W artykule przedstawiono informacje i komentarze o wybranych, najbardziej istotnych postanowieniach rozporządzenia REACH. Przedstawiono harmonogram wdrażania głównych postanowień REACH. Omówiono ważne na obecnym etapie wdrażania rozporządzenia procedury i wymagania, dotyczące nowego formatu kart charakterystyki substancji oraz rejestracji wstępnej. Przedstawiono i skomentowano wymagania rozporządzenia REACH odnoszące się do rejestracji wstępnej oraz procedury jej realizacji.
The article presents information and comments on selected and most relevant provisions of the REACH regulation as well as a time-table for an implementation of the main provisions of REACH. Also discussed are the procedures and requirements, important for the current implementation stage of REACH regulation, concerning the new format of Safety Data Sheets and the pre-registration of substances. The article presents and discusses requirements related to pre-registration and related procedures.
W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wymagania rozporządzenia REACH w sprawie rejestracji, oceny, udzielania zezwoleń i stosowanych ograniczeń w zakresie chemikaliów. Omówiono istotę karty charakterystyki, sporządzanie dokumentacji rejestracyjnej i zadania Europejskiej Agencji Chemikaliów. Przedstawiono także Strategiczne Podejście do Międzynarodowego Zarządzania Chemikaliami oraz dostosowanie przedsiębiorstw hutniczych do wymagań REACH.
The following paper is presents Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). This document contains guidance on REACH explaining the REACH obligations. This paper presents the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). This document describes safety data sheets, the role of the European Chemicals Agency and requirements of REACH regulation for steel plants.
W artykule przedstawiono informacje i komentarze do postanowień rozporządzenia REACH dotyczące kart charakterystyk substancji i preparatów chemicznych, jak również aktualne wymagania odnośnie do SDS (Safety Data Sheets) - układu oraz zakresu informacji zawartych w poszczególnych punktach karty. Omówiono także zmiany jakie zaszły w porównaniu do wymagań obowiązujących przed wejściem w życie tego rozporządzenia.
This article presents information and comments on the provisions of the REACH regulation on Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for chemical substances and preparations as well as current requirements that apply to the constitution and scope of information in individual items of SDS. Changes in obligatory requirements are also discussed.
Cytostatics not only induce significant side-effects in patients treated oncologically but also pose a threat to the health of occupationally exposed healthcare workers: pharmacists, physicians, nurses and other personnel. Since the 1970s numerous reports from various countries have documented the contamination of working areas with cytostatics and the presence of drugs/metabolites in the urine or blood of healthcare employees, which directly indicates the occurrence of occupational exposure to these drugs. In Poland the significant scale of occupational exposure to cytostatics is also confirmed by the data collected in the central register of occupational carcinogens/mutagens kept by the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine. The assessment of occupational exposure to cytostatics and health risks constitutes employers’ obligation. Unfortunately, the assessment of occupational risk resulting from exposure to cytostatics raises a number of concerns. Provisions governing the problem of workers’ health protection are not unequivocal because they derive from a variety of law areas, especially in a matter of hazard classification and safety data sheets for cytostatics. Moreover, no legally binding occupational exposure limits have been set for cytostatics or their active compounds, and analytical methods for these substances airborne and biological concentrations are lacking. Consequently, the correct assessment of occupational exposure to cytostatics, the evaluation of health hazards and the development of the proper preventive strategy appear difficult. The authors of this article described and discussed the amendments to the European provisions concerning chemicals in the light of employers’ obligations in the field of employees’ heath protection against the consequences of exposure to cytostatics. Some modifications aimed at a more effective health protection of workers occupationally exposed to cytostatics were also proposed. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(2):141–59
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