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Pilot study of the composition of wastes was carried out in 15 rural family households engaged in agricultural activity. In the study group the average resident of rural areas generates about 166 kg of municipal wastes annually. The conducted studies showed that the composition of municipal wastes coming from rural households changes seasonally. During the periods of summer and autumn, the quantity of bio-wastes increased distinctly. The average mass of wastes transferred to the companies engaged in the collection of wastes in the analyzed rural households is almost 50 kg • M–1. year–1. The studies showed that over 80% of organic wastes (kitchen and garden) is utilized in the place where they are generated. In the studies, organic wastes were collected selectively (in separate bags), which undoubtedly had infiuence on their humidity (70–90%). Laboratory analysis of these wastes showed that the ratio C:N in it was from 7 to 19, whereas pH lay within the limits from 5.8 to 6.9 indicating its very good properties for the composting process. Therefore composting of organic waste from rural household should be recommended as the best way for its disposal and the weight reduction of biodegradable waste going to landfills. Comparison of the analyzed variants showed that some waste other than kitchen and garden does not leave the holding (it is re-used or burned in home hearths).
Pilot study of the composition of wastes was carried out in 15 rural family households engaged in agricultural activity. In the study group the average resident of rural areas generates about 166 kg of municipal wastes annually. The conducted studies showed that the composition of municipal wastes coming from rural households changes seasonally. During the periods of summer and autumn, the quantity of bio-wastes increased distinctly. The average mass of wastes transferred to the companies engaged in the collection of wastes in the analyzed rural households is almost 50 kg · M–1. year–1. The studies showed that over 80% of organic wastes (kitchen and garden) is utilized in the place where they are generated. In the studies, organic wastes were collected selectively (in separate bags), which undoubtedly had infiuence on their humidity (70–90%). Laboratory analysis of these wastes showed that the ratio C:N in it was from 7 to 19, whereas pH lay within the limits from 5.8 to 6.9 indicating its very good properties for the composting process. Therefore composting of organic waste from rural household should be recommended as the best way for its disposal and the weight reduction of biodegradable waste going to landfills. Comparison of the analyzed variants showed that some waste other than kitchen and garden does not leave the holding (it is re-used or burned in home hearths).
The article presents changes in the rural age structures in Poland as observed in the years 1996, 2001 and 2006. The changes in population numbers are analysed with respect to age groups, the aging index and the old-age rate. Regarding its spatial scope, the article covers rural areas in Poland and the basic territorial units it uses are rural communes and the rural parts of mixed rural-urban communes that altogether amount to 2,171 units (as of 2006). The obtained results are discussed in a broader context of urban as well as countrywide age structures.
In this paper was analyzed selected components of technical infrastructure functioning in rural areas of the Malopolska, Świętokrzyskie and Podkarpackie Voivodships. The level of equipping rural areas with specified infrastructure elements was evaluated in the form of density and availability of infrastructure components. The work has been specified the rate of change in the analyzed indicators. In each of the provinces was separated 4, homogeneous groups of municipalities due to the level of infrastructure and standard of living. The lack of consistency in the level of the dynamics of the development of infrastructure with the dynamics of the percentage of residents using the equipment was noted. A positive phenomenon is that the development of the sewage system in all three voivodships has a higher average rate than the average rate of the development of the water supply system. This is particularly important due to the significant underdevelopment of the sewage system in relation to the water supply system.
The typology of basic attitudes European legislators manifest with respect to the issue of cohabitation may be characterised as either progressive (favourable to the institutionalization of cohabitation relationships) or traditional (allowing for the institutionalization of marriage, construed as a relationship of a woman and a man only). The Polish legislator has consistently supported the latter view. In consequence, de facto relationships imitating marriage, i.e. cohabitation relationships (both of hetero and homosexual nature) do not enjoy the protection and care of the state guaranteed by the Constitution, which, of course, does not mean that the law prohibits such relationships. However, as a rule, cohabitation has remained unregulated, and all attempts to institutionalize relationships of this type, undertaken since 1990s, have ended in failure. To a small extent the social phenomena of cohabitation is reflected at the level of social norms which employ expressions referring to cohabitees, such as “sharing common domestic life”, “being in a de facto relationship”, “close (closest) person”. These expressions are found in many specific legal regulations, including tax law, housing law and social insurance law. In a small number of cases, they may be also found in agricultural law, including in particular the act on the determination of the agricultural system specifying the rules for trade in farmland in Poland. Therefore, these rudimental legal norms only allow for outlining the legal status of cohabitees in Poland, including cohabitees in agricultural enterprises. There are also no general regulations governing the status of women in rural areas, though it should be emphasized that Polish regulations do not contain any formal manifestation of discrimination due to gender, which should be appreciated. Nonetheless, Poland still lacks a more comprehensive state policy aimed at motivating women to enter the job market, which in turn is reflected by scarcity of legal regulations in this respect. Poland’s membership in the European Union has served as a trigger for positive change, and various mechanisms stipulated by the Rural Development Programme, including the Leader approach in particular, containincentives for higher involvement of women in work for the rural community. Nevertheless, these mechanisms continue to be insufficient and are rather first steps in the process of promoting activeness of women in rural areas than the final touch. Therefore one should hope that in future the Polish state will intensify its actions aimed at improving the situation of women in rural areas.
Content available Obszary wiejskie a planowanie przestrzenne
Professor Walerian Pańko in his two works, „The right of property and its present functions” and „Ownership of land space in the planned economy” recognizes the concept of property and its protection as a key to planning. This belief is also divided today, when ownership and functions have been modified, but the principles of planning meet other tasks. The views of this eminent professor of law who has the visionary talent will provide a starting point for discussion about the contemporary importance of planning for rural areas and the impact of spatial planning through the lens of ownership completed their functions. The authors seek to answer the question of whether the views presented more than thirty years ago, in a different economic and legal systems, spatial planning are still applicable? The answer to this question may help to use the modern legislator of the solutions proposed by Walerian Pańko in the field of space. The authors show that the majority views of the Walerian Pańko are still topicality.
The article presents the current situation in selected types of renewable energy and their importance for rural areas. At the moment, Poland’s energy needs are more than 85% satisfied from fossil fuel resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This results in serious environmental impacts and contributes to irreversible adverse effects, such as climate change due to the rise in global temperatures, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. Directives and agreements of the European Union pertaining to climate change force the development in the field of renewable energy sources (RES). In this scope, the production of electricity and heat from renewable sources in rural areas creates new opportunities for the development of these areas and their local communities.
W artykule przedstawiono aktualną sytuację dla wybranych rodzajów energii odnawialnych i ich znaczenia dla obszarów wiejskich. Aktualnie potrzeby energetyczne Polski pokrywane są w ponad 85% ze źródeł nieodnawialnych takich jak: węgiel, ropa naftowa i gaz ziemny. Powoduje to poważne zagrożenia dla środowiska i nieodwracalne negatywne skutki, tj.: zmiany klimatu spowodowane podniesieniem się temperatury na Ziemi, emisja gazów cieplarnianych, zanieczyszczenie powietrza. Dyrektywy i umowy Unii Europejskiej dotyczące zmian klimatycznych wymuszają rozwój odnawialnych źródeł energii (OZE). W związku z tym produkcja energii elektrycznej i cieplnej z tych źródeł na obszarach wiejskich stwarza nowe szanse i możliwości rozwoju tych obszarów oraz społeczności lokalnych.
Celem artykułu jest porównanie rozwoju dwóch województw, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem obszarów wiejskich. Województwa te leżą na przeciwległych krańcach Polski. Okres badawczy to rok 2004 i porównawcze 2008 rok. Do badań użyto podstawowych mierników rozwoju ekonomicznego, gospodarczego, społecznego i demograficznego. Podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie czy regiony te wymagają innych kierunków rozwoju i innych instrumentów jego pobudzania, czy okres czteroletni w UE został jednakowo przez te województwa wykorzystany. Przeprowadzone analizy nie dały jednoznacznych odpowiedzi na stawiane pytania. Są obszary, w których tempo zmian jest dla obu województw jednakowe (np. PKB per capita, przeciętne miesięczne wynagrodzenie w rolnictwie, strukturę wieku ludności), a też takie gdzie występują znaczne różnice, raz ze wskazaniem województwa zachodniopomorskiego, innym razem województwa małopolskiego. By dać jednoznaczną odpowiedź należałoby przeprowadzić bardziej szczegółowe badania i wykorzystać dodatkowo inne np. syntetyczne miary rozwoju.
The articles purpose is to compare the development of two regions, with the special Research period is between 2004 and 2008. During research were used basic measures of economical, social and demographical development. Attempt was taken to answer these questions, does this regions need different ways of development and instruments of activization? Does the four years period in UE was properly used by these areas? Conducted analysis didn’t gave clear answers for the questions. There are areas where the rate of changes are similar for both regions (GDP, average monthly salary in agriculture, population age structure) but there are also great differences, some on the side of Zachodniopomorskie region and some on the side of Małopolskie. To give clear answers to these questions there should be conducted more specific studies and use other like synthetic measures of development.
The article applies dynamic multi-dimensional methods of relative taxonomy in an attempt to evaluate disparities in development of technical infrastructure in rural areas between the provinces of Poland. The results show that although the indices that describe the level of infrastructure development have been rising between 2004 and 2012, regional inequalities have remained high. Moreover, some of the provinces least developed in 2004 have not taken advantage of the opportunities provided by the EU accession to develop technical infrastructure in rural areas and boost their attractiveness.
National and regional strategies and policies on innovation have been prioritized and innovation is now core to most EU funds and strategies. However, regions are not (should not be) alike in terms of innovation and innovation policy. The development strategies based on innovativeness ideas must include specific local conditions. Effective actions and efforts, to create good environment for innovativeness must bring tangible results. The aim of the paper is comparison of innovativeness on different regions types according to territorial typology: rural, intermediate and urban. The research questions are: Does innovativeness depends on regional typology: urban-rural? Do remote, less developed rural areas have also low achievements (poor performance) in this regard? Innovation output is measured using its hard result, which is number of patent application per capita. To examine group differences according to the innovativeness, the Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted. The test statistic showed, that there is no statistically significant difference between patent applications on different regions types. It has been found that the highest variable value in the whole sample has been calculated in rural group, for rural regions in Switzerland.
The present study of factors which affect the load of water ecosystems with mineral nitrogen compounds (N-NH_4 and N-NO_3) was conducted in the Olsztyn Lake District and covered the time period from 1992 to 1999. Three capture basins were investigated: agricultural drained with a drain network, agricultural drained with a drainage ditch, and agricultural-forested drained with scattered drains and ditches. It was found that the concentration and load of mineral forms of nitrogen in waters running off from rural areas were closely dependent on meteorological conditions, the kind of artificial drainage system in use, and the type of land use in the catchment area. In waters carried away through the drainage systems, average annual concentrations of N-NH4 ranged from 0.16 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural capture basin drained with ditches) to 1.09 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural catchment drained with a network of drains); the amounts of N-NO_3 ranged from 0.29 mg dm^-3 (the agricultural-forested catchment) to 8.06 mg dm-3 (the agricultural catchment drained with a network of drains). It was also observed that a larger share of arable lands in the land use structure in a given catchment caused an increase in the load of N-NO_3 determined in drained waters. In addition, it was confirmed that the amounts of mineral nitrogen carried away with drained waters annually varied from 12.78 kg N (6.7 kg N on average) per 1 ha of an agriculturally used catchment, of which N-NO_3 was a dominant form (12.23 kg).
Deagrarianisation is a complex concept, which denotes a declining economic significance of agriculture and agricultural production in society at large, and rural economy and society in particular. The article is an attempt at constructing a composite indicator of the process of deagrarianisation using variables obtained by official statistics. The proposed composite indicator of deagrarianisation is then used to assess the intensity of deagrarianisation of rural areas between 2002 and 2010 in NUTS4 units (Pol. powiat) of the province of Wielkopolska.
Content available remote About social exclusion in rural areas in France: the case of elderly
Rural areas are frequently considered as likely to generate isolation, loneliness and risks of social exclusion for vulnerable people who live there. With investigations in two types of rural areas – fragile rural environments and rural areas subject to periurbanisation, we analyse interactions between the characteristics of the populations and characteristics of territories in the occurrence of social segregation and exclusion processes. Th e analysis will be based on the situation of pensioners and elderly people. We will show how residential and social trajectories of the people constitute an essential factor of inclusion vs exclusion in these territories.
Rural-urban areas are currently characterised by a high rate of economic development. One of the results of these changes is the inflow of urban populations, who are very different from the indigenous inhabitants. In spite of the move to a rural environment, they often preserve their customs and urban life styles; while, on the other hand, the indigenous inhabitants of rural areas tend to present traditional attitudes towards life. They are strongly attached to their land and identify with their place of residence. The author focuses on the attitudes expressed toward newcomers from Krakow and other metropolitan cities by the inhabitants of selected municipalities within the Krakow Metropolitan Area (KOM). The attitudes toward styles, ways of life, values, as well as preferences brought by the urban population were investigated.
Linking tourism with various areas, including areas covered by common EU policies, poses the question about the position of tourism. One of those areas is agriculture, and the Common Agricultural Policy – CAP – that stimulates its development. The author of the article ventures to determine the place occupied by tourism in the Common Agricultural Policy. Over the years, a change could be observed in using tourism to meet the intermediate goals of the CAP. The change in approach is closely connected with the change of the main goals of the policy. Initially, CAP’s key objective was to increase agricultural production – that is why the need to stimulate non-agricultural activities, such as tourism, was largely overlooked. However, with the shifting of weight from the production increase to the development of rural areas, it is now being gradually treated as an important instrument in the structural policy. It has become the second basic segment of EU’s CAP, next to the pricemarket policy.
In Poland and in many EU member states, rural areas are the dominant part of the country’s area. Their sustainable development determines the degree of the development and progress taking place in the country. The EU Commission has decided that agriculture is an integral part of the economy and European society. The development of Europe’s rural areas and the protection of the environment should be the main goal of European societies and public authorities should be sustainable, intelligent and supporting social including. The implementation of such goals requires the development of new legal regulations creating mechanisms of the common agricultural policy, both in terms of agricultural production and its impact on rural development. In the Projects Pack 2020 CAP the range of financial instruments promoting environmental activities has changed considerably, indicating the increased importance of environmental protection in agricultural production processes and other activities carried out in rural areas. Maintaining environmental requirements is an essential prerequisite for the majority of support and constant element of monitoring, control and evaluation of economic and social activities undertaken in rural areas.
The aim of this paper is to identify demographic factors that influence revenue autonomy in the municipalities located in rural areas of the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Poland. The first and the second sections contain a review of the literature analyzing the phenomena related to the economic aspects of revenue autonomy and its potential demographic determinants. The subsequent empirical section demonstrates that revenue autonomy of the municipalities was highly associated with two indicators of population ageing and net migration. These findings support the results of previous studies, as well as theory presented in the literature review.
W artykule zostaną przedstawione procedury przekształcenia struktury posiadania na obszarach wiejskich na podstawie ustawy scaleniowej i ósmego rozdziału ustawy o dostosowaniu rolnictwa. Poruszone zostaną także kwestie różnorodnych zadań (polepszenie warunków produkcyjnych i pracy w rolnictwie i leśnictwie, wspieranie kultury wiejskiej i rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, określenie i przeobrażenie stosunków własnościowych w nowych krajach związkowych) oraz procedur tych przekształceń.
The paper will present procedures of property structure transformation in rural areas, basing on the land consolidation law and the 8th chapter of the act on harmonization of agriculture. Issues concerning various tasks (such as improvement of production conditions in agriculture and forestry, supporting the rural culture and development of rural areas, determination and transformation of property structure in new lands), as well as procedures of those transformations will be also discussed.
Przebudowa obszarów wiejskich jest niewątpliwie jednym z większych wyzwań w pierwszym okresie uczestnictwa Polski w strukturach Unii Europejskiej. Jednym z problemów, który należy rozwiązać jest nadmierne rozdrobnienie gospodarstw rolnych oraz kompleksowa przebudowa obszarów wiejskich, mająca na celu zdecydowaną poprawę jakości życia zamieszkującej na tych obszarach ludności, bez względu na to czy utrzymują się z pracy w rolnictwie, czy też poza nim. Prace scaleniowo-wymienne stanowią największe narzędzie, służące do przeobrażania stosunków własnościowych i strukturalnych na obszarach wiejskich. Przedstawione informacje mają za zadanie przybliżyć najważniejsze zagadnienia związane z wykonywaniem prac scaleniowych w Polsce, w tym między innymi podstawy prawne wykonywania tych prac, źródła ich finansowania, etapy postępowania oraz najnowsze stosowane rozwiązania technologiczne. Z uwagi na ograniczoną objętość i szeroki zakres poruszanej tematyki część istotnych zagadnień zostanie potraktowana skrótowo, jednak podstawowym celem przedstawienia informacji w takiej właśnie formie jest możliwość porównania rozwiązań przyjętych na terenie naszego kraju do analogicznych rozwiązań stosowanych na obszarze Niemiec.
The presented information aim to bring closer the most important issues related to execution of land consolidation works in Poland, including sources of legislation for execution of works, source of financing, stages of process and the latest technological solutions implemented. Reconstruction of rural areas is one of the most important task in the initial period of Poland joining the EU structures. One of the problems that need solving is excess comminution of farm holdings as well as complex reconstruction of rural areas, aiming to greatly improve a quality of life of population living there. Land consolidation and exchange works present the most important instrument used for transformation of both ownership and structural relations in rural areas. Taking under consideration a limited volume and a wide scope of the subject, part of important issued were describes in short, however, the main objective of presentation the information in this specific form is an opportunity to compare the solutions implemented in our country with parallel solutions implemented in Germany.
A two-stage study was carried out. Firstly, a pioneering attempt was made to measure the quality of education in rural areas of Poland, by county (powiat), using a synthetic indicator. Secondly, the socioeconomic determinants of that quality were modelled. A strength of this study is the fact that it covers the entire population of the given type of administrative units. The analysis served to verify the hypothesis that exogenic socioeconomic factors are key to the effectiveness of the educational process in rural areas. It was shown that in Poland the theories of polarised development are more applicable than those of endogenic development. There was observed an inversely proportional effect from the centre–periphery axis on education quality, but, above all, the effect of several gravitational systems, in which there occurs exogenic diffusion of the results of economic growth and progress from the present and former provincial capitals.
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