The objective of the presented work was the analysis of the effectiveness of conservation works in water courses and in basic melioration canals, in the years 2006-2010 within the "Rowy" (ditches) program realized on the example of the Leszno district. Subject of analyses were: the size of the material and financial outlauys, the range of the performed works and also the social aspects resulting from the realization of the program. The main objective of the program was the professional activation of unemployed persons from rural areas with a high danger of unemployment in a situation of an increased range of the necessary conservation works. The amount of financial means designed for the maintenance of water courses and melioration canals in the realization period did not ensure an adequate material range and the required frequency of conservation work performance, according to the technical requirements referring to the maintenance of water courses and canals. In the years 2006-2010, on the area of Leszno district, every year, the annual conservation covered from 59,8 to 107,1 km of water courses and canals making from 32 to 57% of the total evidenced length. Statistically, in the studied period, the conservation works were performed on the average, on less than one half of the length requiring such repair (41,4%) of the used water courses and melioration canals. The average real costs of the works amounted for the "Rowy" program 198 thous. PLN, and in the tender mode - 157 thous. PLN making 88% and 71% of the mean cost calculation value, respectively. The conservation works carried out in the tender mode were, from the economic point of view, more effective than in the "Rowy" program, and the mean unitary cost of the conservation of one kilometer of water course, or canal was 4115 PLN and 5030 PLN, respectively, to the advantage of the tender procedure.. The highest share in the cost, on the intermediate level of 77%, was covered by the Provincial Labour Office which financed the costs of the basic renumeration and the premium for social insurance, as well as the travel costs of the workers to the working place. The Regional Division of the Great Poland Management of Melioration and Water Installations in Leszno covered the cost of the purchase of protection clothes for workers and the necessary equipment, as well as the technical supervision of the works. So, the share in the costs amounted on the average to 9% of the total costs, The offices of towns and communes which co-financed the program on the average level of 14%, they paid the costs of the work fund the costs of medical examinations and the social expenses (for industrial safety purposes). The number of employed persons within the program agreed with the selfgovernments included in the particular years from 26 to 37 persons (on the average 31 physical workers) and the realization time was from 3 to 6 months in the year (on the average 4,8 month). In the "Rowy" program, in the years 2006-2010, persons from the group of professional risk (those who were without any job for more than 12 months and in the majority, they originated from the rural areas). Taking into consideration the range of the performed conservation works, it must be stated that the works which were planned for 5 years, have been carried out in 4 years, but not in 100%. The reasons for this result included among others, the absence of the workers because of sick leave, which made from 11 to 17% of the nominal time of work. The calculated cost of the employment of one worker in the "Rowy" program amounted in the analysed period from 1170 PLN to 1481 PLN per month and the mean value was 1324 PLN. The mean annual employment of 31 unemployed workers exerted a positive effect on their socio-economical situation by giving them a source of support and contributed to the counter-action against social exclusion by shortening the period of unemployment.
The subject of the following study is ecological risk in regulatory and maintenance works conducted in small and medium-sized lowland watercourses. Risk has not been identified well enough. It results from the lack of the data to assess its level objectively. The following research presents a proposal of solving the problem. The results of the field work conducted between 2007 and 2008 on 10 Lower Silesian lowland watercourses form a basis for this analysis. The research included hydromacrophytes identification and the degree of the bottom coverage by these aquatic plants. The following study showed that in a result of regulatory and maintenance works quality and quantity alternations in aquatic plants communities were observed. The analysis of these alternations enabled assigning measures to the factors of considered risk. It served as a basis for describing the matrix of risk classification. Risk classification method suggested in the study may be useful in designing plans concerning ecological risk management and at the determination of the safety management rules in case of technical interferences in the watercourses.
Przedmiotem pracy jest ryzyko ekologiczne w robotach regulacyjnych i konserwacyjnych wykonywanych na małych i średnich ciekach nizinnych. Ryzyko to nie jest jeszcze dobrze rozpoznane. Wynika to z braku podstaw do obiektywnej jego oceny. W pracy przedstawiono propozycję rozwiązania tego problemu. Podstawę analizy stanowią wyniki badań terenowych prowadzonych w latach 2007-2008, na 10 nizinnych ciekach Dolnego Śląska. Badania obejmowały identyfikację występujących w korycie gatunków naczyniowych roślin wodnych oraz określenie stopnia pokrycia przez nie dna. Wykazały one, że w wykonanych prac zachodzą zmiany jakościowe i ilościowe w zbiorowiskach naczyniowych roślin wodnych. Analiza tych zmian pozwoliła na przypisanie miar czynnikom rozpatrywanego ryzyka. Stanowiło to podstawę opracowania macierzy klasyfikacji ryzyka. Zaproponowana w pracy metoda klasyfikacji ryzyka może być przydatna w opracowywaniu planówzarządzania ryzykiem ekologicznym oraz przy określaniu zasad zarządzania bezpieczeństwem środowiska przyrodniczego w przypadkach ingerencji technicznych w korytach cieków.
Stalowy maszt „Iglica Wrocławska” został zmontowany w 1948 r. Przedstawiono techniki montażu masztu stosowane zarówno w czasie jego budowy, jak i podczas trzykrotnie przeprowadzonych (w latach 1964, 1979 i 2017) operacji montażowych, polegających na ułożeniu masztu w poziomie do wykonania robót konserwacyjnych i ponownego ustawienia w pionie.
“Iglica Wrocławska” is the needle – like monument with the structure of a steel mast. The assembly techniques used during construction of the structure (1948) as well as during the three renovation projects (1964, 1979, 2017), have been presented. During each of the three projects the mast was folded to the horizontal level than renovated and again erected to the vertical position.
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