Suppression of an independent movement, and Solidarity is beyond doubt acknowledged as such, did not resolve any of the crucial problems of the ruling power in Poland. A declining economy coupled with utter apathy of the society necessitated changes, but the authorities were not prepared to implement them. Additionally, the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union forced those in power to seek internal rather than external solutions to Poland’s problems, hence the idea to make some changes in the principles of the system’s functioning without impairing its essence. The pivotal element of the plan was to maintain in practice the monopoly of the Polish United Workers’ Party on power by introducing new elements (President, upper house of the parliament) with a concurrent enticing of moderate opposition which was predisposed to engage in talks with the authorities, into shared responsibility for the situation in the country. Although the agreement negotiated at the Round Table seemed to favor the authorities, who hoped to postpone further changes for another four years, reality turned out quite differently, as the society supported the opposition. A reconstructed ruling coalition created a new, non-communist government, thereby effecting a transformation of the political system.
The agreement of the round table signed on April 5, 1989, resulted in the creation of the government of Tadeusz Mazowiecki (September 12, 1989) and the end of communist rule in Poland. However, it should be pointed out that the agreement of the round table is currently often criticized. It is claimed, among other things, that the agreement was a form of “unification of the elite” (the term Jack Kuroń) to obtain financial and political benefits. As a result, the mixed communist-solidarity elite has taken over power in the country, guided solely by their own interests. It is also stressed that the contract has enabled the Communists to retain enormous influence in the special services, state administration, various institutions, the economy, and finance. On the other hand, these irregularities have been attributed to the solidarity elites who consider the round table agreements to be persistent. Other parts of the solidarity elite treated the round table exclusively as tactical action to take power away from the Communists.
The text summarizes and reviews the round table organized on the 19th September 2019 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb with the main goal to investigate the methodological and thematic approaches to the avant-garde related to the concept of revolution. The scientists from Zagreb and Belgrade, Tatjana Jukić, Predrag Brebanović, Danijela Lugarić and Branislav Oblučar, presented their contributions to debate around the above-mentioned themes. Literature as well as revolution were examined in the theoretical and historical context of the avant-garde. Public debate showed that these issues have been still sparking vivid interest in the academic, artistic and intellectual world. The round table was organized as part of the project Literary Revolutions established by the Croatian science foundation 2018-017020.
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The article presents an analysis of the electoral system applied in the elections to the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic in June 1989 from the perspective of the use of electoral engineering tools. These are changes made to the electoral system that affect the electoral process, aiming to change the probability of a particular election result in line with the interests of the decision-maker, and not directly affecting the electoral decisions of voters in relation to the electoral offer presented. The focus was on answering two research questions: whether electoral engineering tools were applied in the case of the elections to the Sejm of the Polish People’s Republic of the 10th term, and if so, whether the tools applied produced an effect consistent with the intentions of the deci-sion-making centre. The analysis was conducted in relation to the electoral system Strict sense: the norms determining the shape of the broadest possible electoral offer, the structure of constituencies, the electoral formula, and the voter’s rights during the act of voting.
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W artykule zawarto relację ze spotkania okrągłego stołu poświęconego promocji energii geotermalnej w Europie i Ameryce Łacińskiej, zorganizowanego przez Komisję Europejską, Dyrektoriat Generalny do spraw Energii (DG XVII) oraz Komisję Ekonomiczną ONZ do spraw Ameryki Łacińskiej i Morza Karaibskiego (ECLAC).
The elaboration consists of a report from European - Latin American Round Table On the Promotion Of Geothermal Energy, organized by the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy (DG XVII) and United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean (ECLAC)
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Izvještaj s četiri okrugla stola u organizaciji Gradske knjižnice Marka Maručića u Splitu na temu zavičajnosti u knjigama za djecu i mlade.
Report on four round tables on the influence of Croatian oral tradition in the contemporary Literature for children and young people. The round tables were organized by the City Library Marko Marulić in Split.
Artykuł przedstawia politykę papieża Jana Pawła II i Stolicy Apostolskiej wobec Polski w okresie wielkiej geopolitycznej zmiany końca lat osiemdziesiątych i początku lat dziewięćdziesiątych XX w. Prezentuje postać papieża w omawianym okresie przede wszystkim jako decydenta mającego wpływ na politykę globalną, a także na sytuację w ojczystym kraju. Przedmiotem zainteresowania autora jest wpływ Jana Pawła II na sytuację w Polsce jako kluczowym państwie transformacji postkomunistycznej. Problematyka zaprezentowana została na szerszym tle historycznym z uwzględnieniem stosunku Jana Pawła II do ostatniej ekipy władzy komunistycznej w Polsce oraz pierwszego niekomunistycznego rządu sformowanego przez Tadeusza Mazowieckiego. W tekście można znaleźć odpowiedzi na pytanie o różnice pomiędzy polityką Jana Pawła II i Stolicy Apostolskiej, rozważania na temat przyczyn tych rozbieżności, a także na temat metod i mechanizmów wpływania przez papieża na sytuację w jego rodzinnym kraju.
T he article discusses the policy of Pope John Paul II and of the Holy See towards Poland during the great geopolitical transformation of the late 1980s and of the early 1990s. It depicts the personage of the Pope during the period above all as a decision- -maker influencing the global policy and the situation in the homeland. The author is interested in the influence of Pope John Paul II on the situation in Poland as the key state of the post-communist transformation. The topic was presented against a broader historical background, including the attitude of Pope John Paul II to the last commu- nist government in Poland and to the first non-communist government led by Tadeusz Mazowiecki. The text answers the question about differences between the policy of John Paul II and of the Holy See, contains reflections on their reasons and on the methods and mechanisms behind the Pope’s influence on the situation in his homeland.
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