The music market is a very dynamically growing segment of the worldwide economy. Modern solutions, for example music streaming, cause significant changes in the phonogram distribution process on a world scale. For this reason more and more listeners choose internet platforms, which offer a rich library of records for a subscription fee. The objective of this article is to provide a detailed description of the music market, to present marketing operations carried out by businesses from the music sector and to present results of survey studies on the impact of marketing operations on buyer’s behavior on the music market in Poland. This work is based on primary and secondary research concerned with buyers’ behaviors and a structural analysis of the music market.
Artykuł wykorzystuje dane empiryczne do analizy tego, w jakim stopniu crowdfunding przyczynia się do likwidacji barier wejścia na polski rynek muzyczny. Analiza wywiadów przeprowadzonych z artystami wykorzystującymi crowdfunding do sfinansowania procesu wydania nagrań sugeruje pozytywny, ale ograniczony wpływ tego zjawiska na rynek muzyczny. Po wydaniu nagrań artyści mają problem z ich promocją, co wskazuje na istnienie barier w dostępie do mediów, takich jak radio i prasa.
The paper elaborates on empirical data in order to analyze the extent to which crowdfunding reduces barriers to entry into the Polish music market. Analysis is based on semistructured interviews conducted with emerging artists, who use crowdfunding to finance production of their records. The data suggests that impact of crowdfunding on the music market is positive albeit limited. These artists find it difficult to promote themselves after releasing the records. The paper makes attempts to map potential barriers in access to media such as radio or press.
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