Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of agro-biological state of agricultural lands, allows us to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient management of agro-biological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production,which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agro-biological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agro-biological state of agricultural lands. In connection with this, the task is to obtain reliable data on the agro-biological state of the soil environment by reducing the error in determining the magnitude of the conductive properties of the soil, providing individual stabilization of the working electrodes and the mechanism of lifting / lowering working electrodes, copying inequalities of the soil environment, reducing the intensity of the destruction of the soil structure , self-cleaning of the working contact of the electrode and ensuring the stability of the electrical contact of the electrode with the soil, by instrument design perfection. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment.
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Przedmiotem artykułu są szeroko zakrojone badania systemów ociepleń na bazie EPS z uwzględnieniem pasów MW. Porównano w nim wymagania w zakresie bezpieczeństwa pożarowego w niektórych krajach UE na podstawie normy BS8414-1:2015+A1:2017. Omówiono proces badawczy z uwzględnieniem ściany EPS SYSTEM oraz SYSTEM EPS z nadprożem MW. Przedstawiono wyniki badań w zakresie przebiegu zmian temperatury w trakcie badania obu ścian uwieńczone porównaniem średnich temperatur zmierzonych w czasie badania.
This paper describes large-scale tests on EPS insulation systems with mineral wool strips. It contains a summary of fire safety requirements specified in BS 8414-1:2015+A1:2017 standard, adopted in certain EU countries. It also describes the testing procedure performed for walls with EPS SYSTEM and EPS SYSTEM with lintel insulated with mineral wool. Temperature changes during the test have been analysed and average temperatures measured in the course of the test have been compared.
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Produkt ziarnisty, będący przedmiotem opróbowania, powinien być jednoznacznie określony, jako populacja generalna jednostek losowania. W danej partii produktu ziarnistego można rozpatrywać statystyczny model bilansu wariancji dla wariancji międzyziarnowej oraz wariancji między wewnątrzpróbkowej. Wariancje między i wewnątrzpróbkowa zależą od poziomu losowności składu próbek pierwotnych. Statystycznym wskaźnikiem wielkości próbki pierwotnej jest liczba tworzących je ziarn i nie powinno się zastępować go - masą lub objętością próbki pierwotnej. Interesujące są zależności między tak interpretowaną wielkością próbki pierwonej, jako jednostki losowania, a wariancją międzyziarnową i stopniem losowości składu próbek pierwotnych. Analogicznie zależności dotyczące tradycyjnie pojmowanej wielkości próbki pierwotnej, dodatkowo muszą uwzględniać średnią masę pojedyńczego ziarna produktu ziarnistego lub średnią przestrzeń zajmowaną przez pojedyńcze jego ziarno. Ważne znaczenie mają badania podejmowane w tym zakresie.
Granular produkt, being sampled, should be explicity specified as a parent population of sampling units. In a given lot of granular product one can consider a ststistical balance model of variances for the intergrain variance as well as intersample and intrasample variances. The intersample and intrasample variances depend on the radomnes degree of primary samples. The number of grains is a statistical index of the primary sample size and it should not be replaced by te mass or volume of the primary sample. The relation between so interpreted primary sample size, as a sampling unit, and intergrain variance and randomnes degree of the primary sample composition is interesting. the analogical relations refering to the traditionnally comprehended primary sample size must take into consideration the average volume occupies by a single grain. Research taten up in this scope are of great importance.
Modern agriculture involves the implementation of a particular technological operation, according to the appropriate map-task, which is developed pre-based on diverse information. Knowledge of a certain structure of soil cover variability, obtained using information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands, allows us to adopt effective operational decisions for efficient management of agrobiological potential of agricultural lands. Obviously, under such conditions, there is a need for fundamentally new approaches to agricultural production, which is to ensure the proper quality of technological operations. The quality of the implementation of technological operations is an integral indicator of the efficiency of production of agricultural products within the agrobiological field. The necessary quality of implementation of the basic technological processes in plant growing is provided by the integrated information and technical systems of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. In connection with this, the task is to use a fundamentally new class of information and technical systems of local operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of agricultural lands. The task is achieved by using the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the soil environment of the structure to determine the conductive characteristics of the soil environment. The purpose of this research is to develop and substantiate the functional structure, software, writing code and algorithms for managing the executive bodies of the information and technical system of operational monitoring of the agrobiological state of the soil environment of agricultural lands.
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