Badany obszar obejmował odsłonięcia usytuowane pomiędzy Brudzowicami (okolice Siewierza) a Starym Olkuszem i jest częścią monokliny śląsko - Krakowskiej. Badaniami objęto utwory węglanowe należące głównie do dolnego i środkowego wapienia muszlowego. Celem było przeprowadzenie szczegółowej analizy kierunkowej występujących spękań ciosowych i wydzielenie poszczególnych zespołów spękań. Wyniki przedstawiono w postaci trójwymiarowych diagramów konturowych oraz dwuwymiarowych diagramów rozetowych biegu spękań. Na podstawie zebranych informacji wydzielono zespoły spękań, określając ich parametry rozkładu sferycznego, oraz wyznaczono niektóre parametry szczelinowatości masywu skalnego. Dokonano także porównania rozkładów spękań z poszczególnych odkrywek testem D Kołmogorowa-Smirnowa. W skali regionalnej najbardziej zaznaczają się zespoły ciosu o biegach NE-SW i NW-SE. W części półnono-wschodniej badanego obszaru bardziej widoczne stają się zespoły ciosu o kierunku biegów WNE-ESE i NNW-SSE.
The examined area is a part of the Silesia-Krakow monocline with outcrops distributed between Brudzowice (near Siewierz) and Olkusz. The monocline sediments cover the lower Paleozoic basement and mask the basement's main tectonic lines of regional importance. The measurements were mainly carried out in carbonate rocks of middle and lower mushelcalk. The aim of this paper is to carry out detailed direction analysis of systematic joints and to distinguish individual joint sets of the Triassic sediments. The results are presented on a 3-dimentional stereonet diagrams and 2-dimentional rose diagrams of joints strike. Based on collected information joint sets were set apart. Parameters of spherical distribution and basic fracturing parameters of rock mass were calculated. A comparison of joints distribution between individual outcrops was carried out using a Kolmogorow-Smirnow test. The jointing is vertical or almost vertical. Very seldom there occur joints with dip angle 30-50°. The frequency relations among joint sets are different in each outcrop of studied area. On the regional scale the most remarkable joint sets have the strike directions NE-SW and XW-SE. In the NW part of the studied area joint sets strikes of WNW-ESE and NNW-SSE directions become more apparent.
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Merging different food characteristics in a distribution function is provided by copula structures. In this study, the nested copula structure was used to construct a triradiate distribution of food duration (D), peak (P), and volume (V). The required data were obtained by screening the food events recorded at Armand Gauging Station, Iran. The characteristics of selected 63 food events (1993–2018) were extracted and the best marginal distribution function of each was determined by Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Then the fitness of six different copula functions (Frank, Clayton, Joe, Gumbel–Hougaard, Gaussian and Student’s t were examined for creating the joint distribution function. The best fitted marginal distribution is Johnson SB, for food duration, and Lognormal (3p), for food peak and food volume. The best-fitted function for creating bivariate and trivariate distributions of food characteristics in Armand Basin is Frank copula. In the next phase, the bivariate and trivariate joint return periods (at two states of AND, OR), Kendall return period and conditional return periods were calculated. The results revealed that the conditional return period of one food variable given two other food variables is greater than the corresponding values for the conditional return period of two food variables given the third food variable.
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