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In Poland, the average Zn contents in river sediments keep up the level 100 mg/kg. The largest accumulations of zinc (up to 10 000 mg/kg), found in river sediments in the Upper and Lower Silesia area, are the result of mining and industrial activity in these regions. In the remaining parts of the country the contents are clearly smaller, except for the conurbation areas (Lis & Pasieczna, 1995). At present, forecasts of behavior of me- tals present in solid environmental samples are usually based on results of chemical fractionation. In this approach, metals are extracted by treating samples with solutions of increasing solubilization potential and simulating extgraction of metals under natural and anthropogenically modified environmental conditions (Rauret, 1998). The studies covered speciation of zinc in river sediments of the Nida and Radomka drainage basins. The chemical fractionation of zinc was conducted in accordance with three-stage procedure of sequential extraction BCR (at present, Standard Measurement and Testing Program), worked out by Ure et al. (1993). The aim of investigations was to compare forms of occurrence of zinc in sediments of rivers flowing through areas differing in geochemical background and characterized by differences in content of anthropogenic zinc. The speciation of zinc in sediment samples from the Radomka drainage basin gave results clearly different from those for sediments from the Nida drainage basin, which may reflect differences in land use. The content of zinc in the studied samples was found to change for 8 mg/kg in bottom deposits of Radomka River at Domaniów to 267 mg/kg in those of Mleczna River at Firlej in the Radomka drainage basin and from 88 mg/kg in sediments of Maskalis River at Brzezie to 101 mg/kg in those of the Brzeźnica River at Raków in the Nida drainage basin.
Metale ciężkie w wodzie płynącej związane są głównie z rumowiskiem unoszonym i rozkład ich zawartości w osadach rzecznych zależy od warunków wpływających na transport i sedymentację tego rumowiska. Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań nad zależnością zawartości ołowiu, miedzi, cynku i kadmu w osadach dennych od częstotliwości występowania i wielkości stanów wody oraz ukształtowania koryta rzecznego, wykonanych w trzech przekrojach Wisły w rejonie Płocka.
Haevy metals in a flowing water are connected mainly with suspended matter and distribution od their contents in river sediments depends on the conditions influencing the transport and sedimentation of that matter. The paper presents results of investigations into dependence of the contents of lead, copper, zine and cadmium in bottom sediments on the frequency of occurrence and the height of water levels, carried out in three cross-sections of the Vistula in the vicinity of Ptock.
W trakcie badań strefy korytowej środkowej Wisły stwierdzano występowanie kulminacji podłoża aluwiów, zbudowanego z gruntów trudnorozmywalnych. Na ich powierzchni, a w spągu współczesnych serii korytowych występują rezydualne bruki zbudowane z materiału żwirowego i otoczaków. Świadczą one o odsłanianiu powierzchni podłoża aluwiów w dnie koryta w czasie przepływów wezbraniowych. Kulminacje trudnorozmywalnego podłoża aluwiów posiadają często skomplikowaną morfologię, która - jak wykazały badania - wpływa na przebieg głównego nurtu, szczególnie przy przepływach wielkich wód. Formy te mają znaczenie dla naturalnej stabilności odcinków koryta rzeki, co powinno być uwzględniane w geologiczno-inżynierskich prognozach środowiska fluwialnego.
Investigations carried out in the Middle Vistula River Valley reveal the occurrence of erosion-resistant culminations in the channel zone. The surface of the alluvia substratum is covered by residual lags, composed of gravels and boulders. Echo-soundings carried out at different stages of the channel water show a constant trend of the main stream concentration as well as directions of flood flow streams, forced by culminations of the alluvia substratum morphology. This phenomenon is the reason of periodical break down of the regulation structures (bank protection).
W 300 próbkach osadów rzecznych i 150 próbkach osadów jeziornych pobranych z obszaru Polski oznaczono zawartość p,p’-DDT, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDD metodą chromatografii gazowej z detekcją wychwytu elektronów (GC-ECD). W osadach rzecznych maksymalna zawartość p,p’-DDT wynosiła 2780 μg/kg, p,p’-DDD – 913 μg/kg, a p,p’-DDE – 298 μg/kg. Obecność p,p’-DDT stwierdzono w 38,9%, p,p’-DDE – 90,0%, a p,p’-DDD – 78,4% próbek. Stosunek p,p’-DDD/p,p’-DDT w osadach rzecznych wahał się od 0,08 do 46,3, a stosunek p,p’-DDE/p,p’-DDT mieścił się w zakresie 0,04–24,7. W osadach jeziornych zawartość p,p’-DDT odnotowano do 4,7 μg/kg, p,p’-DDE – 63,5 μg/kg, a p,p’-DDD – 70,1 μg/kg. Obecność p,p’-DDT stwierdzono w 36% próbek, p,p’-DDD w 96,67%, a metabolit p,p’-DDE we wszystkich próbkach. Stosunek p,p’-DDD/p,p’-DDT w osadach jeziornych wahał się od 0,4 do 112,2, a stosunek p,p’-DDE/p,p’-DDT – od 0,2 do 163,8. W osadach jeziornych stwierdzono wysoką korelację zawartości związków z grupy DDT z zawartością Cd, Hg, Zn i Pb oraz znaczącą korelację z zawartością fosforu i siarki, podczas gdy w osadach rzecznych stwierdzono tylko bardzo słabą korelację z TOC.
The contents of p,p’-DDT, p,p’-DDE, p,p’-DDD were determined in 300 samples of river sediments and 150 samples of lake sediments, collected from the whole area of Poland, by using the GC-ECD method. In river sediments the maximum contents were as follows: p,p’-DDT – 2780 μg/kg, p,p’-DDD – 913 μg/kg, and p,p’-DDE – 298 μg/kg. The presence of p,p’-DDT was detected in 38.9% of the samples, p,p’-DDE – in 90.0%, and p,p’-DDD – in 78.4%. The ratio of p,p’-DDD/p, p’-DDT in river sediments ranged from 0.08 to 46.3, and the ratio of p,p’-DDE/p,p’-DDT was in the range of 0.04–24.7. In the lake sediments the contents of p,p’-DDT ranged up to 4.7 μg/kg, p,p’-DDE – up to 63.5 μg/kg, and p,p’-DDD – up to 70.1 μg/kg. The presence of p,p’-DDT was detected in 36% of the samples, p,p’-DDD – in 96.67%, and the metabolite p,p’-DDE – in all samples. The ratio of p,p’-DDD/p,p’-DDT in lake sediments ranged from 0.4 to 112.2, and the ratio of p,p’-DDE/p,p’-DDT was in the range of 0.2–163.8. In the lake sediments, a high correlation of the contents of DDTs with the concentrations of Cd, Hg, Pb and Zn, and a significant correlation with the phosphorus and sulphur content were found. In the river sediments, a weak correlation with the TOC content is the only one noticed.
Koncentracje metali ciężkich były badane w profilach pionowych w osadach aluwialnych akumulowanych w zakolu Małej Panwi, wypływającej w zachodniej części Górnego Śląska. Maksymalne koncentracje Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn obserwowane w każdym z profili odzwierciedlają maksymalne ładunki tych pierwiastków zrzucane wraz ze ściekami głównie z zakładów chemicznych w Tarnowskich Górach i z huty cynku w Miasteczku Śląskim. Znajomość wieku tych zrzutów zanieczyszczeń umożliwiła określenie także wieku najbardziej zanieczyszczonych warstw. Głębokość występowania pików metali ciężkich tego samego wieku zmienia się gwałtownie pomiędzy kolejnymi odsypami w migrującym lateralnie zakolu rzeki. Osady akumulowane około 1960 roku występują na głębokości 130 cm w odległości 10 m od obecnego koryta, na głębokości 50 cm w odległości 30 m i tylko 15 cm od powierzchni w odległości 45 m od koryta. Również, zmienność koncentracji chromu i talu w osadach, pierwiastków których wielkości zrzucanych ładunków nie były monitorowane, pozwoliła na ocenę wielkości okresu maksymalnego zanieczyszczenia nimi Małej Panwi. Chronologia akumulacji osadów w badanym zakolu została potwierdzona za pomocą datowania porastających je drzew i przez nałożenie dwóch XX w. edycji map.
Heavy metal concentrations have been investigated in vertical profiles of the Mala Panew River sediments, Upper Silesia, southern Poland. Peaks of the Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations observed reflect the highest loads of these elements discharged with sewage effluents from chemical plants in Tarnowskie Góry and zinc smelter plants in Miasteczko Śląskie. The known dates of the highest pollution loads allow for fine unit stratigraphy using metal concentrations. The depths of heavy metal peaks of the same age change abruptly between point bar sediments accumulated in actively migrating channel bend. Sediments accumulated at 1960 occur at the depth 130 cm 10 mfrom the present river channel, whereas at the 50 cm depth-30 mfrom the channel and at 15 cm depth-45 m from the channel. Moreover, the timing of the pollution with thalium and chromium, which have never been monitored in sewage effluents, has been estimated. The sediment accumulation chronology obtained is supported by the tree age dating and channel changes on the twentieth 's century maps.
Heavy metal concentrations were investigated in the overbank and channel sediments of the Mała Panew River in southern Poland. Overbank sediment samples were taken in ten vertical profiles up to 2.2 m long within paleochannel infills in four selected XX century floodplains and in 66 profiles,60 cm-long, situated at different height above the water table. Channel sediments were sampled 12 times at the same 10 channel locations within the period of two years. In samples collected, Ba, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were determined and for selected samples sequential extraction was carried out.Within incised and laterally stable river sections polluted, 20th century sediments occur only in a narrow terrace steps up to 2 m high. Also, in the regulated river section, polluted sediments occur only in several cm thick layers on the 1.8–2.2 m high flood plain. On the contrary, in natural forested valley sections, in which river channel migrates laterally 0.5 m/year on average, the thick polluted sediments occur along the channel at depth up to 2.5 m in a zone about 50 m wide. Differences of heavy metal concentrations between sediment layers of similar age, high proportion of Cd and Zn in the mobile exchangeable fraction and poor buffer capacity of sandy sediments suggest rather high migration rate of Cd and Zn and much lower of Ba, Pb and Cu. Also very high Cd and Zn concentrations in sandy channel sediments could be related to transport of these elements in solution and precipitation. The migration of metals depends most of all on frequency of groundwater level fluctuations. The intensive river bank erosion and clear evidences of metal migration in natural river reaches suggest rapid transfer of these elements between the channel and river banks. Along river reaches with the stable river channel, the floodplain represents a long-term sink for heavy metals and their transfer back to the channel is much slower. The incised river reaches, in which the smallest amount of the heavy metal polluted sediments accumulates are transitional zones for heavy metal load.
Sediments and waters of the hyporheic zone have been investigated in the middle reach of the Biala Przemsza River (southern Poland). The river is polluted with mine waters dischargedfrom lead-zinc ore mines, and ground waters sampled from piezometers in a sand bar are polluted to a similar degree down to a depth of at least 3 m. Very high content of heavy metals in the upper 1 m-thick strata of the bar indicates that their accumulation follows start-up of the lead-zinc mining in the mid-20th century. Common authigenic pyrite, gypsum and other less widespread heavy metal minerals are observed in the sediments of both the mining- and pre-mining times. It is related to the intense infiltration of sulphate-rich waters into the sand bar and microbially controlled anoxic conditions, which favour pyrite formation.
Od początku lat 80. XX w. zróżnicowanie koncentracji metali ciężkich zaczęto wykorzystywać do oceny wieku głównie osadów fluwialnych. Charakterystyczne piki, spadki lub wzrosty tych koncentracji na wykresach porównuje się z archiwalnymi danymi o charakterystycznych zmianach produkcji lub emisji metali na obszarze zlewni. Metoda daje najdokładniejsze wyniki przy istnieniu 1-2 dużych źródeł ścieków na obszarze zlewni i wyraźnych zmianach wielkości ich zrzutów. Zazwyczaj wykonuje się kilka profili w osadach pozakorytowych, analizując zawartość metali we frakcji drobnoziarnistej. Ograniczenia w jej stosowaniu wynikają z dokładności istniejących zapisów historii gospodarczej zlewni oraz postdepozycyjnej migracji metali istotnej szczególnie w poziomach położonych poniżej zwierciadła wody.
The changes in heavy metal concentrations are used for estimation of the age of fluvial sediments since the recent decades of 20th century. Characteristic peaks, sudden drops or increases of metal concentrations in vertical profiles of overbank sediments are usually compared with archival data of metal production or emission in the drainage basin. Method gives the best results with 1-2 large pollution sources in a drainage basin with marked changes in quality and quantity of discharged effluents. Usually several or more profiles are performed and metal content is analyzed in fine sediment fraction. The method is usually limited by accuracy and availability of archival data from industrial history of a drainage basin and by postdepositional mobilization of heavy metals which could be significant below average groundwater level.
Overbank sediment profiles of the channelized and heavily polluted Vistula and Odra rivers were investigated in southern Poland. The sediments are usually represented by sandy layers about a dozen centimetres thick, intercalated with black sandy muds few centimetres thick and rich in organic matter. Accumulation of these sediments started by the end of 19th century. The sediments are contaminated with heavy metals in amounts exceeding background values by two orders of magnitude and contain coal particles dispersed in black layers. These fine sediments initially accumulated over gravel bars at the channel banks due to lateral channel stabilization by stony groynes and bank revetments, constructed in 19th and 20th century. Progressively the sediments, which are up to 4 m thick, became a part of 20–30 m wide floodplain zones along many reaches of the upper Vistula and Odra. The distribution of these sediments is related to the degree of channel narrowing and incision induced by 19th and 20th century channelization.
River floodplains have been recognized as an important sink for suspended sediments and associated contaminants mobilized from upstream catchments. However, information on rates of overbank sedimentation within time span of several tens of years is impossible to obtain using conventional sediment traps. Measurements of the 210Pb content in floodplain sediments provide an alternative approach for obtaining estimates of medium-term (100–150 years) rates of overbank sediment deposition. The use of 210Pb method and heavy metals concentration profiles allowed to obtain retrospective estimates of recent sedimentation rates on floodplain of the Warta River (the Cracow Upland, southern Poland). The results are compared with dating of sediment layers by characteristic peaks of heavy metal concentrations. The highest sediment accretion rate, of the order of 1 cm/year, was found in a levee along river bank. Sediment deposition in flood basin is much slower and usually does not exceed 1 mm/year.
The paper presents the results of geotechnical properties of cohesive soil recently deposited in Rożnowskie Lake and on the floodplain of the Dunajec River. The results show that cohesive soils of Rożnowskie Lake are represented mainly by silt, clay and silty clay. Sandy silt and silt are deposited predominantly on the floodplain of the Dunajec River. The soils contain a few percent of organic matter, however, there is more organic matter in the sediments of Rożnowskie Lake. The variability of deposited soils is due to different periods of sedimentation on an annual basis. The time of sedimentation on the Dunajec River floodplain is short and associated with flooding during the summer culmination, thus the sediments (sandy silt and silt) are coarsest. In the area of Rożnowskie Lake, sludge sedimentation occurs throughout the year, especially during the spring and summer flood flow. This sludge has finer grain size (silt and clay). The soils show a variation in their vertical profile, and are characterized by a layered structure.
Przeprowadzono badania zawartości: Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni i Pb w pionowych profilach osadów pobranych z rzeki Małej Panwi. W celu określenia mobilności metali zastosowano analizę wielostopniowej ekstrakcji chemicznej. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoliły określić rozmieszczenie metali ciężkich w osadach, a także ocenić możliwości ich migracji do wód podziemnych. Badane osady charakteryzują się zróżnicowanym stopniem zanieczyszczenia metalami w zależności od lokalizacji; zawartości w poziomach powierzchniowych są generalnie wyższe niż w warstwach niżej leżących. Spośród badanych najsilniej toksycznych metali najwyższe zawartości stwierdzono w przypadku: Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn, mieszczące się odpowiednio w granicach [mg/kg]: 0.2-559; 4-483; 26-3309; 126-11153. Cynk i kadm występują przede wszystkim w formach łatwo mobilnych, tj. jonowymiennych, węglanowych i łatwo redukowalnych, natomiast Pb i Cu w formach średnio redukowalnych. Względne ilości poszczególnych form związania metali nie zmieniają się istotnie z głębokością badanych profili osadów.
Sediment cores were taken form the Mała Panew River at the Upper Silesia area to determine the heavy metal content in their different depth sections. The results of sequential extraction procedure are reported in order of evaluate the metals mobility. The obtained results was used to estimate the distribution of metals in the sediment depth profiles and their possible migration into groundwater system. Distribution of metals is very variable and depends on both a metal and a sampling point. The metal contents in surface sediment layers are generally higher than those in deeper ones. The highest content of toxic metals was determined for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, which ranged [mg/kg]: 0.2-559; 4-483; 26-3309; 126-11153 respectively. The most mobile metal forms i.e. exchangeable, carbonatic and easily reducible are typical for Zn and Cd. Lead and copper are mainly associated with the moderately reducible fraction. The relative portions of metals form are not significantly varied with depth in the sediment profile.
Concentrations of chlorinated pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB28, PCB52, PCB101, PCB118, PCB153, PCB138, PCB180), were determined in 80 river sediment samples collected from the whole area of Poland. Chlorinated pesticides were found in almost all samples. The most frequently detected pesticides were isomer y-HCH (Lindane) and the DDT group compounds. The concentrations of Lindane exceeding the detection limit were recorded in 95% of samples and Lindane contents above the PEL value were noted in 32.5% of the analysed samples. The high contests of pesticides were recorded mainly in river sediments near urban-industrial centres. The presence of p,p’-DDT was noted in 31 samples and its metabolite p,p’-DDE —in 78 samples, and p,p’-DDD —in 69 samples. The concentration of p,p’-DDE above PEL value (6.75 ug/kg) were detected in 9 samples, p’-DDD (8.51 ug/kg) —in 9 samples, p,p’-DDT —in 13 samples. Of the remaining pesticides the concentrations of heptachlor epoxide exceeding the detection limit were observed in 5 sediment samples, Dieldrin —in 15 samples, Aldrin —in 10 samples, Endrin —in 10 samples, Endosulfan I only in 1 sample, Endosulfan II — in 4 samples and Methoxychlor — in 2 samples. The concentrations of Heptachlor epoxide higher than the PEL value (2,74 ug/kg) were detected in 1 sample (1.3%). Of 48.8% of the analysed river sediment samples contained polychlorinated biphenyls above detection limit; in two locations the PCB concentrations were high enough to pose a threat for water organisms.
There are discussed problems of contamination of environment by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the region of Zvolen, Slovakia. PAHs as products of the incomplete buming of organie substances, as components of fossil fuels and the fossil fuel products represent group of highly toxic substances in the environment. We determined 16 PAHs in the samples of water, river sediments, soil and plant from surrouding of wood processing plant. The analyse method used was the high perfomance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with DAD detection.
Przedyskutowano problemy zanieczyszczenia środowiska okolic Zvolena na Słowacji przez wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne (PAHs). Związki te jako produkty niecałkowitego spalania substancji organicznych, takich jak komponenty paliw kopalnych i ich pochodne, reprezentują grupę substancji silnie toksycznych dla środowiska przyrodniczego. Oznaczono 16 wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów w próbkach wody, osadów rzecznych, ziemi i roślin występujących w pobliżu zakładu impregnacji drewna. Do analiz wykorzystano metodę wysokosprawnej chromatografii cieczowej (HPLC) z detekcją DAD.
The Przekop Wisły (or the Vistula Cross-cut) is a canal created 120 years ago in the Vistula River mouth to prevent floods. In 2013/2014, 82 samples of canal sediments were collected in three sessions, which were next subjected to macroscopic descriptions and sieve analyses, including calculation of granulation indices expressed in the phi scale. Characteristics of granulation are presented in relation to forms of bottom relief, varied transport and storage conditions of individual sessions. Sediments in the canal are relatively even-sized, with coarse and/or medium-grained sands, quite well-sorted, with moderately negative skewness and a leptokurtic distribution. It was demonstrated that deposition of sediments in the canal is progressing, especially in its estuarial section, which impacts significantly on its patency. Hence, it is necessary to monitor sediments in the canal to establish its condition and identify trends related to risks and flood prevention. The Przekop Wisły canal constitutes a natural area of a straight channel river, and studies of its sediments may be an important model of fluvial processes.
Przekop Wisły to kanał utworzony 120 lat temu w ujściu Wisły dla zapobiegania powodziom. Z osadów kanału pobrano 82 próby w trzech sesjach 2013/2014 r. Wykonano opisy makroskopowe oraz analizę sitową prób z wyliczeniem wskaźników uziarnienia w skali phi. Przedstawiono charakter uziarnienia w relacji form rzeźby oraz zróżnicowanych warunków transportu i depozycji w poszczególnych sesjach. Osady kanału są względnie równoziarniste, z piaskami gruboziarnistymi i/lub średnioziarnistymi, umiarkowanie wysortowanymi, zwykle o skośności umiarkowanie ujemnej i o leptokurtycznym rozkładzie. Wykazano postępującą depozycję osadów w kanale zwłaszcza w jego ujściowej partii, co znacznie ogranicza jego drożność. Konieczne jest prowadzenie monitoringu osadów kanału dla ustalenia jego stanu i tendencji zmian w odniesieniu do zagrożeń i zapobiegania powodziom. Kanał Przekop Wisły stanowi swoisty naturalny poligon rzeki prostolinijnej i badania jego osadów mogą być traktowane jako ważny wzorzec procesów fluwialnych.
Zbadano możliwości ekstrakcji sekwencyjnej Zn, Cd i Pb z osadów dennych. W tym celu zastosowano tradycyjną metodę Tessiera, uznaną za referencyjną, jak również ekstrakcję sekwencyjną w wersji mikrofalowej oraz ultradźwiękowej. Próbki do badań pobierano w trzech miejscach o odmiennej charakterystyce otoczenia z rzeki Nidy w województwie świętokrzyskim. Każdy etap mineralizacji zakończony był badaniem z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu elektronowego, co pozwoliło na stałe monitorowanie prowadzonych procesów.
The possibility of the sequential extraction of Zn, Cd and Pb erom river sediments was examined. For this purpose the Tessiers method, recognized as a reference, was applied as well as the sequential extraction in a microwave and a supersonic version. The test samples were taken from three places of a different profile from the surroundings of the river Nida in the Świętokrzyskie province. Every stage of mineralization was finished with an investigation with the use of an electron microscope, which allowed for the constant monitoring of the conducted processes.
Omówiono zasady prowadzenia monitoringu osadów w ramach Państwowego Monitoringu Środowiska, w tym sposób poboru próbek i dokonywania oznaczeń. Na podstawie wyników monitoringu osadów rzeki Warty, pochodzących z 17 punktów obserwacyjnych z lat 2003-2005, przedstawiono ocenę czystości tych osadów. Do oceny wykorzystano metody pozwalające sklasyfikować osady rzeczne na podstawie wartości tła geochemicznego, wartości dolnych i górnych limitów (PEL i TEL) oraz procedurę używaną do klasyfikacji urobku zanieczyszczonego. Klasyfikacji dokonano na podstawie czterech grup wskaźników: wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych, sumy polichlorowanych bifenyli, pestycydów chloroorganicznych oraz metali ciężkich.
The River Warta, with the length of 808 km, is one of the longest rivers in Poland. The River Warta flows across the urban areas and passes some big cities like Czestochowa, Sieradz, Konin, Poznan, Gorzow Wielkopolski. The river is covered by a water quality monitoring system. There are 17 sediment monitoring sites situated along the course of the river. In this paper, the sediment quality assessment was performed by exploration of monitoring data, gathered through the years 2003-2005. The analysed set of data included the contents of 20 elements in the sediment samples: Ag, As, Ba, C (as Corg), Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mg, Mn, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sr, V, Zn. For the samples from 4 sites there were also available the contents of some toxic organic compounds, such as PCBs, PAHs and pesticides. The sediment quality in the river was evaluated according to the three different systems of classification. The classification results showed that sediment contamination with persistent organic pollutants ((POPs) is not threatening for the environment. Much more worrying occurred the contents of some trace metals, like Ag and Cd. However, the contents of metals were very changeable along the river (for different monitoring sites) and that bad quality of sediments is not distinctive for all the river course.
Equations describing the rate of adsorption and absorption processes and those based on Whitman's model have been analyzed. In the case of unstable states, the mass flux penetrating to the layer of the river sediment and calculated by means of these equations differs from the mass flux calculated from the mass diffusion equation. In order to minimize the discrepancies between the flux determined by Whitman's model and a real flux, the correction factor has been introduced into the concentration gradient equation originated from Whitman's model. This correction factor can be expressed as a time dependence of the product of a certain parameter and the concentration derivative at the phase boundary (solid phase side). The corrected equation for the concentration gradient has been used to derive another equation, describing a general rate of the absorption and adsorption processes at the linear interfacial equilibrium and the chemical reactions occurring in the liquid and solid phases; the chemical reactions follow the first order monomolecular mechanism in unstable states with reference to the liquid phase. Knowing the general rate of the earlier mentioned processes it is possible to construct an advective-dispersion model of mass transport in a river including these particular processes. Such a model contains a term defined as a correction factor referring to the time dependence of the concentration derivative with respect to time. The described model may be also used for simulation of the transport of pollutants undergoing adsorption and absorption in the layer river sediment; the processes occur with a finite and infinitely large rate through the equilibrium states.
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