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Content available Badania procesu mechanicznej skaryfikacji nasion
W pracy przedstawiono badanie procesu skaryfikacji mechanicznej nasion pietruszki prowadzone na oryginalnych stanowiskach badawczych.
The paper presents the tests of the mechanical parsley seed scarification process carried out on original test benches.
Astragalus penduliflorus Lam. is an alpine-subalpine species. Several isolated populations occur in Europe: in the Alps, Pyrenees, Carpathians and in central Sweden. Astragalus penduliflorus is considered as critically endangered species in Poland, growing only at the locality in the Smytnia Valley, in the Western Tatra Mountains. The population is at risk, due to the limited reproduction caused by law rate of seed germination, periodically shortened vegetation period that prevent seed development and gnawing the aerial plant parts by deer. The aim of the study was to explain the reason for the poor germination of A. penduliflorus seeds. As a result of mechanical scarification, 100% of A. penduliflorus seeds germinated, which proved that these seeds are characterized by a water-impermeable seed coat, which classified them as hard seeds that go through physical dormancy. Results obtained in this work can be used for effective reproduction and active conservation of threatened A. penduliflorus.
Celem pracy było określenie skuteczności skaryfikacji mechanicznej, jako procesu wstępnej obróbki oczyszczania nasion komosy ryżowej odmiany Faro. Skaryfikację mechaniczną prowadzono dwoma sposobami (I sposób - skaryfikacja, przesiewanie; II sposób - przesiewanie, skaryfikacja, przesiewanie) z zastosowaniem dwóch typów skaryfikatorów: bębnowego i talerzowego. Badano efektywność oczyszczania nasion w zależności od zastosowanego sposobu oczyszczania, rodzaju skaryfikatora, czasu skaryfikacji mierzonego liczbą obrotów części roboczej skaryfikatorów (odpowiednio bębna lub talerza) oraz gradacji ścierniwa. Bez względu na typ zastosowanego skaryfikatora zaobserwowano, że zastosowanie wstępnego przesiewania przed skaryfikacją pozwala na uzyskanie lepszych efektów oczyszczania nasion (około 92%) w porównaniu do metody bez wstępnego przesiewania (około 81%). Ilość wydzielonych zanieczyszczeń była zauważalnie większa w przypadku skaryfikatora talerzowego. Zastosowanie tego rodzaju skaryfikatora wpłynęło jednak niekorzystnie na stan okrywy nasiennej, co zostało wykazane za pomocą zdjęć mikroskopowych.
The objective of the study was to determine the efficiency of mechanical scarification as a process of the initial purification processing of quinoa grains of Faro variety. Mechanical scarification was carried out with two methods (I method - scarification, screening; II method - screening, scarification, screening) with the use of two types of scarifiers: a drum scarifier and a plate scarifier. Efficiency of grain purification was investigated in relation to the applied method of purification, a type of a scarifier, time of scarification measured with the number of rotations of the working parts of scarifiers (respectively of a drum or a plate) or abradant gradation. Without regard to the type of the applied scarifier, it was observed that application of the initial screening through a scarifier allows obtaining better results of grains purification (approx. 92%) in comparison to the method without initial screening (approx. 81%). The amount of the selected pollutions was noticeably bigger than in case of a plate scarifier. However, the use of this type of a scarifier negatively influenced the condition of the grain cover, which was proved with the use of microscope images.
The practice of body art (or body decoration) has its cultural roots and origins, associated with regional beliefs and rituals, and is met on all the continents. Can a tattoo – when approached in the understanding of risk behaviour – be regarded as one of autoaggression forms, being a substitute for the purposeful act of self‑harm? An evaluation of tattooing as a substitute for purposeful self‑harm. An analysis of correlations between tattooing and self‑harming in a group of subjects presenting both features. A self‑answer questionnaire, used as a study tool, included a self‑harm and a tattooing section. Questions in the former part had their counterparts in the latter part, what facilitated a comparative analysis. A study group included 79 subjects with tattoo. Out of that group, tattooed subjects with, at least, one purposeful self‑harm episode in history were isolated, with 56% of females and 44% of males. The analysis was carried out on the percent of subjects from the study group, who reported their sensations, following purposeful self‑harm and tattooing. Differences were observed, regarding the feeling of relief, satisfaction, guilt and impulsiveness in the undertaken actions among the subjects with both features. Tattooing is a risk behaviour and coexists with other risk behaviours, such as risk drinking. Subjects with more than one self‑harm episode in history, presented – beside tattoo – also more invasive forms of body art, e.g., scarification. Even if the obtained results did not attain statistical significance (for the low number of subjects in the study group), we may conclude – although with some caution – about a dissimilar perception of the roles, played by tattoo and self‑harm in life of those with both features. A thesis may then be implied that tattoo does not fulfil the same function as self‑harm in subjects with both features.
Praktyka zdobienia ciała ma swoje uwarunkowanie kulturowe związane z regionalnymi wierzeniami i rytuałami, występuje na wszystkich kontynentach. Czy tatuaż w rozumieniu zachowań ryzykownych może być jedną z form autoagresji i spełniać funkcję zastępczą dla celowych samookaleczeń? W badaniu dokonano oceny tatuowania jako formy zastępczej intencjonalnego samookaleczania oraz przeprowadzono analizę zależności między tatuowaniem i celowymi samookaleczeniami w grupie osób prezentujących obie cechy. Jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano kwestionariusz samoodpowiedzi składający się z dwóch części – dotyczącej samookaleczeń i tatuowania. Pytania części pierwszej znajdowały swoje odpowiedniki w części drugiej, dzięki czemu możliwa była analiza porównawcza. Grupa badana liczyła 79 osób mających tatuaż. Z tej grupy wyodrębniono osoby, które się okaleczyły celowo przynajmniej jeden raz w życiu. Kobiety stanowiły 56% grupy, mężczyźni – 44%. Analizę przeprowadzono na podstawie odsetka osób z grupy badanej, które zgłosiły wystąpienie danego doznania po dokonaniu celowego samookaleczenia i po wykonaniu tatuażu. Zaobserwowano różnice w zakresie doznania ulgi, satysfakcji, poczucia winy oraz impulsywności w podjętych działaniach wśród osób prezentujących obie cechy. Tatuowanie jest zachowaniem ryzykownym i współwystępuje z innymi zachowaniami ryzykownymi, takimi jak ryzykowne picie. Osoby, które okaleczyły się więcej niż jeden raz w życiu, prezentowały oprócz tatuażu bardziej inwazyjne metody zdobienia ciała, na przykład skaryfikację. Pomimo nieuzyskania mocy statystycznej prezentowanych w pracy wyników (mała liczebność grupy badanej) można z ostrożnością wnioskować o odmiennym postrzeganiu roli tatuażu i samookaleczania w życiu osób, u których stwierdzono oba te zjawiska. Możemy zatem postawić tezę, iż tatuaż nie spełnia u nich takiej samej funkcji jak samookaleczenie.
Content available remote Systemy wizyjne automatu do przedsiewnego przygotowania żołędzi
W przypadku żołędzi przeznaczonych do siewu w szkółkach leśnych powszechnie stosuje się skaryfikację mechaniczną, polegającą na odcięciu od strony znamienia ich końców. Ten pracochłonny zabieg przyspiesza kiełkowanie nasion oraz wyrównuje wschody. Wartością dodaną skaryfikacji jest możliwość wzrokowej oceny zmian mumifikacyjnych żołędzi i odrzucenia nasion nekrotycznych. Autorzy podjęli się opracowania urządzenia do automatyzacji ww. procesów, który został wyposażony w dwa niezależne systemy rozpoznawania i analizy obrazów.
In the case of acorns intended for sowing in forest nurseries, mechanical scarification is commonly used, consisting in cutting off their ends. This laborious treatment accelerates seed germination and even out the size of the seedlings. The added value of scarification is the ability to visually assess the mummification changes of acorns and the rejection of necrotic seeds. The authors undertook to develop a device for the automation of the above-mentioned processes, which has been equipped with two independent image recognition and analysis systems
Content available Seed dormancy breaking in Crataegus pedicellata
The effects of stratification and scarification on seed dormancy breaking were compared in scarlet hawthorn (Crataegus pedicellata Sarg. = C. coccinea L). Ripe fruits were collected (in October) and the extracted nutlets were cleaned, and dried to a moisture content of 9–12%. Seed dormancy in this species was broken most effectively by warm-followed-by-cold stratification of nutlets, in a substrate or without any substrate, as well as at 15~25° or 20~30°C, i.e. with a cyclically alternating warm stage (16+8 hrs or 24+24 hrs/cycle) lasting 16–20 weeks, followed by the cold stage at 3°C lasting ca. 20 weeks, i.e. till the appearance of the first germinating seeds. After stratification, emergence rate is equally high (ca 76%) at cyclically alternating temperatures of 3~15°C or 3~20°C (16+8 hrs). Chemical scarification of nutlets in 96% sulphuric acid for 2 hrs, followed by warm-cold stratification at 20~30°/3°C, with a short, 4-weeks warm stage, also ensures a high emergence rate (85–93%). Seed desiccation (in nutlets) slowly to moisture content of 12–14%, after stratification in a substrate or scarification does not reduce the seedling emergence of seeds. Emergence decreased when seeds were desiccated after stratification without any substrate. Results provide new methods of breaking of dormancy and high germination and emergence of hard-coated Crataegus seeds in controlled conditions.
The computer model of the scarification machine was created at the Industrial Institute of Agricultural Engineering in Poznań with the participation of employees from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow and the University of Agriculture in Krakow. The automaton is the result of the project, which aim was to develop, build and test an automatic device used to carry out the scarification of oak seeds for later shortening and balancing of germination period and elimination of sick and spoiled seeds. The paper presents the results of kinematic and strength analyzes of selected elements of the research model of a scarifying machine - the course of the peripheral speed, acceleration, torque and stress generated during the rotation of the arm.
Komputerowy model automatu do skaryfikacji powstał w Przemysłowym Instytucie Maszyn Rolniczych w Poznaniu przy współudziale pracowników z Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej w Krakowie oraz Uniwersytetu Rolniczego w Krakowie. Automat ten jest efektem zrealizowania projektu, którego celem było opracowanie, zbudowanie i przetestowanie automatycznego urządzenia służącego do prowadzenia skaryfikacji nasion dębu w celu późniejszego skrócenia i wyrównania okresu kiełkowania oraz eliminacji chorych i zepsutych nasion. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki przeprowadzonych analiz kinematycznych i wytrzymałościowych wybranych elementów modelu badawczego automatu skaryfikującego – przebieg wartości prędkości obwodowej, przyspieszenia, momentu obrotowego oraz naprężenia generowanych podczas obrotu ramienia.
Assessment of viability of oak seeds is mainly performed by mechanical scarification followed by visual assessment by trained employees. This procedure is slow and prone to human errors, thus automation of this process is desirable. Shortening the design of complex automation systems requires the use of modern methods, allowing for modeling and simulation of systems containing elements of mechanical, electrical and digital components. The article presents selected aspects of the design of control algorithms for the acorn scarification prototype. A virtual prototyping and Model-Based Design (MBD) approach have been used.
Jedną ze stosowanych metod badania zmian mumifikacyjnych nasion jest skaryfikacja mechaniczna, połączona ze wzrokową oceną żywotności nasion przez człowieka. Ręcznie wykonywana procedura jest powolna i podatna na błędy, dlatego też automatyzacja tego procesu jest pożądana. Skrócenie czasu projektowania złożonych systemów automatyki wymaga stosowania nowoczesnych metod, pozwalających na modelowanie i symulację systemów zawierających elementy zarówno mechaniczne, elektryczne, jak i podzespoły cyfrowe. W artykule zaprezentowano wybrane aspekty projektowania algorytmów sterujących stanowiska badawczego do skaryfikacji żołędzi. Do rozwoju stanowiska badawczego wykorzystano wirtualne prototypowanie oraz metodykę projektowania opartą na modelu (MBD - ang. Model-Based Design).
Fruits of large-leaved lime dried to 10% may be stored for 16 years in sealed containers at –3°C without loosing seed viability. Dormancy of seeds, extracted from hard fruit coats, may be released after chemical scarification in concentrated sulphuric acid for 10 minutes, followed-by stratification without any medium (chilling) at the temperature of 3°C, for 20–24 weeks, i.e. until the first seeds start to germinate. After such pretreatment, during the germination test conducted at alternating temperatures 3~15°C (16 + 8 hours/day) seeds germinate near 90% in several weeks. For seedling production scarified and stratified seeds should be sown in early spring into trays under a plastic tunnel which ensures a high percentage of seedlings emergence. Sowing of the pretreated seeds in spring in a open nursery gives poor results.
Lavatera thuringiaca ‘Uleko’ is a perennial plant little-known in Poland, although it has a very high potential for multi directional use in several areas of economy. However , very low seed germination harvested in the harvest ripening (maturity) phase (5-20%) makes commercial production of these plants difficult and reduces the economic efficiency of crops. The aim of this study was to develop effective methods of breaking seed dormancy using scarification. The study indicated the possibility of increasing the germination of seeds up to over 40% with mechanical scarification, and up to 85% after exposure to sulfuric acid. Application of these methods positively influenced the physiological activity, health and germination of seeds, as well as emergence and growth of plants, which can facilitate the production of this species on large acreages.
Lavatera thuringiaca ‘Uleko’ to wieloletnia, mało znana w Polsce roślina, mimo że ma bardzo duży potencjał wykorzystania w wielu dziedzinach gospodarki. Problemem w jej uprawie jest bardzo niska zdolność kiełkowania nasion zebranych w fazie dojrzałości zbiorczej (5-20%), która utrudnia komercyjną produkcję tych roślin i zmniejsza opłacalność upraw. Celem pracy było opracowanie skutecznych metod przełamywania spoczynku nasion za pomocą różnych metod skaryfikacji. Badania wskazały na możliwość zwiększenia kiełkowania dojrzałych nasion do ponad 40% poprzez zastosowanie skaryfikacji mechanicznej i do 85% pod wpływem traktowania kwasem siarkowym. Zastosowanie tych metod pozytywnie wpłynęło na aktywność fizjologiczną, zdrowotność i kiełkowanie nasion oraz wschody i rozwój roślin, co może ułatwić produkcję tego gatunku na dużych areałach.
Effects of several stratification variants on seed dormancy breaking were compared in Crataegus submollis Sarg. (hairy cockspur-thorn or Quebec hawthorn). Ripe seeds were collected (in October), cleaned, and dried to a moisture content of 7–12%. Seed dormancy in this species was broken most effectively by warm-cold stratification of nutlets, in a substrate or without any substrate, at 15~25°/3°C or 20~30°/3°C, i.e. with a cyclically alternating warm stage (16+8 hrs or 24+24 hrs/cycle) lasting 16–20 weeks, followed the cold stage lasting ca. 20 weeks, i.e. till the appearance of the first germinating seeds. After stratification, emergence rate is equally high (ca 50%) at cyclically alternating temperatures of 3~15°C and 3~20°C (16+8 hrs). Chemical scarification of nutlets in 96% sulphuric acid for 3 hrs, followed by warm-cold stratification at 20~30°/3°C, with a short, 4-week warm stage, also ensures a high emergence rate (58%). Seed desiccation (in nutlets) slowly to a moisture content of 10–12%, after stratification in a substrate or without any substrate as well as after scarification, results in a reduced emergence rate, especially if seeds are dried to the lower moisture content. Seed storage (in nutlets after drying to a moisture content of 10%) for 10 years at –3°C, does not decrease the emergence rate (93%) after stratification at 20~30°/3°C in a substrate, with a cyclically alternating warm stage (24+24 h) lasting 16 weeks.
In vitro seed germination and embryo culture have been achieved in Nothapodytes foetida, this plant is known for its rich source of anticancer drug i. e., Camptothecin. In present study both normal and decoated seeds were subjected to different treatments viz., H2O, GA3, H2O2, H2SO4, chlorine water and mechanical scarification, further these were germinated on water agar medium (WA), filter paper bridge (FB), half strength MS (HMS) and full strength MS (FMS) medium. The highest percentage (69%) of germination was achieved from decoated seeds treated with 10mg/L GA3 and germinated on Filter Paper Bridge. And for embryo culture mature embryos were inoculated on MS medium containing various combination and concentrations of cytokinins (BAP, Kn and TDZ) and auxin (IAA and NAA) for rapid conversion into a plantlet. Among the different combinations of growth regulators; highest frequency (100%) of plantlet conversion was obtained on MS medium containing Kn (1.0mg/L) and NAA (0.2mg/L).
The aim of the study was to assess the susceptibility of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) seeds to drying and freezing in liquid nitrogen (-196°C). Seed samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen for 24 h at 11 different levels of seed moisture content (m.c.), ranging from 3.1% to 22.8% (fresh weight basis). All samples, including unfrozen control samples, were subjected to scarification with concentrated sulphuric acid (Tylkowski 1998) either before or after freezing. Seed pre-treatment before germination (at 3~15°C/16~8h) involved cold stratification at 3°C without substrate. Seed drying to 3.1% m.c. significantly reduced their germinability (to 63%), as compared to the high germinability (82-88%) of seeds with 5.2-20.9% m.c. Thus seeds of this species can be assigned to the ‘suborthodox' category. Such a high germinability (79-87%) was preserved after freezing in liquid nitrogen in samples dried to 9.0-17.4% m.c. if scarification was performed before freezing, and in samples dried to 9.1-16.2% m.c. if scarification was performed after freezing. The highest percentage of seedlings emerged after freezing in liquid nitrogen from seeds dried to 11.1-20.1% m.c. (emergence 65-75%) if scarification was performed before freezing, and from seeds dried to 7.3-17.8% m.c. (emergence 53%-71%) if scarification was performed after freezing.
The most advantageous time for collecting fruits of the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.) falls on October, when they are fully ripe. The stones extracted from the fruits must be dried at room temperature to the moisture content of about 10%. The dormancy of the common hawthorn seeds can be overcome by their stratification in a moist medium in one of the three thermal regimes: - 25°/3°C (16 weeks at 25°C followed by 15-18 weeks at 3°C, i.e. to the time when the first seedlings start to appear) - 20~30°/3°C (16 weeks at 20~30°C (16+8 hrs/day) followed by 15-18 weeks at 3°C, i.e. to the time when first seedlings start to appear) - 20~30°/3°C (16 weeks at 20~30°C (24+24 hrs) followed by 15-18 weeks at 3°C, i.e. to the time when first seedlings start to appear) Having been stratified, the seeds germinate vigorously (in 3-5 weeks) and at a high percentage at temperatures of 3~10°, 3~15°, 3~20° and 3~25°C, (16+8 hrs/day) and the seedlings emerge at 3~20°C (16+8 hrs/day) in 4-6 weeks. Storage for one year at -3°C in the case of the seeds dried after harvest to the moisture content of 10% does not reduce their germination capacity. Stones scarification in concentrated sulphuric acid for 120 minutes followed by stratification at 3°C has an adverse effect on seed emergence at the temperature 3~20°C (16+8 hrs/day). It is recommended that stratified seeds should be sown into the still cool soil at the end of March or the beginning of April, as the increased temperature induces the secondary dormancy in seeds.
Content available Seed dormancy breaking in Crataegus laevigata
Laboratory experiments were made to determine the optimum conditions for dormancy breaking in the midland hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata (Poir.) DC. = C. oxyacantha L.). Its small applelike fruits should be collected when they are fully ripe (in Poland in October). The nutlets extracted from the fruits must be dried at room temperature to the moisture content of 9–13%. The dormancy of midland hawthorn seeds can be overcome by: (1) stratification in a moist medium: 20~30°C/3°C, 16–20 weeks at 20~30°C (16+8 hrs or 24+24 hrs) followed by 16–18 weeks at 3°C, i.e. to the time when first radicles start to appear; or (2) chemical scarification in concentrated sulphuric acid for 2 or 3 hrs, followed by warm stratification at 27.5°C or 20~30°C for 4 weeks and cold stratification at 3°C, lasting 19–21 weeks, i.e. to the time when first radicles start to appear. The stratified seeds germinate vigorously (in 3–5 weeks) and at a high percentage at temperatures of 3~15°C or 3~20°C (16+8 hrs) and all seedlings emerge in such conditions about 4–6 weeks after sowing. Seed germination after stratification or scarification can be stopped by partial desiccation of seeds. Seed desiccation after stratification to the moisture content of 10–13% and sealed storage at –3°C for one year do not reduce seed germination and seedling emergence rates of the previously pretreated seeds. Storage for 20 months at –3°C of seeds dried after harvest to the moisture content of 14% does not reduce their germination and seedling emergence.
The article proposes an algorithm for detection of orientation of acorns during scarification process. This task is necessary for proper cut off of a part of acorn. Described algorithm uses Harris corner detector for location of acorn's remain of style. The performed tests have shown that proposed method is characterized by a sufficient sensitivity value as a unit of efficiency. Its specificity and precision are also high.
W artykule przedstawiono propozycję algorytmu detekcji orientacji żołędzi w procesie automatycznej skaryfikacji żołędzi. Określenie orientacji jest konieczne w celu właściwego wykonania odcięcia części nasiona. Opisany algorytm wykorzystuje detektor Harrisa do wykrywania korzenia zarodkowego. Przeprowadzone testy pokazały, że metoda cechuje się wystarczającą wartością czułości jako miary wydajności. Specyficzność oraz precyzja również są wysokie.
We investigated the germination requirements of Androsace villosa L. (Hairy Androsace), which spreads on limestone or granite screes or ledges of rocky or turfy slopes and hilltops of the alpine zone. With seeds collected from Uludag Mt. (Bursa, Turkey, 2200–2300 m a.s.l.), germination was studied in fresh seeds, seeds subjected to short-time moist chilling (15 d, +4°C), to GA3 (100, 150 and 250 ppm), and to chilling plus GA3. The hormone and moist chilling treatments were carried out in continuous darkness (20°C) and under a 12 h photoperiod at 20/10°C. Seeds maintained in darkness gave higher germination percentages than seeds maintained under a photoperiod. Germination rates rose to 90–97% with 100–250 ppm GA3 and short-time moist chilling in continuous darkness (20°C). Seeds germinated rapidly under a combination of GA3 and short-time moist chilling in continuous darkness, generally giving the lowest mean germination times (4.4–5.0 d) among the treatments.
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