This introduction to “Religious and Sacred Poetry : An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education” concerns mainly the structure and the editorial team of the journal. The editorin- chief (Marek Mariusz Tytko) describes mainly the contents of the articles existing in this issue. Christian culture, religious literary culture, Christian religious poetry and sacred poetry are the main research area for authors of this quarterly. The international scholarly journal was founded in 2012 year in Cracow (Poland). It is a social and humanistic international project of some scholars from Europe and America. This quarterly has its own Internet service (
The text on Religious and Sacred Poetry: An International Quarterly of Religion, Culture and Education concerns mainly the Christian profile of the journal, its structure and the content. The editor-in-chief (Marek Mariusz Tytko) describes the aims of this quarterly, its program and editorial plans. Christian culture, religious literary culture, Christian religious poetry and sacred poetry are the main research area for authors of this quarterly. It is a social and humanistic international project of some scholars from Europe and America. Especially, some scholars were busy with translation in editorial work, e.g. Eugeniusz i Olga Pańkow from Grodno in Belarus, Nadija Georgijivna Koloshuk (from Luck [Lutsk] in Ukraine), Ivica Hajdučekova from Košice in Slovakia, Libor Martinek from Opava in Czech Republic, Teresa Bela (from Cracow), Thomas Koziara and Muir Alan Evenden (both of them from the USA) and Mark Simon Bonnett from the United Kingdom.
Tekst o "Religious and Sacred Poetry” dotyczy głównie chrześcijańskiego profilu czasopisma, jego struktury i zawartości. Redaktor naczelny (Marek Mariusz Tytko) opisuje cele kwartalnika, jego program i plany redakcyjne. Chrześcijańska kultura, religijna kultura literacka, chrześcijańska poezja religijna i poezja sakralna są głównym polem badawczym autorów tego kwartalnika. To jest społeczny i humanistyczny projekt międzynarodowy naukowców z Europy i Ameryki. W szczególności, niektórzy uczeni byli zaangażowani w przekłady tekstów, w pracę redakcyjną – Eugeniusz i Olga Pańkow z Grodna na Białorusi, Nadija Georgijivna Koloszuk (z Łucka na Ukrainie), Ivica Hajdučeková z Koszyc na Słowacji, Libor Martinek z Opawy w Republice Czeskiej, Teresa Bela (z Krakowa), Thomas Koziara, Muir Alan Evenden (obydwaj z USA) i Mark Bonnett z Wielkiej Brytanii.
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