The paper presents the work of the parish during the twenty-two years following the end of World War II, i.e. during the forming of a new social order with the increasingly stronger Communist authority imposed on the Poles by Moscow, which each year more confidently interfered in the life of the Church in Poland. The paper focuses on what is the essence of the parish and a proof of its vitality, showing the clergy and their involvement in dispensing the sacraments, stimulating the religious life of the congregation and preaching both from the pulpit and in the parish groups. It also acknowledges the presence of the Order of Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Virgin Mary in the Żurawica parish and draws attention to issues more mundane, yet important in pastoral work, i.e. financial situation. Here, like in a lens, one can see the general problems the Church in Poland faced after the war as well as local ones stemming from the specific nature of the borderland.
Religijność charakterystyczna dla ziemianek galicyjskich przejawiała się w przywiązaniu do Kościoła katolickiego, osobistej pobożności, dbaniu o uczestnictwo w życiu sakramentalnym członków rodziny i wspieraniu inicjatyw służących opiece nad chorymi i opieką nad dziećmi. Do analizy ich religijności wykorzystano dzienniki, listy i zapiski osobiste dwóch przedstawicielek rodziny Emilii z Jabłonowskich Skrzyńskiej i Wandy ze Skrzyńskich Ostrowskiej. Zebrano informacje na temat zewnętrznych form religijności, jak również ich życia duchowego. Wyłania się z nich obraz religijności kobiecej ukształtowanej pod wpływem duchowości jezuickiej.
The religiosity characteristic of Galician female landowners was manifested through their attachment to the Catholic Church, personal devotion, commitment to participating in the sacramental life of family members, and supporting initiatives related to caring for the sick and children. The religiousness of two representatives of the Jabłonowski and Skrzyński families, Emilia Skrzyńska nee Jabłonowska and Wanda Ostrowska nee Skrzyńska, was analyzed by means of diaries, letters, and personal notes. Information was collected regarding their external forms of religiousness as well as their spiritual lives. The image that emerges depicts a female religiosity shaped by Jesuit spirituality.
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