In Czech literature of the second half of 20th century a sadistic frenzy is present in several few novels by Jan Křesadlo, Václav Zygmunt and Miloš Urban. Although Czech writers do not copy the work of Marquise de Sade, they do use the motif of sadism to diagnosis the human condition in modern times, just as he did. In his novels Gravelarks and The Lord of Castle Křesadlo comes back to the times of Czechoslovakian Stalinism. In the novel Graduates’ Jubilee Zykmund criticizes the middle-class mentality, while Urban, in his novel Michaela, depicts a world between fiction and reality. Czech authors present the sadistic frenzy as a synthesis of exclusivity and primitiveness. In this way they express the more general subject, that is the relationship between culture and nature in modern times. A more or less perceptible deformation of nature is a side-effect of human aspirations to rule over nature. The sadistic frenzy shows a extreme variant of this phenomenon.
The Polish culture suggests to the men two stances: subjugation to the (real or imaginary) female power or, to the contrary, aggressive elimination of “femineity.” The article analyzes these stances as presented in certain works of fiction and their worlds. Femineity is eliminated under the model of homosocial sadism, which must be distinguished both from the traditional patriarchy and from – denied or sublimed – homosexuality. The issue is first discussed based on Wzgórze psów by Jakub Żulczyk; then it is tracked back to the works displaying similar psychosocial structures, even though they may not obviously belong to the same historical literary community (despite their chronological proximity). These works are: Zwał by Sławomir Shuty, Ciało obce by Rafał Ziemkiewicz, White Raven by Andrzej Stasiuk, Morfina by Szczepan Twardoch and His Current Woman by Jerzy Pilich. The theoretical tools applied come from politicized versions of the late psychoanalysis and schizoanalysis (along the Lacan – Deleuze – Theweleit line).
The article offers a close reading of Witold Gombrowicz’s short story Banquet at Countess Kotłubaj’s from his debut collection Memoirs from a Time of Immaturity (later published under the title Bakakaj or Bacacay in the English translation). It is based on two theoretical concepts: on the one hand – a paranoid plot (according to Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick 2014), on the other hand – sadism (as non-complementary to masochism) in the sense of Gilles Deleuze (from his essay Coldness and cruelty). The author is looking for social subversion in the grotesque images of class and finds it in the sadism of the institution of aristocracy which moves the main character into a paranoid position.
Artykuł prezentuje „bliskie czytanie” (close reading) opowiadania Biesiada u hrabiny Kotłubaj Witolda Gombrowicza z jego debiutanckiego tomu Pamiętnik z okresu dojrzewania z 1933 roku. Zasadza się na dwóch na dwóch konceptach teoretycznych: z jednej strony jest to narracja paranoiczna w znaczeniu, jakie nadała temu pojęciu Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, a z drugiej strony – sadyzm (jako niekomplementarny w stosunku do masochizmu) w znaczeniu Gilles’a Deleuze’a (z eseju Chłód i okrucieństwo). Autor poszukuje subwersji społecznej w tej groteskowej wizji obrazów klas u Gombrowicza i odnajduje ją w sadyzmie instytucji arystokracji, która przesuwa głównego bohatera opowiadania na „pozycję paranoiczną”.
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The article analyses Irena Krzywicka’s coverage of the so-called Gorgonowa case, in which a Yugoslavian citizen, Rita Gorgon, was accused of killing her teenage stepdaughter. The authors notice two seemingly dissonant practices in the analysed text: Krzywicka’s involvement in the fight for women’s rights is accompanied by taking away the accused’s voice. The feminist writer treats the case as a pretext for a critique of the bourgeoisie and its institutions, which she achieves by revealing and exaggerating the theatricality coupled with sadism present in the court proceedings. The strategy of exoticisation of Rita Gorgon, which affected her perception as a stranger, is also explored. In the emotionally charged description of the trial, there is surprisingly little space for the voice of the accused herself, who is not represented by Krzywicka, but merely presented. The pursuit of rehabilitation undertaken by Rita Gorgon’s daughter and granddaughter appears to be an attempt to symbolically return the voice to the accused and to recreate the “feminine continuum”.
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Objectives. Understanding the relationship between the time perspectives and the Dark Tetrad can shed light on some of the mechanisms underlying these personality traits, and exploring potential sex differences in these relationships can contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the Dark Tetrad and its implications for both males and females. The previous studies produced valuable knowledge on the relationships between different time perspectives and the Dark Triad traits (Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism), but they mainly neglected sex differences and have not considered sadism. This study aimed to explore Dark Tetrad and time perspectives association in males and females separately. Sample and settings. The sample included 350 participants (170 males and 180 females, aged 18 to 69) who completed the Short Dark Triad, the direct sadism scale from Varieties of Sadistic Tendencies, and the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Hypotheses. It was assumed that Dark Tetrad traits would relate positively with the present-time perspectives in both sexes but stronger in males. Statistical analyses. After exploring the correlations at the baseline level, sex differences were examined by moderation analysis, followed by separate multiple regressions for both sexes. Results. The Dark Tetrad traits were mainly associated with present orientation in both sexes, with differences based on participants’ sex. Narcissism was more strongly related to the present hedonistic perspective in females, and psychopathy more strongly to the present fatalistic in males. Notably, sadism exhibited striking differences. In males, sadism was only related to the present fatalistic perspective, whereas in females, it was associated with present-hedonistic and past negative perspectives. This study provided initial insights into the time perspective of sadism, highlighting a potentially greater role of negative early-life experiences in females. Limitations. Sample characteristics, correlational design, single-measure dark traits assessment, and the lack of early-life events measure were discussed.
Cíle. Porozumění vztahu mezi časovými perspektivami a temnou tetrádou může osvětlit některé skryté mechanismy těchto osobnostních rysů a zjištění možných pohlavních rozdílů v těchto vztazích může přispět k podrobnějšímu porozumění temné tetrádě a jejím důsledkům pro muže i ženy. Předešlé studie přinesly cenné poznatky o vztazích mezi různými časovými perspektivami a rysy temné triády (Machiavelismus, psychopatie a narcismus), ale většinou opomíjely pohlavní rozdíly a neuvažovaly o sadismu. Tato studie měla za cíl zkoumat temnou tetrádu a její spojení s časovými perspektivami odděleně u mužů a u žen. Soubor a metody. Soubor zahrnoval 350 účastníků (170 mužů a 180 žen ve věku od 18 do 69 let), kteří vyplnili škálu Short Dark Triad, škálu přímého sadismu z Varieties of Sadistic Tendencies a Zimbardův dotazník Time Perspective Inventory. Hypotézy. Autoři předpokládali, že rysy temné tetrády budou v kladném vztahu s časovými perspektivami přítomnosti u obou pohlaví, ale více u mužů. Statistická analýza. Po zjištění korelací na výchozí úrovni byly moderační analýzou zkoumány pohlavní rozdíly, a následně oddělené mnohonásobné regrese pro obě pohlaví. Výsledky. Rysy temné tetrády byly u obou pohlaví především asociovány s orientací na přítomnost, s rozdíly založenými na pohlaví účastníků výzkumu. Narcismus se silněji spojoval s hédonistickou perspektivou přítomnosti u žen a psychopatie s fatalistickou perspektivou přítomnosti u mužů. Především v sadismu se projevily nápadné rozdíly. U mužů byl sadismus ve vztahu jenom s fatalistickou perspektivou přítomnosti, zatímco u žen byl spojen s hédonistickou perspektivou přítomnosti a s negativní perspektivou minulosti. Tento výzkum poskytl počáteční náhled do časové perspektivy sadismu a upozornil na potenciálně větší roli negativních raných zážitků u žen. Limity. Byly diskutovány charakteristiky zkoumaného souboru, korelační design, měření rysů temné triády jednoduchými mírami a absence míry událostí v raném životě.
Alan Hollinghurst’s 1994 novel The Folding Star tells the story of a gay man who develops an obsessive fascination with his seventeen-year-old student. The first-person narrative focuses on the protagonist’s emotional suffering: he gradually succumbs to masochistic and sadistic impulses and nurtures a melancholic condition which eventually leads to his failure and the permanent loss of his object of desire. The aim of this article is to read Hollinghurst’s novel as a study of an emotional disorder, using the conceptual tools provided by psychoanalysis, a method born at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. The Folding Star recreates a Fin de siècle aura, and exploits the then established links between homosexuality, psychopathology, oversensitivity and aestheticism. With this novel, Hollinghurst investigates and mocks conventions and stereotypes related both to modernism and to homosexuality.
This paper attempts to contextualize the creation and use of four terms defining forms of sexual expression commonly referred to as „sadomasochism” or „BDSM”. Drawing on historical sources from the turn of the 20th century and on his contemporary field research, the author demonstrates the entanglement of the language that we use to describe those phenomena in the wider history of creating and contesting the sexual norm.
The first part of the article investigates perspective of perversion employed in the analysis of the Polish collective psychology in its pathologies identified in books of Jan Sowa, Andrzej Leder and Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz. The category of perversion itself is reconstructed chiefly after works of Jacques Lacan and Gilles Deleuze. In our opinion, the cultural model of Pole is the pervert. Depending on the social class, he is a sadist or a masochist, as opposed to a psychotic or a classical Oedipal neurotic. The category of perversion allows for the explanation of an ambivalent relationship between the Polishness and the State; the relationship which is neither a simple rejection (such as a psychosis) nor an unequivocal affirmation (such as a neurosis).The second and the third part are case-studies: in a collective psychology of the heroes of Rymkiewicz’s essays and in an individual psychology of the heroes of The Nude Orchard (pol. Nagi sad) by Wiesław Myśliwski. This juxtaposition shows the difference in perception of the same phenomenon, i.e. sadism – the difference between the point of view from within the mind affirmatively indentifying with the perverse attitude (Rymkiewicz) and the distanced point of view of a neurotic (Myśliwski). It also allows for grasping the isomorphism of structures behind these twoperceptions.
Pierwsza część artykułu poświęcona jest perspektywie zastosowania psychoanalitycznej kategorii perwersji – zrekonstruowanej głównie na podstawie pism Jacques’a Lacana i Gillesa Deleuze’a – do analizy patologii polskiej zbiorowej psychiki, jakie wytykają w swoich książkach Jan Sowa, Andrzej Leder i Jarosław Marek Rymkiewicz. Naszym zdaniem kulturowy model Polaka to właśnie perwert, zależnie od pozycji klasowej – sadysta albo masochista, nie zaś psychotyk albo edypalny neurotyk. Kategoria perwersji pozwala wyjaśnić dwuznaczną relację polskości do państwa i prawa, która nie jest ani ich prostym odrzuceniem (jak psychoza), ani jednoznaczną afirmacją (jak nerwica). Struktura perwersji – rozpiętej zewnętrznie między nerwicą a psychozą, a wewnętrznie między masochizmem a sadyzmem – pozwala modelować dynamikę współczesnych polskich konfliktów ideologicznych i politycznych, w tym napięcie między akcentowaniem narodowej suwerenności a postkolonialnym odwoływaniem się do wzorów obcych. Części druga i trzecia to studia przypadków: zbiorowej psychiki bohaterów prozy eseistycznej Rymkiewicza oraz indywidualnej – Nagiego sadu Wiesława Myśliwskiego. Zestawienie to pozwala ukazać odmienność postrzegania tego samego fenomenu – sadyzmu – z wnętrza psychiki, która z pozycją perwersyjną afirmatywnie się identyfikuje (Rymkiewicz), oraz ze zdystansowanej perspektywy neurotyka (Myśliwski), zarazem jednak uchwycić izomorfizm struktur, które kryją się za tymi tak odmiennymi przedstawieniami.
Dyskusje nad wciąż aktualnym zagadnieniem przerywania ciąży koncentrują się obecnie na problemie jego godziwości, czyli na aspekcie moralnym, oraz dopuszczenia go przez prawo pozytywne, czyli na aspekcie legislacyjnym. Przeciwnicy przerywania ciąży odwołują się do argumentów, które – jak się wydaje – powinny spotkać się z powszechną aprobatą, a tym samym wpływać na dokonywane wybory i na ogólną mentalność. Jest jednak faktem niedomagającym się specjalnego dowodzenia, że te argumenty wciąż są mało znane albo są wprost odrzucane. Dla zrozumienia istniejącej, dość paradoksalnej, sytuacji jest konieczna analiza historyczno-kulturowa genezy abortyzmu, rozpowszechnionego w dzisiejszych wypowiedziach zwolenników przerywania ciąży, wpływającego jednak w dużym stopniu na traktowanie problemu w naszych czasach i na dokonywanie jego spłyconej oceny etycznej. Należy sądzić, że dopiero na gruncie pogłębionego rozumienia zachodzących zjawisk, a przede wszystkim ich przyczyn będzie można podjąć bardziej adekwatne środki służące obronie życia na jego początku, która jawi się jako fundamentalny wymóg obrony cywilizacji miłości wobec narzucającej się ostentacyjnie kultury śmierci.
The debates concerning the problem of termination of pregnancy are currently concentrated upon the question of its decency, namely, on its ethical aspect and on the issue of the acceptance by positive law, that is on legislative aspect. The adversaries of termination of pregnancy refer to arguments which – as it seems – should meet with universal approval and by the same token should have influence on decisions and general morality. However, it appears to be quite self-evident that these arguments are still not known enough or they are simply rejected. For the understanding of this, rather paradoxical, situation it is necessary to analyse the historical and cultural origins of abortionism which affects considerably the point of view of the proponents of termination of pregnancy and which today has massive influence on the public perception of the problem and on its oversimplified ethical assessment. Therefore, only the profound understanding of the on-going events, all the more their reasons will make it possible to take more adequate steps towards the defence of life from its beginning, which manifests itself as the fundamental requirement of the defence of a civilisation of love as opposed to the obtrusive and ostentatious culture of death.
This article studies the tools and strategies employed in the creation of caricature in one of the prototypical works of the European exotic discourse. Le Jardin des Supplices is indeed an important milestone in the formation of stereotypes about China; however, this representation, far from seeking to develop a realistic depiction of China, or even to point out its supposed barbarity, aims, on the contrary, at producing a caricature of its counterpart, Europe, while using verbal and figurative exacerbation as main devices. Le Jardin des Supplices acts as a mirror in which the West recognizes itself in the described phantasmagorical utopia; in this sadistic farce, we will therefore identify both a parody of European institutional structures and a pastiche of the characteristic features of literary decadence. Notwithstanding, Le Jardin des Supplices provides a lasting and ironical view of the representation of China and the Chinese in the collective unconscious.
Cet article étudie les stratégies de la caricature dans Le Jardin des supplices, œuvre emblématique du discours exotique et jalon dans la constitution des stéréotypes sur la Chine. Cependant, le récit, loin de chercher à représenter une Chine réaliste, ni même à en indiquer la barbarie supposée, vise au contraire à produire en creux une caricature de son pendant européen. Le Jardin des supplices a ainsi une vocation spéculaire, par laquelle l'Occident se reconnaît dans l’utopie fantasmagorique proposée ; on identifiera alors à la fois, dans cette farce sadique, une parodie des structures institutionnelles européennes et un pastiche des traits caractéristiques de la décadence littéraire. Nonobstant, Le Jardin des supplices informe bien durablement, et au second degré, la représentation de la Chine et des Chinois dans l’inconscient collectif.
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