New Zealand white rabbits were given cypermethrin by gastric intubation at the rate of 0, 300, 600 and 1000 mg per 1 kg on the 4th, 10th, 13th and 18th day of their pregnancies. The fetuses were aborted on day 28. AH 166 fetuses were examined for external, internal and skeletal malformations or variations. There was no evidence of teratogenic action of cypermethrin in the rabbits; however, embryotoxic effects were detected. The results may have some value for prenatal toxicology of other mammal species and humans poisoned by cypermethrin, and of some benefit for the ecotoxicology of hares in the area where this pesticide is applied as a plant protection agent.
Oceniono wpływ fenitrotionu, insektycydu fosforoorganicznego, na prenatalny rozwój szczurów. Samice szczura narażano per os na badaną substancję w dawkach 3, 15, 30 mg/kg m.c. od 6 do 15 dnia ciąży. Wyniki badań wskazują, że fenitrotion podawany samicom szczura w okresie organogenezy w dawce 15 mg/kg jest substancją fetotoksyczną. Natomiast w dawce 30 mg/kg prócz działania fetotoksycznego wywiera również działanie embriotoksyczne. W zastosowanym zakresie dawek 3-30 mg/kg badana substancja nie wywiera działania teratogennego.
Female rats were given fenitrothion by gavage every other day from days 6-15 of gestation at daily doses 3, 15, 30, 45 mg/kg (0,3%, 1,7%, 3,4%, 5,2% LD50). Assessment of general toxicity of pregnant dams (death rate, body weight gain, food and water consumption, relative and absolute organs weight, hematocrit and hemoglobin level), embriotoxicity, fetotoxicity and teratogenicity of fenitrothion was performed. Death rate in female rats exposed at doses 45 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg was 88% and 39% respectively. The toxic activity of fenitrothion at dose 30 mg/kg was reflected in significant decreased body weight gain, food consumption, also hemoglobin and hematocrit values and decreased of absolute weight of liver and kidneys, increased relative weight of adrenal and ovaries. The toxic activity at dose 15 mg/kg/day was reflected in significant decreased of relative weight of liver. At the dose 30 mg/kg of fenitrothion exhibited embriotoxic effect producing significant increase in the frequency of early resorption per litter and postimplantation losses. Fetotoxic effect manifested by increased of frequency fetuses and litters with enlarged cerebral ventricles was observed at doses 15 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg. Furthermore, at dose 30 mg/kg fenitrothion produced delayed ossification of sternum and cranium, and decrease fetal body weight and length. Fenitrothion at doses 3-30 mg/kg did not induced teratogenic effects. The NOAEL for developmental toxicity was 3 mg/kg/day (0,3 LD50) and the LOAEL 15 mg/kg/day (1,7 LD50).
Badania przeprowadzono na 117 płodach świni pochodzących z różnych okresów życia płodowego. Analiza morfologiczna wykazała, iż najbardziej nieregularny kształt przyjmowały węzły chłonne tchawiczo-oskrzelowe lewe. Stwierdzono zwiększanie się liczby węzłów chłonnych w badanych ośrodkach chłonnych, co jest częściowo związane ze zjawiskiem „rozchodzenia się” węzłów chłonnych. Badanie mikroskopowe i immunohistochemiczne pozwoliło na prześledzenie stopniowego kształtowania się struktur histologicznych oraz potwierdziło obecność limfocytów T i B od 60. dnia ciąży, przy czym liczba komórek T wzrastała między 82. a 103. dniem ciąży.
The study was conducted on 117 pig fetuses coming from different stages of pregnancy. Morphological analysis proved that most irregular shape took the left tracheobronchial lymph nodes. It has been found an increase of lymph nodes number in the lymph centers, which is partly related to the phenomenon of lymph nodes ‘separation’. Microscopic and immunohistochemical examination allowed to trace the gradual formation of the histological structures and confirmed the presence of T and B lymphocytes since the 60th day of pregnancy, wherein the number of T cells increased between 82nd and 103th day of gestation.
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