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tom X
The article introduces description of extension and intension of the Russian lexeme SAINT basing upon its definitions presented in the diachronic and modern defining dictionaries (11 dictionaries were reviewed). The lexicographical data had been compared to reveal the difference between the core of the concept in the modern language and the same periods. The dictionaries treat the word SAINT (either noun or adjective) as polysemous; up until the 18th century all the meanings of the word were covered by the religious semantic structure included the following interconnected components: (1) source of saintliness; (2) guides to saintliness; (3) embodiment of saintliness; (4) manifestation of saintliness; (5) path leading to saintliness; (6) the men of God. The above semantic system may be treated as hierarchy made up along the axis ‘GOD - MAN’, and the sole and ultimate apex of such hierarchy is the Divinity. In the modern defining dictionaries, the meanings of the word in question (reflecting the religious knowledge about the universe and the reality of the human creative work) are not matching with above semantic system. Moreover, ‘the quintessence of the saintliness’ is no more God, but man. This is the indication of the fact that the idea of the Ecclesia of Heaven and of Earth (that had been formed under influence of the early ethnical and Christian traditions and theological and philosophical conceptualization of human being) is distorted in the mind of the modern Russian native-speakers.
The research topic of the reviewed monograph is the phenomenon of holiness as a path to true human freedom in the context of the new challenges confronting the modern Christian.  The life and death of the seminarian Alphonse Mańka OMI, a martyr of World War II, is examined in particular. The authors of the monograph attempt to address the question of what factors (methods of upbringing) impact the formation of a mature attitude of faith, capable of overcoming the suffering caused by persecution. A multifaceted, interdisciplinary educational paradigm is required at Polish seminaries for this goal.  In order for it to be implemented, it is vital to develop an environment in the family home for the maturation of a priestly or religious vocation. It is also important to show this path of life in its broader context, which includes religious persecution.
Przedmiotem badawczym recenzowanej monografii jest fenomen świętości jako droga do prawdziwej wolności człowieka w optyce nowych wyzwań rysujących się przed współczesnym chrześcijaninem.  W sposób szczególny rozpatrywany jest przypadek życia i śmierci kleryka Alfonsa Mańki OMI, męczennika II wojny światowej. Autorzy monografii próbują znaleźć odpowiedź jakie czynniki (metody wychowania) mają wpływ na ukształtowanie się dojrzałej postawy wiary, zdolnej przezwyciężyć cierpienie spowodowane prześladowaniem. W tym celu potrzeba wielowymiarowego, interdyscyplinarnego modelu wychowania w seminariach duchownych w Polsce.  Do jego wdrażania potrzebne jest stworzenie klimatu dojrzewania powołania kapłańskiego czy też zakonnego w domu rodzinnym. Ważne jest także ukazanie tej drogi życia w jej szerokim kontekście, w tym w kontekście prześladowań religijnych.
Content available Czy w Biblii istnieje zakaz czynienia tatuaży?
nr 28
Przedmiotem analizy w tym artykule są cztery teksty, które mają znaczenie w dyskusji nad kwestią zakazu czynienia tatuaży (Ez 44,20; Kpł 19,27-28; 21,5; Pwt 14,1). Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że zakaz dotyczy wyłącznie dwóch ekstremalnych praktyk żałobnych (zbyt radykalne obcinanie włosów na całej głowie lub tylko jakiejś jej części oraz nacinania sobie ciała), które naruszały status świętości poprzez przedłużanie oznak, a tym samym stanu żałoby, poza granice wyznaczone na jej rzeżywanie (siedem dni). Nie ma w tych tekstach natomiast jakiegoś ogólnego zakazu czynienia sobie jakichkolwiek tatuaży.
In this article, the subject of the analysis there are four texts (Ez 44,20; Lev 19,27-28; 21,5; Dt 14,1), that are important in the discussion of the issue of the prohibition of tattooing. The analysis shows that the prohibition applies only to two extreme funeral practices (too radical cutting hair over the whole head or just some part of it and cutting the body), that violated the status of sanctity by prolonging the signs and thus the state of mourning beyond the limits set for its survival (seven days). There is no general prohibition against doing any tattoos in these texts.
From the very beginning the Church has been caring for the vocation to sanctity which is perceived as the core of Christian life. Teaching sanctity may have different forms. One of the most essential of them is presenting the example of one’s life. The figures of saints and blesseds are of great help during the process of becoming a mature person. They had a crucial educational function in John Paul II’s teaching as they encouraged to follow the ideal of sanctity. Therefore, the concept of numerous beatifications and canonizations in Pope’s teaching has pedagogical significance. Implementing the rules of the pedagogy of sanctity is the mission of the Church which should be recalled in the context of John Paul II’s canonization.
nr 3 (16) nr 1
Believers are those who by the power of baptism were incorporated into Jesus Christ and established as People of God. Because of baptism they take part in clerical, prophetic and kings’ mission of Jesus. Each believer is obliged to serve this triple duty accordingly to the vocation given by God. There are two Codex states of life in Church: clerical and secular. Theology describes also a third group: consecrated one. Regardless of their state of life, all believers are equal in terms of dignity and deeds. However, the aforementioned rule of equality should be complemented by the rule of diversity. According to this rule, rights and duties of believers are dependent on their role in Church. Both rules are strictly correlated which leads to conclusion that capability of men to receive holy orders is directly derived from the rule of diversity. Whether their role is clerical, secular or consecrated, all believers are bound to aspire to sanctity. Dogmatic Constitution about Church Lumen gentium describes in details what this obligation for sanctity aspiration means.
nr 1(32)
Święta Monika jest dla nas przykładem chrześcijańskiej żony i matki. Obecnie ludzka rodzina boryka się z różnymi problemami i dlatego potrzebujemy przykładów świętych kobiet. Jedną z nich jest św. Monika, która żyła w IV wieku. Była osobą pokorną, cierpliwą i pełną nabożeństwa do Jezusa Chrystusa i Jego Kościoła. Jej mąż Patrycjusz był poganinem, a syn Augustyn opuścił Kościół i wstąpił do sekty manichejczyków. Monika modliła się za nich, była cierpliwa i towarzyszyła im. Nawrócili się, przyjęli chrzest i całkowicie zmienili swoje życie. Augustyn został kapłanem, a następnie biskupem. Misja Moniki skończyła się i wówczas mogła już odejść. Jej śmierć była budująca dla rodziny. Prosiła bliskich o modlitwę za nią w czasie Mszy świętej i obiecała, że będzie wstawiała się za nimi u Boga.
Saint Monica is for us an example of the Christian wife and the mother. The human family struggles now with the different difficulties and we do need a good examples of saint women. One of them is the saint Monica who lived in fourth century. She was a person very humble, patient and full of the devotion towards Jesus Christ and His Church. Her husband Patricius was a pagan and her son Augustin abandoned the Church and joined to the Manicheans. Monica prayed for them, was very patient with them and accompanied them. They converted and changed totally their life and received the sacrament of baptism. Augustin became a priest and then a bishop. The mission of saint Monica was over. This saint woman triumphed and she could finish her life. The Monica’s death was a good example for her family. She asked them to pray for her during the Holy Mass and promise them to be very closed to them even after her death.
tom 6
The relation of the priest to Jesus Christ, and in him to his Church, is found in the very being of the priest by virtue of his sacramental consecration and in his ministry. The priest, who reflects his Lord, Jesus Christ is the servant of Christ present in the Church as mystery, communion and mission. Thus, by his very nature and sacramental mission, the priest appears in the structure of the Church as a sign of the absolute priority and gratuitousness of the grace given to the Church by the risen Christ. Through the ministerial priesthood the Church becomes aware in faith that her being comes not from herself but from the grace of Christ in the Holy Spirit. Each priest, whether diocesan or religious, is united to the other members of this presbyterate on the basis of the sacrament of holy orders and by particular bonds of apostolic charity, ministry and fraternity All priests in fact, whether diocesan or religious, share in the one priesthood of Christ the head and shepherd. Finally, because their role and task within the Church do not replace but promote the baptismal priesthood of the entire People of God, leading it to its full ecclesial realization, priests have a positive and helping relationship to the whole community. They have to recognize and uphold the dignity of the ecclesial community serving the sacraments and helping faithfully the given people.
Content available Biblijne i pastoralne ujęcie świętości
nr 20
Biblia ukazuje teofanię Boga, od którego pochodzi wszelka świętość. O niej mówią Arka Przymierza, miejsca święte, szaty, przedmioty kultu, czas i szabat. Świętość ma wymiar moralny, bo wzywa do odpowiedzi na miłość Boga, do życia zgodnie z Jego przykazaniami. Ewangelia o Chrystusie stanowi fundament świętości i działanie Kościoła przez sakramenty uświęcające każdego chrześcijanina, jeśli przyjmuje je z miłością. Bł. Jan Paweł II w liście Novo millenio ineunte podkreśla: prowadzenie do świętości pozostaje szczególnie pilnym zadaniem duszpasterskim. Podporządkowanie programu duszpasterskiego „świętości” oznacza, że człowiek mimo grzechu nie godzi się na własną małość, bo świętość Chrystusa wyzwala i doprowadza do głębokiej religijności.
The Bible shows the theophany of God who is the source of all sacredness. Places, robes, cult objects, time and sabbath may reveal His holiness which has a moral dimension as it requires the response to God’s love and obedience to His commandments. The Gospel is at the core of holiness. Man can sanctify themselves thanks to sacraments. In his letter Novo millenio ineunte blessed John Paul II stresses the necessity of holiness in the life of the Church and pastoral activity. The man who aims to sanctify themselves cannot consent to sin and has to deepen their religious life. Their striving for sacredness in everyday life brings authentic freedom and allows them to stay in God’s presence.
nr 31
A teacher’s work with children of preschool and early school age focuses on achieving the teaching and educational objectives, as well as those related to childcare. The tasks include, among others, supporting pupils in shaping the image of the world, recognising different values and criteria,as well as methods of choosing them, obtaining basic social skills, and shaping moral and religious attitudes. The educator is obliged to show the children universal values and ethical principles. They also have to present role models and motivate their pupils to imitate them. All of this fosters an image of sanctity among children. When it comes to making decisions regarding the shaping of the image of sanctity among children, the teacher is restricted by educational law, especially the core curriculum of general education, as well as the school’s curriculum. This restriction applies mainly to the objectives and content of teaching and education. However, in matters of methodology, the teacher has many possibilities for creative action. They may exceed the methodologies suggested by educational law and design their own teaching innovations. With regard to shaping the image of sanctity among children, of particular note are All Saints’ Day balls, Angel Days, educational games and activities, family fairs, saints’ parades, competition and stage productions.
tom 2(43)
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja kultury powołaniowej, czyli takiego spojrzenia na człowieka, które umożliwia danej osobie odkrycie i realizację niepowtarzalnego powołania, jakie Bóg w swojej miłości tej osobie proponuje. We wstępnej części tekstu przedstawione zostaną podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu duszpasterstwa powołań. Część zasadnicza to analiza kultury powołaniowej. Chodzi o taką kulturę, która pomaga wychowankom zrozumieć i przyjąć otrzymany od Boga dar człowieczeństwa oraz dorastać do świętości, czyli do takiej miary dojrzałości w byciu człowiekiem, jaka jest pragnieniem Boga, a zarazem warunkiem odkrycia i realizacji powołania szczegółowego, czyli powołania do bycia małżonkiem i rodzicem, kapłanem albo osobą konsekrowaną. Ostatnia część niniejszego artykułu opisuje taki styl życia wychowanków w odniesieniu do ciała, płciowości, seksualności, sfery moralnej, duchowej, religijnej i społecznej, który umożliwia budowanie w sobie świętego człowieczeństwa, a przez to stawanie się osobą zdolną do wiernej realizacji swojego powołania szczegółowego.
The aim of this article is to present the culture of vocations, i.e. such a view of a person that enables a given person to discover and implement the unique vocation that God in His love proposes to that person. In the introductory part of the text, the basic concepts of the pastoral care of vocations will be presented. The main part is the analysis of vocational culture. It is about a culture that helps pupils to understand and accept the gift of humanity received from God and to grow up to holiness, that is, to such a measure of maturity in being a human being that is God's desire and which is a condition for discovering and implementing a specific vocation, that is, the vocation to be a spouse and parent, priest or consecrated person. The last part of this article describes such a lifestyle of the pupils in relation to the body, human sexuality, sexuality, moral, spiritual, religious and social spheres, which makes it possible to build a holy humanity in oneself, and thus become someone capable of faithfully fulfilling one's particular vocation.
The aim of this article is to present the culture of vocations, i.e. such a view of a person that enables a given person to discover and implement the unique vocation that God in His love proposes to that person. In the introductory part of the text, the basic concepts of the pastoral care of vocations will be presented. The main part is the analysis of vocational culture. It is about a culture that helps pupils to understand and accept the gift of humanity received from God and to grow up to holiness, that is, to such a measure of maturity in being a human being that is God's desire and which is a condition for discovering and implementing a specific vocation, that is, the vocation to be a spouse and parent, priest or consecrated person. The last part of this article describes such a lifestyle of the pupils in relation to the body, human sexuality, sexuality, moral, spiritual, religious and social spheres, which makes it possible to build a holy humanity in oneself, and thus become someone capable of faithfully fulfilling one's particular vocation.
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja kultury powołaniowej, czyli takiego spojrzenia na człowieka, które umożliwia danej osobie odkrycie i realizację niepowtarzalnego powołania, jakie Bóg w swojej miłości tej osobie proponuje. We wstępnej części tekstu przedstawione zostaną podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu duszpasterstwa powołań. Część zasadnicza to analiza kultury powołaniowej. Chodzi o taką kulturę, która pomaga wychowankom zrozumieć i przyjąć otrzymany od Boga dar człowieczeństwa oraz dorastać do świętości, czyli do takiej miary dojrzałości w byciu człowiekiem, jaka jest pragnieniem Boga, a zarazem warunkiem odkrycia i realizacji powołania szczegółowego, czyli powołania do bycia małżonkiem i rodzicem, kapłanem albo osobą konsekrowaną. Ostatnia część niniejszego artykułu opisuje taki styl życia wychowanków w odniesieniu do ciała, płciowości, seksualności, sfery moralnej, duchowej, religijnej i społecznej, który umożliwia budowanie w sobie świętego człowieczeństwa, a przez to stawanie się osobą zdolną do wiernej realizacji swojego powołania szczegółowego.
tom 3
The problem of reaching personal sanctity through Church, highlighted by the constitution Lumen Gentium issued by the Second Vatican Council, is one of key topics discussed in the theological works of the outstanding researcher Professor Father Wincenty Granat. He elaborated widely on the concept of Christian sanctity, which he identified with perfection. Drawing upon the texts of the Old and the New Testament, Father Granat emphasised that love is the foundation of sanctity. This is why, Father Granat taught about sanctity as friendship with Christ. Christ is an example of sanctity for all, this is why we all should follow Him. Servant of God Father Granat claimed strongly that the Church has its inner powers to transform sinners into saints, even though its full sanctity will come with eschatological times.
Content available Wokół wczesnego kultu św. Ludmiły
nr 1 (20)
The text presents the early cult of St. Ludmila and the author’s disagreement with the opinion that the cult did not exist until the mid-12th century. The author opposes the view that not only was it not officially recognised but sometimes even opposed by the Prague bishops.
tom 22
In 1626–1627 Francisco Herrera the Older, back then Seville’s most renowned painter, decorated the walls of the local Franciscan St. Bonaventure’s church with a number of wall paintings dedicated to Franciscan history and spirituality, complemented with emblems related to theological works of the temple’s patron-saint. The paintings became the basis of an interesting iconographic programme with a strong theological and pedagogical message, due to the presence of young monks educated in the monastery, attributed to two notable Friars Minor: Luis de Rebolledo and Damián de Lugones. The collection, based on the works by St. Bonaventure, presented first and foremost the path to sanctity by acquiring wisdom: from philosophical knowledge through theology to mystic contemplation, in which we learn about and unite with God.
W latach 1626–1627 Francisco de Herrera St., najpopularniejszy wówczas malarz działający w Sewilli, pokrył ściany tamtejszego kościoła Franciszkanów pw. św. Bonawentury zbiorem malowideł poświęconych historii i duchowości franciszkańskiej, dopełnionych emblematami odnoszącymi się do twórczości teologicznej patrona świątyni. Malowidła te stanowiły podstawę ciekawego programu ikonograficznego o silnej wymowie teologiczno-pedagogicznej, ze względu na kształcących się w tamtejszym klasztorze młodych zakonników, a wiązanego z nazwiskami dwóch wybitnych Braci Mniejszych: Luisa de Rebolledo i Damiána de Lugones. Zbiór ten, bazując na pismach św. Bonawentury, ukazywał przede wszystkim drogę do świętości, wiodącą poprzez zdobywanie mądrości: od wiedzy filozoficznej, poprzez teologię, aż po kontemplację mistyczną, w której poznajemy Boga i jednoczymy się z Nim.
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