The author described the occurrence, morphology, biology, ecological role and economic significance of silverfish (Lepisma saccharina L., Lepismatidae) and cockroaches (Blattodea): the German cockroach (Blattellagermanica L.), the Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis L.), the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana L.) and the Australian cockroach (Periplaneta australasiae Fabr.). In Poland silverfish occasionally, and cockroaches potentially destroy old books and manuscripts. An analysis of the types of damage incurred to books and archival collections is accompanied by an examination of conditions conducive for the losses. All the considered problems are illustrated by means of photographs. The author suggests methods of a prophylactic prevention of the damage and of combating the insects.
The first part of the research conducted upon various development stages found that gamma ray control of insects causing damage to historical monuments and museum exhibits requires doses which at least partially eliminate the possibility of a further feeding by the larvae (cf. „Ochrona Zabytkow” 1996, no. 4, p. 395-408). The following stage of research entailed experiments on the selection of suitable dosage for combating the larvae of several species. The system affiliation of those species, the number of larvae in the experiments, the applied doses, as well as the thermal conditions of the culture are presented in table 1. Test material was radiated in glass test tubes, without the culture medium, in the „Issliedovatiel” ionisation chamber of the VII Department of the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology in Warsaw. The radiation source was cobalt 60 Co. The experiments determined the various resistance to gamma rays on the part of particular species. The obtained results are contained in fig. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. The author resigned from a graphic presentation of the outcome in the case of Lepisma saccharina L. owing to the small number of the radiated groups of insects. Table data published by J. D. Bletchley in 1961 were used for comparative purposes (fig. 4). It was found that the dosage appropriate for combating pests causing damage to cultural property was equal to doses which produced effects within the following limits: discontinuation of further feeding — immediate death of larvae. The doses for particular species are: 1) Tinea pellionella L. — 2-3 kGy, 2) Anobium punctatum Deg. and Ptilinus pectinicornis L. — 2-3 kGy, 3) Stegobium paniceum L. and Lyctus brunneus Steph. — 1,5-3 kGy, 4) Antbrenus museorum L. — 1-3 kGy, 5) Hylotrupes bajulus L. — 0,5-2 kGy. These results demonstrate that also Lepisma saccharina L. does not belong to insects extremely resistant to gamma rays. The author discusses the outcome of experiments, which he confronts with earlier publications, and proposes hypotheses which could explain the differentiated resistance of the species under examination.
W artykule dokonano przeglądu wybranych zniszczeń biologicznych pozytywów i negatywów fotograficznych srebrowo-żelatynowych wykonanych na podłożach papierowych oraz błonach wytworzonych z pochodnych celulozy (nitroceluloza, octany celulozy). Obiekty fotograficzne są konglomeratem różnych materiałów i substancji chemicznych, będących źródłami różnych pierwiastków, w tym kluczowych dla rozwoju form biologicznych – węgla i azotu. Obecność w dawnych fotografiach oraz ich oprawach takich substancji jak żelatyna, skrobia, czy celuloza oraz niekorzystne, wilgotne warunki przechowywania zbiorów fotograficznych powodują, że mikroorganizmy i owady odgrywają istotną rolę w ich niszczeniu. Celem pracy było przedstawienie przykładów zniszczeń obiektów fotograficznych pochodzących z różnych zbiorów. Zniszczenia te przybierają różną formę oraz charakteryzują się różnorodną intensywnością – od skali mikroskopowej aż pod destrukcję całych fotografii.
The biological damage of silver and gelatin photographic positives and negatives made on paper substrates and films made from cellulose derivatives (nitrocellulose, cellulose acetates) were examined. Photographic objects are a conglomerate of various materials and chemicals that are sources of various elements, including key ones for the development of biological forms – carbon and nitrogen. Presence in old photos and their binding of substances such as gelatin, starch or cellulose and unfavorable, humid conditions storing photographic stocks cause microorganisms and insects to play important role in their destruction. The study presents examples of damage to photographic objects from various collections. This destruction takes many forms as well .They are characterized by various intensity – from the microscopic scale to the destruction of the whole photograph.