The contractor was commissioned to repair rain water draining systems at the "Zachęta" Art Gallery in Warsaw. Since it was impossible to apply traditional methods, a non-standard solution was applied, employing the trenchless technology mode, with a few options to be considered: the traditional technology would mean hammering of the walls from the inside on the entire length of irregular leaky pipe runs and opening the risers on the outer side of the building, what would have been associated with damage of the new facade. Thus only one effective solution remained as appropriate and effective, using the BRAWOLINER system combined with the MCBauchemie technology.
Artykuł zawiera informacje na temat prawidłowego projektowania, budowy i późniejszego utrzymania poszczególnych elementów spójnego, kompleksowego systemu odwodnienia obiektów mostowych. Dodatkowo poruszono zagadnienia związane z estetyką poszczególnych elementów opisywanego systemu odwodnienia, który ma wpływ na ogólną estetykę całego obiektu mostowego.
The article includes information on the proper design, construction and subsequent maintenance of the particular elements of an integral, comprehensive bridge drainage system. Moreover, issues related to the aesthetics of the specific components of the above mentioned system that influence the general aesthetics of the whole bridge structure have been addressed.