification syndrome (DMS) is an umbrella term for syndromes of intermetamorphosis, Fregoli, and Capgras. DMS) is thought to be related to dissociation between recognition and identification processes. DMS was described for the first time in 1932 as a variant of the Capgras syndrome and is currently on the DSM-V list of diseases as an independent disease entity. Patients affected by DMS believed that people around them, most often family, have changed physically (appearance) and mentally (character). Other symptoms include confabulation, derealization or depersonalization. In patients, aggressive behavior is often observed, aimed at alleged doppelgangers resulting from the sense of being cheated and manipulated. With the intermetamorphosis syndrome, for example, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder or other misidentification syndromes (Fregoli's, Capgras) may coexist. There is also a reverse intermetamorphosis, where the object of the changed appearance or character becomes the patient himself. One of its forms may be lycanthropy. The etiology of the intermetamorphosis has not been fully understood, one of the reasons may be brain damage and changes in the parietal and/or temporal lobes of the right hemisphere. It may then damage long neuronal connections to the frontal areas of the brain, disturbances of working memory (WM) accountable for the keep and online management of data, so that it is available for further processing, and the patient's will be uncritical. The basic method of diagnosis of this delusion is a medical interview with the patient. Other diagnostic methods include computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, EEG and ERPs. Experimental methods include searching for the neuromarker of DMS. Currently, there are no treatment guidelines of this delusional disorder, and pharmacotherapy experimental, but the drugs from the group of neuroleptics and lithium seem effective. Some hope for the treatment is created by neurotherapy, but it is also experimental.
Electrotherapy is considered a very effective and safe therapeutic method. Its most frequently described adverse effect is the impairment of cognitive functions. Currently, the most commonly applied form of electrotherapy are bitemporal procedures and the most frequent and best-studied indication for its application are depressive disorders. A method combining high effectiveness with satisfactory safety is the bifrontal application of the electrodes, although study results are often inconsistent. An issue which should also be noted is the lack of studies comparing the effectiveness of bifrontal and bitemporal procedures in the reduction of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia and assessing the safety of these methods in terms of the influence on cognitive functions. The present paper presents a clinical description of four patients with schizophrenia who have undergone electrotherapy procedures performed applying the bifrontal method. The decisive indication for applying the bifrontal procedures were the memory disturbances the persistence of which was reported by the patients during the application of bitemporal procedures. The analysed clinical cases indicate the effectiveness of the bifrontal electrotherapy procedures which was comparable with the effectiveness of bitemporal procedures with the simultaneous better toleration of the former. Improvement was observed in terms of paranoid, catatonic and negative schizophrenia symptoms. At the same time the patients reported subjectively better tolerance of the procedures, as well as improvement in the recalling of facts and events.
Elektroterapię uznaje się za bardzo skuteczną i bezpieczną metodę terapeutyczną. Jej najczęściej opisywanym działaniem niepożądanym jest upośledzenie funkcji poznawczych. Obecnie najpowszechniej stosowaną formą elektroterapii są zabiegi dwuskroniowe, a najczęstszym i najlepiej przebadanym wskazaniem – zaburzenia depresyjne. Metodą łączącą wysoką efektywność z zadowalającym bezpieczeństwem jest dwuczołowe przyłożenie elektrod, choć wyniki badań często bywają niespójne. Należy także odnotować brak badań porównujących skuteczność zabiegów dwuczołowych i dwuskroniowych w redukcji objawów pozytywnych i negatywnych schizofrenii oraz oceniających bezpieczeństwo tych metod w zakresie wpływu na funkcje poznawcze. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono opis kliniczny czterech pacjentów chorujących na schizofrenię, u których przeprowadzono zabiegi elektroterapii metodą dwuczołową. Decydującym wskazaniem do zastosowania zabiegów dwuczołowych były zgłaszane przez chorych zaburzenia pamięci utrzymujące się w trakcie stosowania zabiegów dwuskroniowych. Przeanalizowane przypadki kliniczne wskazują na skuteczność zabiegów dwuczołowej elektroterapii porównywalną ze skutecznością zabiegów dwuskroniowych przy lepszej ich tolerancji. Obserwowano poprawę w zakresie objawów paranoidalnych, katatonicznych i negatywnych schizofrenii. Jednocześnie pacjenci relacjonowali subiektywnie lepszą tolerancję zabiegów, jak również poprawę w przypominaniu faktów i wydarzeń.
A novel indolamine derivative, ADN-2013, has been proved to possess a preclinical activity profile appropriate for the treatment of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Its antidepressant and anxiolytic properties have been examined in rat and mice models. The receptor mechanisms underlying the antidepressant properties of ADN-2013 have also been elucidated. ADN-2013 significantly shortened the immobility time measured in the forced swim test in mice and rats, producing an effect that was abolished by the dopamine D1-receptor antagonist SCH 23390 in rats. Moreover, ADN-2013 evoked anxiolytic-like activity in both “conditional” and “unconditional” anxiety-like paradigms in mice and rats. From these results, it is likely that direct antagonism toward serotonin 5-HT6 receptors and an indirect effect of dopamine, acting mostly via D1-like receptors, may be involved in the antidepressant action of ADN-2013. However, the partial agonist activity of ADN-2013 toward D2 receptors, observed in in vitro studies, might also contribute to this effect.
Content available Kardiologiczne powikłania leczenia klozapiną
Clozapine is an effective antipsychotic used in the treatment of drug-resistant schizophrenia. The use of clozapine may be associated with a number of adverse effects. Hematologic side effects, such as neutropenia and agranulocytosis, are most common. Cardiovascular complications are rare, though the incidence of these effects is believed to be underestimated. For this reason, clozapine can be used only if heart diseases and cardiac arrhythmias are excluded based on a comprehensive medical history, complete physical examination and electrocardiography. Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy are serious and potentially life-threatening complications resulting from clozapine therapy. Although the mechanism of these disorders is not fully understood, it is believed that they result from drug hypersensitivity caused by IgE-mediated allergic reaction type I. The symptoms are often untypical and nonspecific, resembling those of influenza. The most common include fever, dry cough, chest pains and leukocytosis. Patients should be closely monitored for resting tachycardia, especially during the first two months of treatment. Monitoring for cardiovascular adverse effects in the first months of therapy allows for a nearly detection of any irregularities and prevention of serious consequences. If myocarditis and cardiomyopathy are suspected, the treatment should be discontinued. Any electrocardiographic irregularities should be consulted with a cardiologist. If clozapine-related myocarditis or cardiomyopathy occur, reintroduction of this drug should not be considered due to the high risk of further complications.
Klozapina jest efektywnym lekiem przeciwpsychotycznym wprowadzanym w przypadkach schizofrenii lekoopornej. Stosowaniu klozapiny mogą towarzyszyć liczne działania niepożądane. Najczęściej opisuje się powikłania hematologiczne: neutropenię i agranulocytozę. Powikłania kardiologiczne są rzadkie, uważa się jednak, że częstość ich występowania jest niedoszacowana. Z tego względu klozapinę można włączyć jedynie po wykluczeniu chorób serca i zaburzeń rytmu na podstawie kompletnego wywiadu, pełnego badania przedmiotowego i elektrokardiogramu. Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego i kardiomiopatia są poważnymi powikłaniami stosowania klozapiny, potencjalnie zagrażającymi życiu pacjenta. Mechanizm powstawania tych zaburzeń nie jest do końca jasny, uznaje się, że wynikają one z nadwrażliwości na lek w wyniku reakcji alergicznej typu I zależnej od IgE. Symptomy są często niecharakterystyczne, mało specyficzne, mogą przypominać objawy grypopodobne. Najczęściej pojawiają się gorączka, suchy kaszel, bóle w klatce piersiowej i leukocytoza. Trzeba zwracać baczną uwagę na tachykardię spoczynkową, przede wszystkim w pierwszych dwóch miesiącach leczenia. Monitorowanie pacjenta pod kątem powikłań kardiologicznych w pierwszych miesiącach stosowania leku pozwala na wczesne rozpoznanie nieprawidłowości i uniknięcie poważnych następstw. W przypadku podejrzenia zapalenia mięśnia sercowego i kardiomiopatii klozapinę należy odstawić. Wszelkie nieprawidłowości w badaniu elektrokardiograficznym powinno się konsultować z kardiologiem. Jeśli wystąpią zapalenie mięśnia sercowego lub kardiomiopatia związana ze stosowaniem klozapiny, z uwagi na duże ryzyko kolejnych powikłań nie zaleca się ponownego włączania leku.
The aim of the work was the evaluation of formal emotionality features of patients suffering from paranoic schizophrenia in comparison with healthy people. It was assumed that emotionality can be described by means of measurements (excitation, arousal, pleasure – displeasure) and that it is a self-regulating system constituting the background on which other, more complex emotional phenomena can be examined. The emotionality system was examined by means of Schaie and Heiss’s Colour Pyramid Test. The whole range of colour choices belonging to the so called syndromes has been analyzed (the normal syndrome, the stimulation syndrome, the drive syndrome, the achromatic syndrome, the turmoil syndrome). What was also examined was the so called sequential formula reflecting the range and stability of the choices. 72 persons suffering from schizophrenia and 49 healthy persons were examined. The schizophrenic patients were choosing achromatic tints for pretty pyramids more often, whereas the normal syndrome was less frequent. Healthy persons were choosing disorganization colours for ugly pyramids. The results have been interpreted as the indicators of the distortions of the emotional system on the level of evaluation and arousal. More differences appeared in the construction of ugly pyramids which may be explained by the reduced control of behaviour. Sex appeared to be another significant variable. Women reacted in a more conventional way (especially the healthy ones); they more frequently expressed their disapproval of disorganization and desire colours in comparison with men. On the other hand, women suffering from schizophrenia, were choosing stimulating colours for ugly pyramid (as if protecting themselves from the excessive stimulation) more frequently than the healthy ones. The analysis of the so called sequential formula has shown that sick persons were characterized by emotional inflexibility and the tendency towards reducing the range of their own reactions.
The neuropsychology of creativity is recently understood as a subdiscipline developing on the borderline of being a: (1) medical neuroscience - using clinical and experimental neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, neurobiological, neurosurgical, neurological, neuropsychiatric methods and approaches and (2) social neuroscience - using social psychology and neuropsychology, social linguistics and neurocultural studies to help disabled people. The subject of research into the neuropsychology of creativity is the relationship between creativity and the functioning of the brain (structures and neuronal connections) and the self using the individual, social and cultural mind and modelling these behaviors in relation to the biological organism and the social and cultural environment itself. Neuropsychological research of creativity is directed mainly to discover the brain mechanisms of creativity, to form the theoretical models, to elaborate the methods of diagnosis and therapy of artists with brain damage. A promising model that allows for a better understanding of the creation process, and therefore one offering better assistance to individuals who have never developed or have lost the ability to create due to brain damage, is the microgenetic approach that will be discussed in this article. To introduce the reader to these issues, a case study of an artist with brain damage is presented. It illustrates the importance of performing a syndrome analysis, supported by the neurophysiological studies (neuroimaging studies of the brain, quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG), event-related potentials (ERPs) and sLorette tomography) with the use of neuromarkers to avoid a false diagnosis. It also shows the possibilities of art therapy in the process of rebuilding the creative abilities lost as a result of brain damage, and thus the rebuilding of one's individual, social and cultural Self. However, something that is also important for artists, selected works, especially the most characteristic and significant ones, are also achieving critical recognition. It even happens that they become a part of the world's cultural heritage, are displayed at various exhibitions and are even bought to be hung in the collections of galleries acrosss the world, like in the case of the artist presented in these paper.
Much of the focus of neurobiological research into schizophrenia is based on the concept that disrupted synaptic connectivity underlies the pathology of the disorder. Disruption of synaptic connectivity is proposed to be a consequence of both disrupted synaptic transmission in adulthood and abnormalities in the processes controlling synaptic connectivity during development of the central nervous system. This synaptic hypothesis fits with neurodevelopmental models of schizophrenia and our understanding of the mechanisms of antipsychotic medication. This conceptual model has fostered efforts to define the exact synaptic pathology further. Synaptic proteins are obvious candidates for such studies, and the integral role of the SNARE complex, and SNARE-associated proteins, in synaptic transmission will ensure that it is the focus of much of this research. Significant new insights into the role of this complex are arising from new mouse models of human disease. Here the evidence from both animal and human clinical studies showing that the SNARE complex has a key role to play in the aetiology and pathogenesis of schizophrenia is discussed.
Introduction: Nicotine is a widely known alkaloid synthesized from tobacco plants, being a main constituent of tobacco smoke and cigarettes. Nicotine has also gained eminence as the therapeutic option in managing smoking cessation and even other health conditions. However, the therapeutic potential of nicotine in other diseases has yet to be completely assessed. This information void stems from an inherent aversion from researchers in assessing nicotine’s risk-benefit, due to its toxicities. We present information on the current body of evidence relating to non-traditional therapeutic applications of nicotine to fill this literature void. The purpose of this work is to present current literature on the therapeutic uses of nicotine in treating various diseases. Methods: Electronic search in PubMed for relevant research relating to the therapeutic potential of nicotine in various diseases. Results/conclusions: Nicotine has gained therapeutic significance as an active compound of the nicotine replacement therapy. Research show nicotine may have other therapeutic applications in some diseases. We discussed application of nicotine in diminished prevalence of Parkinson’s disease, decreasing symptoms of the Tourette’s syndrome, psychiatric diseases like chizophrenia, depression and management of pain. We also reviewed nicotine dosing, type of formulations, and compliance which are crucial factors in the therapeutic applications of nicotine.
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