Proces zasolenia gleb jest jedną z form degradacji środowiska, spowodowanym zachwianiem równowagi chemicznej gleby. W naturalnych warunkach pomiędzy roztworem glebowym, kompleksem sorpcyjnym i organizmami bytującymi w glebie istnieje stała wymiana poszczególnych jonów, a w wielu wypadkach całych związków chemicznych, która ma na celu utrzymanie gleby w stanie równowagi. Pojawienie się, szczególnie w wierzchnich poziomach gleby dużej ilości kationów, takich jak Na, K, Ca2, Mg2+ oraz anionów Cl , SO42-, HCO3 , może spowodować zmiany parametrów fizykochemicznych gleby i doprowadzić do jej zasolenia. Zjawisko to powstaje zarówno pod wpływem czynników naturalnych jak i antropogenicznych. Istotną sprawą determinującą zmiany właściwości chemicznych gleb, oprócz źródła zasolenia, jest także czas oddziaływania danego czynnika odpowiadającego za wzrost stężenia soli w roztworze glebowym. Oddziaływanie pewnych czynników ma charakter okresowy, przez co nie powoduje trwałych zmian w składzie chemicznym gleb. Natomiast ciągła emisja zanieczyszczeń z pozostałych źródeł zasolenia powoduje nieodwracalne w skutkach zmiany składu roztworu glebowego i kompleksu sorpcyjnego, co prowadzi do degradacji i zmiany typologii analizowanych gleb.
Salinity is one of the processes which causes environment degradation by disturbing chemical balance of soil. In natural conditions there is continuous ion and compound exchange between soil solution, soil sorption complex and soil organisms which lead to keeping the constant balance of soil. Occurrence of such cations like Na, K Ca, Mg24 and anions like Cl, SO42 , HCO3 especially in surface horizons can cause changes in physico-chemical properties of soil and its salinity. This process may also be caused by natural as well as anthropogenic factors. Apart from salinity source, a significant element determining changes of soil chemical properties is the time the factor influences the increase of salt concentration in soil solution, The influence of some of these factors have periodical character and do not cause permanent changes in soil chemical composition, However continuous emission of pollutants from different salinity sources causes irremediable changes in composition of soil solution and soil sorption complex, which leads to degradation and typological changes in the analysed soils.
Na Kujawach odnotowuje się największe w Polsce skupisko unikatowej roślinności słonolubnej. Obserwuje się tu wyraźny związek między występowaniem słonorośli a zasolonych gleb, lokalizacją słonych źródeł, złóż soli, ich eksploatacją oraz przemysłem sodowym, który często jej towarzyszy. Obecnie halofity w rejonie Kujaw można spotkać w okolicach Janikowa i Mątew (dzielnica Inowrocławia) oraz w rezerwatach w Ciechocinku i Błoniu koło Łęczycy, gdzie zidentyfikowano 18 gatunków tych roślin.
In Kujawy there is the most significant concentration of unique salt-tolerant plants in Poland. Their presence is clearly associated with salt-affected soils, natural salt solutions, salt deposits, their exploitation and a soda factories, which often corresponds with this exploitation. Recently, halophytes in Kujawy are to be found in the vicinity of Janikowo and Mątwy (the latter being a district of Inowrocław), as well as within the halophyte reserves in Ciechocinek and Błonie near Łęczyca, where 18 species of such plants have been identified.
The natural conditions of Kyrgyzstan and consequences of human-induced processes, such as inappropriate methods of irrigation, have led to the extension of salt-affected soils. Extensive areas of irrigated land have been increasingly degraded by salinization from over-irrigation and other forms of inadequate agricultural practices. Between 1985 and 1990, the area of salt-affected soils increased from 666 300 ha to 1170 300 ha (Mamytov, 1995). In recent years salinity processes have been described as one of the problems of agriculture in that area. For the last ten years many none-affected soils of the Chuy Valley have become salinized. According to Mamytov et al. (1991) the total area of salt-affected soils in the Chuy Valley exceeds 259.5 thousands ha, which is more than 42% of the research area. In this research, an attempt has been made to estimate soil salinity quantitatively and also spatially by applying remote sensing techniques. Conventional methods of mapping salt-affected soils consume a lot of energy, time and money. Remote sensing enables us to detect and to map salt-affected soils by using relatively cheap multispectral satellite data such as Landsat TM, Landsat ETM+ and TERRA ASTER. The objective of this study is to identify salt-affected soils by integrating satellite images with ground-collected data. In order to achieve this goal the best algorithms of an unsupervised and a supervised classifi cation have been chosen using TNTmips software. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Transformed Vegetation Index (TVI) have been applied to distinguish densely and partly vegetation- covered soils, which are not salt-affected. To distinguish areas covered with stone and sands from saline soils the Salinity Index (SI) has been applied. For the differentiation of arable land which is not covered with vegetation the brightness parameter of Tasseled Cap transformation has been used. All these indices were calculated from satellite images. Finding an appropriate interpretation scheme for identifying the saltaffected soils of the Chuy Valley becomes a very important factor infl uencing the accuracy of the supervised classifi cation. The temporal change of salinity accumulation is demonstrated by comparing the classifi cation’s results of the multispectral satellite images from 1994 to those of 2001. This study also includes measurements of spectral properties of collected soil samples for better understanding the difference in classifi cation accuracy of various types of salt-affected soils. Spectral refl ectance was registered from the surfaces of saline and saline-sodic soils using fi eld luminancemeter CIMEL CE 313-21 in the following wavelength bands: 450 nm, 550 nm, 650 nm and 850 nm.
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