Rational designing of scarper pipe conveyors will demand new approach in evaluation their resistances to motion. In the paper the results of a theoretical and an experimental testing of these resistances and conclusions have been presented.
Racjonalne projektowanie przenośników zgrzebłowych rurowych wymaga nowego podejścia w ocenie oporów ich ruchu. W pracy zaprezentowano wyniki teoretycznych i doświadczalnych badań tych oporów oraz sprecyzowano wynikające z nich wnioski.
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W pracy, wykorzystując metodę analizy wymiarowej, wyznaczono liczby kryterialne, które mogą być podstawą do modelowych badań oporów ruchu przenośnika zgrzebłowego rurowego z zachowaniem podobieństwa mechanicznego w stosunku do obiektu rzeczywistego.
Scarper pipe conveyors are more and more frequently applied into mechanical handling systems of bulk, fine-grained loose and powder or dusty materials and even pulp, not only of technological purposes but also ecological ones. Scarper pipe conveyors can assure dust-, water-, and even gas-tightness and their routes can be easily configured in horizontal and vertical planes. Because of their advantages like: simple construction and maintenance, silent operation, small crosswise section systems, ability to transport materials in full isolation from environment (also hot ones up to temperature 700 degrees centigrade), those conveyors have got more and more wide application in aluminium-works, cement plants, cokerys, filters evacuation systems, in ceramic, chemical and primary industry. Scarper pipe conveyors become more and more competitive to others transportation devices. They have also some disadvantages like great resistances to motion, particularly on vertical routes, abrasive wear and possibilities of their application only in a fine-grained and non-adhesive materials handling. Very important problem of designing scarper pipe conveyors is the konowledge of their resistance to motion and drive power according to that parameters of construction and motion and also kind of handled materials. Closed chute (pipe through) profiles and often complex routes configuration are causing that resistances to motion are much greater than for the traditional scarper conveyors. In resistances to motion of scarper pipe conveyor predominant is resistance to motion of transported material layer and definition of value of this resistance demands different treatment than for the traditional scarper conveyors. Theoretical description of resistances to motion of those conveyors should be verified in experimental tests leaded on real objects or their models. In the second case it is essential to keep mechanical similarity to relate results of model testing to real objects. Very useful could be methods of mechanical similarity theory. In the paper, utilizing dimensional analysis method, have been calculated criterial numbers engaging constructional and motive parameters, which could be basis to build an investigation stand and to the model testing of resistance to motion of scarper pipe conveyor.
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