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The analysis of time variability of riverbed elevation recorded at eight cross-sections of the Upper Vistula River is presented in the paper. The variability is analyzed on the base on the observed low annual water stages and the cross-sectional geometry variation observed over decades. Furthermore, the analysis of riverbed changes in the years 2001 – 2011 was done in 16 cross-sections located between the Koło and Zawichost gauging stations. Based on the analyzed changes in the riverbed elevation of the eight tested gauging stations it should be noted that since the beginning of the observation period, that is from about the beginning of the 20th century to the mid 1960’s, in the Upper Vistula River riverbed erosion can be observed with a slight tendency for accumulation. As a result of technical regulations of the river channel of the Vistula River from km 247 +000 to 295 +000 carried out in the years 1975 to 1982, intensive processes of riverbed erosion has occured. In most of the 16 profiles it was found that in the years 2001-2011 the river channel was deepened. The occurrence of local riverbed deepening at the river banks was also observed.
The paper presents results of batimetric measurements, carried out in Middle Vistula River, using integrated Echo-Sounder - GPS system. The aim of investigations was estimation of channel, bottom morphology changes, between different water stages in Warsaw and alluvial basement morphology influence on bottom morphology. The assessment of application of GIS and GPS for large rivers morphology has been also discussed.
Content available remote Wpływ podłoża aluwiów na morfologię koryta Wisły w rejonie Góry Kalwarii
The investigations, carried out in the Vistula river valley near Góra Kalwaria (Vistula middle course) were focused on the estimation of connections between alluvial basement position and contemporary channel stability. The culmination of basement was discovered in the upper part of the studied reach. It is generally composed of fluvioglacial deposits, covered by coarse-grained residuum residual lag. The occurence of this culmination has an effect on the position of the main channel during high water states, as well as lateral erosion and stability of channel depositional forms.
One of channel features, which seems to be importantfor river engineering projects, is possibility of existence of natural trends of currents distribution. The recurrence of thalweg direction can be connected among other reasons with the susceptibility to erosion of deposits that build up the channel zone. The aim of the study was determination of alluvia basement influence on channel morphodynamics. The article presents the results of bathymetric measurements that were carried out in two non-engineered sections of the Bug River channel within its Podlaski Gorge and two sections of the Middle Vistula: in the Basonia (Małopolska Gorge) and Dęblin (examples of engineered channel) regions. The study was conducted with the use of sonar coupled with aDGPS receiver. Measurements were performed under conditions of low and medium water levels. The study also included geological research of the river channel (drillings). The analysis of channel morphology changes was performed in GIS environment. The studies have shown a link between morphology of the alluvia basement (composed of erosion-resistant deposits) and the flow directions. This phenomenon is observed in the river channel regardless of the flow rate.
The water conditions in the River Narew valley began to change in the 1970s and 1980s owing to anthropogenic and natural factors. The former included the regulation of a part of the river valley below the village of Rzędziany. As a result of these measures, the river course was shortened and its gradient increased, leading to lower water levels, shortened surface flooding periods and a gradual lowering of the groundwater level in the whole of the valley. In consequence, many active river channels are disappearing due to their overgrowing and silting. The impact of the natural factors is slower and can be observed in the whole of the valley. From 1981 onwards, precipitation levels gradually fell. Mild winters and shorter snow cover periods resulted in reduced spring floodings. The water flow can also be significantly affected by the vegetation. Due to the overgrown banks plants can obstruct the water flow, leading to the damming of the river and consequently to the overgrowing of the river channel or avulsion. The existing vegetation also gradually leads to the narrowing of the river channels. The paper analyses the changes in the river channel network which took place in the River Narew valley between the villages of Łapy and Zółtki in the second half of the 20th century. It also describes how the natural and anthropogenic factors have influenced the channel network and characteristics of the River Narew. The research period covers the years 1966- 1997; the analysis was made using maps of the river channel network. The first map, developed on the basis of a series of panchromatic aerial photographs, shows the situation in 1966, while the second map, prepared on the basis of a spectrozonal orthophotomap, shows the location of the river channels in 1997. These maps were compared to illustrate the extent and directions of the changes that took place in the river channel network in the researched area over the past 31 years. To this end, two differential maps were prepared using ESRI’s ArcGIS 10.0 Two river channel types were distinguished: active and cut off. The first map shows all potential river channel transformations and those channels which did not undergo any changes in the researched area. This helped identify the overall maximum area occupied by the river channels in the period in question and the extent of the unchanged river channels. The second map shows six directions of changes, excluding the channels where no changes could be detected. In 1966 the natural River Narew network was very well developed, with the channels occupying the larger part of the river valley. In 1997 the river channels had changed considerably in comparison to 1966. A part of the researched area lying within the boundaries of the River Narew National Park had a relatively well-developed river channel network, although with a visible increase of cut-off channels. At the same time, in the section below Kurowo, it was found that the number of active channels had decreased, resulting in the dominance of the single-channel system, particularly well visible in the artificially created channel in the vicinity of the village of Rzędziany, reaching as far as the village of Żółtki. Changes in the river channel network could be observed in about 50 per cent of the area of the researched River Narew 16 valley floor. The dominant direction of change (50 per cent) has been the disappearance of active channels, mainly found in the southern part of the area in question. The year 1966 saw many floodings here. In the northern part of the researched area, strong vegetation growth could be observed, which led to the overgrowing of the river channels. The other significant direction of change (observable in 25 per cent of the researched area) has been the transformation of active channels into cutoff ones. Such changes were found mostly in the northern part of the area in question, between the villages of Radule and Żółtki. The third change type, covering about 17 per cent of the researched area, has been the formation of active channels, also found in the northern part of the area in question, in the so-called buffer zone of the Narew National Park. Similar changes were also observed in the vicinity of Waniewo and Radule, with few changes found in the remaining river channel categories. To sum up, it should be concluded that the changes which took place in the area in question were both varied and significant. Most notably, they included the disappearance of active channels in the southern part of the area in question and the transformation of active channels into cut-off ones in the northern part. The extent of the changes was the smallest in the latitudinal section of the valley, between Topilec and Waniewo; this is an area with a well-developed water network, characterised by stable river channels. Since 1996, work has been under way to restore the River Narew valley and recreate the water conditions existing here before the land drain age.
In the period 2007-2009, floristic, habitat and physico- chemical analysis was made of the hydraulically improved surrounding ditch of Lake Bikcze in the Łęczna-Włodawa Lakeland. Hemicryptophytes, with a large proportion of geophytes as well as hydrophytes and helophytes, were the main component of the flora of the studied section of the transformed Piwonia River channel. In terms of historical-geographical classification, spontaneophytes were predominant, and apophytes among them, whereas anthropophytes were poorly represented, which was confirmed by the correspondingly high values of the synanthropization and apophytization indices (> 50%) as well as the low value of the anthropophytization index (approx. 2%). In the aspect of the range of occurrence, Euro-Siberian and cosmopolitan species were predominant, which are classified in terms of the indicator values as hygrophilous plants, neutral to continentality, living in moderately cool or moderately warm climatic conditions, characterized by a wide range of tolerance to the trophic state index and to soil acidity. An analysis of the values of the basic physico-chemical factors of the stagnant water in the surrounding ditch showed variations in the value of pH, electrolytic conductivity and the value of the concentration of organic and ammonium nitrogen as well as of organic phosphorus and phosphates. In spite of the anthropogenic nature of the studied watercourse, the qualitative and quantitative proportions of the flora species indicated the natural state of the flora based on the native vegetation, characteristic of the study area.
Istotnym czynnikiem zapewnienia swobody manewrowej wojsk lądowych na obszarach nizinnych jest umiejętność pokonywania przeszkód wodnych, w tym szczególnie koryt rzecznych. Złożona geneza (poligeneza) odcinków dolin rzecznych na Niżu Polskim jest przyczyną ogromnego zróżnicowania budowy geologicznej ich odcinków. Poligeneza warunkuje także specyfikę przebiegu ewolucji systemu rzecznego, której motorem są zmiany klimatu i rosnący wpływ człowieka na warunki hydrologiczne zlewni. Ponieważ poszczególne genetyczne odcinki różnią się charakterem przebiegających w ich obrębie procesów, to także ich specyfika zapisana jest w rzeźbie dna doliny i w zróżnicowaniu występujących na jej powierzchni gruntów. Wybór odpowiednich miejsc do przepraw, czy forsowania koryt rzecznych może opierać się na identyfikacji określonego zestawu cech powierzchni terenu, którą prowadzić można metodami teledetekcji lotniczej, czy satelitarnej.
An important factor in ensuring the maneuvering freedom of land forces in lowland areas is the ability to overcome water obstacles, especially riverbeds. The complex genesis (polygenesis) of the river valley sections in the Polish Lowlands is the reason for the great diversity of their geological structure. Polygenesis also determines the specificity of the course of the evolution of the river system, which is driven by climate change and the growing human influence on the hydrological conditions of the catchment area. Since individual genetic sections differ like the processes within them, their specificity is also written in the relief of the valley bottom and the diversity of the land on its surface. The selection of appropriate places for crossing or forcing river beds may be based on identifying a specific set of land surface features, which can be carried out using aerial or satellite remote sensing methods.
The paper presents the results of the regular bank erosion monitoring on three rivers of the Eastern European (Russian) Plain: the Kerzhenets River (left tributary of the Volga River), the Sherna River (left tributary of the Klyazma River) and the Tarusa River (left tributary of the Oka River). The first two rivers are characterised by wide floodplains and meandering channels, the third one is distinguished by an incised straight channel and a narrow floodplain. Results of the bank erosion monitoring carried out twice a year – after a spring snowmelt flood and a summer low-water period - over the last 5-15 years allowed the authors to arrive at the following conclusions: 1. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the flood events. No channel deformations were observed during the low-water periods on the rivers of the humid temperate climate zone. 2. Bank erosion and channel lateral migration were observed only during the years with the highest flood magnitude, regardless of the stream bed sediment grain size composition. In the years with moderate flood events, bank erosion occurred, but its rates were inconsiderable and comparable to the measurement accuracy limit. During dry years, no channel deformations were observed. 3. As a consequence of the meander development and its sinuosity changes, zones of the maximum concave bank retreat change their locations along the meander. First, the maximum erosion rate zone occupies most of the concave bank length, then moves towards the lower limb and concentrates at the meander apex when reaching the maximum sinuosity. 4. Formation of cutoffs in a high-sinuosity meander is mainly associated with intrinsic mechanisms of the meander self-development and to a lesser extent with a flood magnitude. In this case, the main factor of the cutoff process is a very fast increase in the channel longitudinal profile gradient, rather than flood discharge.
W pracy podjęto próbę określenia relacji między szorstkością koryta rzeki podgórskiej, wyrażoną współczynnikiem szorstkości a wielkością przepływu obliczeniowego. Z uwagi na fakt, że dobór zawyżonych wartości współczynnika szorstkości (n) może prowadzić do błędnego określania wielkości przepływu oraz wymiarowania przekroi poprzecznych koryt rzek i potoków w ramach pracy wykonano obliczenia wielkości przepływu (Q) z uwzględnieniem wartości (n) obliczonego wg różnych formuł. Przeprowadzone zostały pomiary hydrometryczne oraz geodezyjne. Pobrane zostały próbki rumowiska dennego celem określenia średnic charakterystycznych rumowiska, które posłużyły do obliczeń współczynników: szorstkości (n) oraz oporu przepływu (f) na badanym odcinku rzeki. W oparciu o analizę wyników badań stwierdzono, że decydujący wpływ na wartość współczynnika szorstkości wywiera średnica ziaren. Z uwagi na złożoność zagadnienia, potwierdzenie hipotezy o istnieniu bezpośredniego związku pomiędzy współczynnikiem szorstkości a głębokością wody w korycie wymaga przeprowadzenia dodatkowych badań.
The study attempts to describe the relationship between roughness of mountain river beds, expressed by the roughness coefficient and the water depth of the river. Due to the fact that the selection of inflated values of the coefficient (n) can lead to erroneous determination of the discharge and dimensioning of river cross sections, the discharge (Q) has been calculated using values of (n) which were derived using different formulas. Hydrometric measurements and surveying were performed, samples were also collected to determine dimensions of sediment particles, which were used to calculate the coefficients: roughness (n) and resistance to flow (f) on the tested section of the river. Based on the analysis of test results, it was found that the diameter of grains had the decisive influence on the value of roughness. Due to the complexity of the issue, the confirmation of the hypothesis of the existence of a direct relationship between the ratio of roughness coefficient and the water depth in the river channel requires more research.
According to the results of many studies construction of dams, their decommissioning, and sediment flushing from the reservoir have been associated with vegetation dynamics. However, factors governing the spatial changes of forestation in the floodplain below the dams have not been explored extensively. This study examined the interacting effects of dam, inflow and land-use patterns of catchment areas and other factors on downstream vegetation patterns along the downstream reaches of Southern African Rivers. A total of 105 segments of 15 rivers (16 dams) located in seven Southern African countries were studied. Areas of herbaceous and forest vegetation of river channels below a dam and land-use catchment area patterns were obtained by the Google area calculator and aerial image analysis. Forest development was the highest just below the dams, and the ratio of forest cover decreased with distance from the dam toward the river mouth. Forest coverage ratio was found to decrease with an increase in dyke distance, number as well as of inflows (r = −0.66, P <0.01) and water coverage ratio, and bare land in the river flood plain. However, a principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the proportion of bare land in the catchment area, the dyke distance of the river and the number of inflows or tributaries are the factors most associated with forestation among the studied parameters. Forestation progressively decreased following the entrance of free following tributaries below dams, which appeared to reduce the effects produced by dams on vegetation forestation by causing local deviation. The impact of different land use types, such as agriculture on forestation, was insignificant though in some cases, land use areas cause the forest area reduction.
In summer 2014, hydromorphological state of the upper section of the Ner River was investigated applying the River Habitat Survey (RHS) method. The use of this method involves performing field studies on the selected sections of rivers. During fieldwork, in specific survey forms are collected hundreds of qualitative and quantitative parameters of both the river channel and the valley bottom, as well as vegetation, land use, hydrotechnical buildings etc. Collected data allow to calculate two synthetic hydromorphological indicators on the basis of which the hydromorphological state of the studied section of the river is described. Investigations were carried out in three sections: the Huta Wiskicka sections (I) situated upstream, the Gadka Stara section (II) situated more downstream and the Lublinek section (III) situated downstream. The sections I and II were located beyond the administrative boundaries of Łódź, while the section III was located within the city limits. Moderate and relatively poor assessment of the hydromorphological state of the upper section of the Ner River was obtained: the upper section is characterised by weak state (class IV), the middle section by middle state (class III), the lower section by poor state (class V). 
Latem 2014 roku zbadano przy wykorzystaniu metody River Habitat Survey (RHS) stan hydromorfologiczny górnego odcinka rzeki Ner. Posługiwanie się wymienioną metodą polega na przeprowadzeniu badań terenowych na wytypowanych odcinkach rzek. Podczas badań terenowych w specjalnych formularzach zbiera się kilkaset jakościowych i ilościowych parametrów dotyczących zarówno koryta rzecznego, jak i dna dolinnego, a także roślinności, użytkowania ziemi, budowli hydrotechnicznych itp. Zebrane dane pozwalają obliczyć dwa syntetyczne wskaźniki hydromorfologiczne, na podstawie których określa się klasę stanu hydromorfologicznego badanego odcinak rzeki. Do badań wybrano trzy odcinki: najwyższy odcinek Huta Wiskicka (I), następnie leżący niżej odcinek Gadka Stara (II) i odcinek najniższy – Lublinek (III). Odcinki badawcze I i II były położone poza granicami administracyjnymi Łodzi, natomiast odcinek III znajdował się w granicach miasta. Uzyskano umiarkowane i stosunkowo słabe oceny stanu hydromorfologicznego górnego odcinka Neru: odcinek najwyższy cechował stan słaby (klasa IV), odcinek środkowy miał stan umiarkowany (klasa III), a odcinek najniższy – stan zły (klasa V). 
The article deals with the problem of the pollution mixing in rivers. Only pollutants which are hydrodynamically undistinguishable from a river water are taken into consideration. Is assumed, that the pollutants are passive, are defined as all kinds of chemical substances that mixreadily with water but do not react with it. Pollutants discharged into the river are mixed with the water of river due to different mechanisms i.e. molecular diffusion, turbulent diffusion, advection and dispersion. These mechanisms are explained and described.
W artykule przedstawiono wymagania stawiane budowlom hydrotechnicznym w kontekście błędów wykonawczych i technologicznych popełnionych podczas budowy nowego, otwartego koryta potoku. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na jakość zrealizowanych robót betoniarskich.
This article describes requirements applicable to hydrotechnical structures, in the context of technological and execution errors committed during the building of a new open channel for a rivulet. Particular focus is placed on the quality of concrete working.
The relationship between the river channel parameters – morphological, hydraulic and substrate – and the composition and distribution of macrozoobenthos communities was studied on the 75 m channel reach of the stream (Teplička brook, Strážovské vrchy Mts., Slovakia) located at the altitude of 256 m; with average width 4 m, depth 0.25m, average current velocity 0.32 m s⁻¹ and discharge in sampling season 0.2 m³s⁻¹. Following the River Morphology Hierarchical Classification (RMHC), the fluvial geomorphological research was realised on the selected channel reach – taxon defined in accordance to RMHC. The plane bed and a riffle-pool channel types have been identified in the investigated channel reach. At the habitat level morphological and hydraulic features represent an alternative approach of habitat assessment in order to gain representative macroinvertebrate sample in stream assessment according to the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The morphological units defined in terms of Froude (Fr) and Reynolds (Re) numbers differed in the extent of the shear stress and turbulence of the water environment. Also Fr and Re values rose in the row of flow types: standing water (SW) – scarcely perceptible flow (SP), smooth flow (S) – rippled (R) – unbroken standing waves (USW) – broken standing waves (BSW) – chute (CH). Different taxa and feeding groups preferred different morphological units and flow types. In terms of morphological units, runs, bars, edgewaters and scours were generally inhabited by the lowest abundance of all invertebrate groups; only Gastropoda reached the higher abundance in these habitats. Glides, pools and backwaters were inhabited by somewhat higher numbers of invertebrates, Oligochaeta and Bivalvia dominated here. Units with organic substrate (moss on boulder clusters and roots) together with rapids and riffles were characterised by high abundance mainly of Gammaridae and Simuliidae. Regarding flow types, standing water separated from others by its low abundances of taxa group but Gastropoda and Bivalvia. SP, S and R types were preferred by Oligochaeta and Chironomidae, while Gammaridae and Simuliidae dominated in standing waves (USW, BSW) and chutes. Also distribution of feeding groups followed the gradient of local environmental conditions. Significant correlations of feeding groups and flow types, current velocity, Fr, Re and depth were observed. Organic substrates played an important role in distribution and abundance of the macrozoobenthos. Overall abundance and also abundance of Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera was significantly higher in the moss or roots compared to other habitats.. Benthos communities of these habitats showed similarities with habitats in the highly turbulent environment (riffles, rapids).
Występujące w korytach niektórych rzek odporne na erozję kulminacje stropu podłoża aluwiów pełnić mogą w sprzyjających warunkach hydrologicznych funkcję „mostów geologicznych”, stanowiących miejsca dogodne do forsowania przez ciężkie pojazdy. W artykule omówiono możliwości teledetekcyjnej identyfikacji takich miejsc na podstawie wspólnej analizy zdjęć lotniczych, wysokorozdzielczych zdjęć satelitarnych oraz Numerycznych Modeli Terenu na podstawie lotniczego skaningu laserowego (ALS). Efektem prowadzonych prac była identyfikacja w dnach dolin dużych rzek nizinnych form rzeźby związanych z możliwością forsowania koryta przez ciężkie pojazdy. Pozwoliło to na sformułowanie ogólnych założeń SYSTEMU WYZNACZANIA STREF DOGODNYCH DLA PRZEPRAW Z WYKORZYSTANIEM PLATFORM POWIETRZNYCH.
The erosion-resistant culminations of the alluvial subsoil occurring in the riverbeds of some rivers may play the role of "geological bridges" under favorable hydrological conditions, constituting places convenient for forcing by heavy vehicles. The article discusses the possibility of remote-sensing identification of such places based on a common analysis of aerial images, high-resolution satellite images and Digital Terrain Models based on Airborne Laser Scanning. The result of the work was the identification of relief forms in the valley bottoms of large lowland indicating the available locations for heavy vehicles forcing the bed. This allowed for the formulation of general assumptions of the SYSTEM OF DESIGNING ZONES CONVENIENT FOR CROSSROADS USING AIR PLATFORMS.
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