Introduction Several theories have emerged in recent years suggesting that neuroendocrinological alterations, mainly changes in cortisol, could be of importance with respect to the link between chronic stress and disease. This study investigated possible deviations in the diurnal cortisol profiles of patients with clinically diagnosed stress-related exhaustion (exhaustion disorder – ED) compared with healthy controls. Material and methods: Salivary cortisol samples taken at home in the morning directly after waking up, 30 min later, and in the evening were compared between ED patients (N = 122; 25% men) and healthy controls (N = 98; 44% men). Follow-up measurements were performed after 6 months (79 patients) and 12 months (68 patients) of the treatment. Results: There were no clear differences in diurnal salivary cortisol profiles between the patients and healthy controls. Moreover, salivary cortisol levels and diurnal profiles did not change significantly during the treatment in the patient group. There was some indication of a smaller cortisol awakening response in the male patients compared to the male controls, but the difference appeared to be mainly related to the antidepressant use. Conclusions: Diurnal salivary cortisol profiles, at least as measured in this study, give a rather poor reflection of the prolonged stress exposure experienced by patients with ED. Such basal salivary cortisol measurements do not seem suitable as biomarkers for stress-related conditions such as ED or burnout, or as an aid to assess the effects of prolonged stress load in a routine clinical practice.
Background. This study aimed to determine temporary changes in salivary C induced by short-lasting competitive efforts among athletes with Down syndrome Material and methods. 24 male athletes with mild intellectual disabilities participated in mul-tiregional athletic meeting. Eight participants with Down syndrome (DS) run on 100m, and 16 others without DS competed on 200 or 400m. All athletes were assessed for salivary cortisol responses to running . Specimens of saliva were sampled twice prior to the effort (-60 min, -2 min.) and 5 minutes after the runs. Cortisol levels (C) were determined in duplicates in all col-lected samples. Results. Athletes with DS demonstrated somewhat higher C at -60 min (12.0± 2.3 nM) than the others competed at 200m (10.6±1.5) and at 400m (9.7±1.5). At the end of the run, mean C values in the groups were related to the distance: 100m-10.4±1.8nM, 200m-11.9±1.1, 400m-12.8±0.7. Ranges of outcomes of the running time were varied and dependent on distances : at 100m : 19.1-24.6 seconds, at 200m: 34.7-40.4 s., and at 400m: 91.4-109.4 s. Conclusions. Non-invasive and non-stressful study procedure appeared to be diagnostic one for determination adrenal function under competitive stress among intellectual disabled athletes, however, lack of the similar observations in neutral, non-stressful conditions and small samples of participants are the main limitation of this study.
Wstęp. Badanie miało na celu określenie tymczasowych zmian w ślinie wywołanych przez krótkotrwałe wysiłki startowe wśród sportowców z zespołem Downa. Materiał i metody. 24 sportowców płci męskiej z łagodną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną uczestniczyło w regionalnych zawodach lekkoatletycznych. Ośmiu uczestników z zespołem Downa (DS) startowało na dystansie 100m, a 16 innych bez DS rywalizowało na dystansach 200 lub 400m. Wszyscy sportowcy byli badani pod kątem odpowiedzi kortyzolu w ślinie na bieg. Próbki śliny pobrano dwa razy przed wysiłkiem (-60 min, -2 min.) i 5 minut po biegu. Poziom kortyzolu (C) określono w duplikatach we wszystkich pobranych próbkach. Wyniki. Zawodnicy z DS wykazali nieco wyższą wartość C 60 min przed biegiem (12,0± 2,3 nM) niż pozostali w tym samym terminie rywalizujący na 200m (10,6±1,5) i na 400m (9,7±1,5). Zakresy wyników czasu biegu były zróżnicowane i zależały od dystansu; 100m-10,4±1,8nM, 200m-11,9±1,1, 400m-12,8±0,7. Średnie wyniki czasu biegu były zróżnicowane: na 100m : 19,1-24,6 sekundy, na 200m: 34,7-40,4 s., a na 400 : 91,4-109,4 s. Wnioski. Nieinwazyjna i bezstresowa procedura badania wydawała się być pożyteczna diagnostycznie do oznaczania funkcji nadnerczy pod wpływem stresu startowego u sportowców niepełnosprawnych intelektualnie, jednak brak podobnych obserwacji w warunkach neutralnych oraz małe liczebności uczestników są głównym ograniczeniem badań.