W artykule przedstawiono współczesne tendencje występujące na rynku promowych przewozów pasażerskich oraz pasażersko- towarowych. Na przestrzeni ostatnich 10 lat segment żeglugi promowej nieustannie się rozwijał, jednak sytuacja ta uległa zmianie podczas trwania pandemii koronawirusa. W związku z wprowadzeniem przez Międzynarodową Organizację Morską (IMO – International Maritime Organization) bardziej restrykcyjnych regulacji prawnych dotyczących ograniczenia poziomu zanieczyszczeń ze statków oraz wdrażaniem koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju na rynek żeglugi promowej dostarczanych jest coraz więcej innowacyjnych i proekologicznych jednostek pasażersko-towarowych, tzw. ro-pax i szybkich, określanych jako high-speed. Region Morza Bałtyckiego i Morza Północnego został uznany jako Obszar Kontroli Emisji Tlenków Siarki (SECA – Sulphur Emission Control Area) i Azotu (NECA – NO Emission Control Area). Dopuszczalne limity emisji SOx i NOx były coraz bardziej ograniczane, przez co jednostki eksploatowane w tym Regionie należało wyposażyć w systemy oczyszczania spalin lub alternatywne źródła zasilania. W tym Regionie żegluga promowa jest bardzo dobrze rozwinięta ze względu na ukształtowanie geograficzne terenu i występowanie wielu wysp. Celem artykułu jest analiza i identyfikacja tendencji na rynku promowych przewozów pasażerskich oraz pasażersko-towarowych.
This article presents contemporary trends in the passenger and passenger-freight ferry transport market. The ferry segment has grown steadily over the past 10 years, but this has changed during the coronavirus pandemic. In connection with the introduction by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) of more restrictive legal regulations on reducing the level of pollution from ships and the implementation of the concept of sustainable development, more and more innovative and environmentally friendly passenger and cargo units are delivered to the ferry market, like so-called ropax and fast, referred to as high-speed. The Baltic Sea and North Sea Region has been recognized as a Sulfur Emission Control Area (SECA) and Nitrogen (NECA – NO Emission Control Area). The permissible SOx and NOx emission limits were increasingly restricted, so the units operated in this Region had to be equipped with exhaust gas cleaning systems or alternative power sources. In this Region, ferry services are very well developed due to the geographical conditions and location of many islands. The aim of the article is to analyze and identify trends in the passenger and passengerfreight ferry transport market.
The paper presents a two-stage optimisation approach of sea-going ferry main particulars intended for a particular route. The method is especially suited for determining owner's specific design requirements. The goal of the first stage is a maximisation of cargo capacity, mostly in terms of the total lane length. Empirical method based on the fleet statistics of existing ferries is used throughout the stage one. The objective function of the second stage are the capital and service costs of a ferry, which are to be minimised. The solution of the latter optimisation will essentially involve a ship manoeuvring motions simulation.
The paper presents a two-stage optimization approach of sea-going ferry main particulars intended for a particular route. The method is especially suited for determining owner's specific design requirements. The goal of the first stage is a maximization of cargo capacity, mostly in terms of the total lane length. Empirical method based on the fleet statistics of existing ferries is used throughout the stage one. The objective function of the second stage are the capital and service costs of a ferry, which are to be minimized. The solution of the latter optimization will essentially involve a ship manoeuvring motions simulation.
In this paper, the development of Motorways of the Sea (MoS) services offered at Italian ports from 2008 to 2015 is analyzed. In particular, a detailed research on MoS routes calling at Italian ports in the year 2015 is carried out; within MoS routes: ropax and only cargo ro-ro services are identified. MoS routes in the year 2015 are compared with those in the years 2008, 2010 and 2012. The study highlights two main aspects. First, the great majority of MoS routes in Italy are ro-pax ones: ro-ro routes are only 31% of the total, but ro-pax service frequencies are highly variable during the year, from high to low season. Second, due to the economic crisis, carriers are trying to operate services with high load factors and trying to find new markets: in fact, from 2008 to 2015, route frequencies have decreased, whereas the number of port calls in each route has increased. Finally, the capability of ro-ro and ro-pax routes of being competitive versus all-road transport has been analyzed. The analysis has shown that both ro-ro and ro-pax routes show relevant problems in terms of their competitiveness against all-road transport. Ro-pax routes are not reliable and ro-ro routes are not fast and frequent; thus, they both do not fulfill essential requirements for MoS services.
Artykuł przedstawia możliwość zastosowania metodyki FSA w praktyce. Rozważania przeprowadzono na przykładzie jednostek pływających typu RoPax, na podstawie rzeczywistych danych uzyskanych w Instituto Superior Tecnico w Lizbonie.
The paper presents the possibility of the FSA methodology in practice. Considerations were carried out on the example of the type Ro-Pax vessels, based on actual data obtained at the Instituto Superior Tecnico in Lisbon.
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