Ethylene is the atmosphere component that has the greatest effects on bulb growth and development. The effects of ethylene are numerous and very dependent on the species and time of its application. Exposing bulbs and corms to ethylene activity can cause many physiological disorders. However, ethylene has been shown tobe effective when applied to breaking dormancy, promoting flower initiation, and accelerating sprouting and flowering of freesia, gladiolus, Dutch iris, narcissus, brodiaea (Triteleia), and tulip. Therefore, ethylene can display either an advantegous activity and can be positively used for practical purposes or precautions must be taken to avoid its accumulation during bulb storage, transport, and growth. This article reviews the positive effects of ethylene, smoke (which contains ethylene as a component), and ethephon (which degrades to ethylene) on some flower bulbs.
In the years 2000–2002 a mycological analysis was made of the corms of Acidanthera bicolor Hochst. meant for setting up experiments, and the roots, corms and leaves of plants at anthesis. The mycological analysis of corms before planting showed that they were infected by Al-ternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium spp. and Penicilliumspp. In the period of vegetation the roots and corms were mainly infected by F. oxysporum, F. culmorum, F. solani and B. cinerea. On the other hand, the leaves of the studied plant were mostly infected by A. alternata and B. cinerea.
W latach 2000–2002 analizie mikologicznej poddano bulwy Acidanthera bicolor przeznaczone do założenia doświadczeń oraz korzenie, bulwy i liście roślin będących w okresie kwitnienia. Analiza mikologiczna bulw przed sadzeniem wykazała, że były one porażone przez Alternaria alternata, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium spp. i Penicillium spp. W okresie wegetacji korzenie i bulwy były porażone głównie przez F. oxysporum, F. culmorum, F. solani i B. cinerea. Natomiast liście badanej rośliny były porażane przede wszystkim przez A. alternata i B. cinerea.