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The present study aims to detect morphological abnormalities in Zygnema sp. because this test species have high adaptive capacity in unfavourable environmental stress. This alga is inhabited at the suburban bank of river Ganga, West Bengal, India. The study was done at experimental sites, downstream at Khardah near sewage water mixing area was compared with upstream control site Kalyani as no sewage water discharge. External and internal abnormal morphology such as undulating or wavy and extra outgrowth on cell wall, sometimes bending inwardly and outwardly as external deformities while internal anomalies such as pigment loss, nucleus was in circular, rectangular, oval and amoeboid shapes, also vacuolated and trilobed, broom like chloroplasts and central part of the thallas dried in between two segments. It was observed that this test species was surviving and well adapted with above mentioned deformities. The present preliminary study with Zygnema sp. can be utilized for in situ and ex situ indicator species for riverine biomonitoring. Further research may be relevant to know both tolerant and sensitive algae species inhabited at the river Ganga bank alongwith biochemical and genetic parameters. The present work is suggesting that other inhabiting algae and this adaptive test species can be used for bioremediation of pollutants.
All issues related to the maintenance of mountain rivers engineering structures, especially to river banks reinforcement, are extremely important to river engineering and flood protection works. The selection of appropriate hydraulic structures depends on many factors. When designing such devices, one should take into account, among other things, the type of soil, the hydrodynamic conditions, the atmospheric phenomena and the chemical condition of the water. Examples of hydraulic structures include weirs, gabions, rip-rap, boulder ramps etc. Efficient operation thereof depends on the careful execution of those structures. In case of the rip-rap revetments, there is a number of guidelines specifying the required physical and mechanical characteristics of the crushed stone used. In the present paper we discusses the methods of river bank protection, and we present the selection of rip-rap by defining technical specifications for the size of the crushed stones, the rip-rap, and the filter bed used in this context. In particular, we focus on the quality of the filter material used for the laying of crushed stones. Filtering material is laid directly underneath the rip-rap, and its faulty selection may often lead to failure of river bank reinforcement structures. For this paper we have analysed three rip-rap revetment structures within the town of Nowy Targ. A number of granulometric measurements and rip-rap sloping gradients were carried out at each station. Two stability conditions, and one permeability condition have been tested.
Zagadnienia związane z utrzymaniem rzek i umocnieniem ich brzegów są bardzo istotne w inżynierii rzecznej. Dobór odpowiednich zabezpieczeń uzależniony jest od wielu czynników. Przy projektowaniu należy brać pod uwagę między innymi rodzaj gruntu, warunki hydrodynamiczne, zjawiska atmosferyczne i chemiczny stan wód. Przykładowymi konstrukcjami umacniającymi koryto cieku są ostrogi, opaski, gabiony, a także narzuty kamienne z kamienia łamanego. Efektywne działanie wszelkiego rodzaju umocnień zależy od ich prawidłowego wykonania. W przypadku narzutów kamiennych istnieje szereg wytycznych dotyczących wymaganych właściwości fizycznych i mechanicznych kamienia łamanego. W pracy omówiono sposoby zabezpieczeń brzegów rzeki, przedstawiając czynniki determinujące wybór narzutu kamiennego przez określenie specyfikacji technicznej dotyczącej wielkości kamienia łamanego, narzutu oraz stosowanego filtra przy narzucie kamiennym. W sposób szczególny zajęto się jakością materiału filtra użytego do ułożenia kamienia łamanego. Materiał filtra jest usypywany bezpośrednio pod narzutem kamiennym i jego niewłaściwy dobór często prowadzi do awarii ubezpieczenia brzegowego. Analizie zostały poddane trzy narzuty kamienne na terenie Nowego Targu. Na każdym stanowisku zostało przeprowadzone szereg pomiarów granulometrycznych oraz kątów usypania narzutu. Sprawdzono dwa warunki stabilności oraz warunek przepuszczalności.
River bank erosion, accretion and lateral channel migration are the most important geomorphological processes, which attract a great deal of attention from river engineering scientist over the last century. In the presented study, we assessed how the river’s shape and position have changed during 1958–2013 period using remote sensing and GIS. We have identified that the total area of bank erosion during given period equalled 8.3430 km2, of which 3.2593 km2 were on the left bank and 5.0837 km2 on the right bank. The total area of bank accretion from 1958 to 2013 equalled 10.7074 km2, of which 5.4115 km2 was on the left bank and 5.2958 km2 on the right bank. The Bosna riverbed average movement in the period 1958–2013 was established in the amount of 132.4 m. During this period, the average lateral channel migration was 2.5 m per year. The data presented here are significant for practical issues such as predicting channel migration rates for engineering and planning purposes, soil and water management.
One more time we would like to pay attention of especially of the hydraulic engineer audience to bankfull stage and discharge. Along the paper we show commonly accepted definitions of it and ways of calculations. It is difficult to determine the size of the bankfull flow level, that is why the authors are presenting many selected methods. Some of the methods allow the determination of biotic bankfull flow through the occurrence of zones of vegetation characteristic and based on the observation of the occurrence of ground beetles (e.g. the Woodyer and the Radecki-Pawlik and Skalski methods). Some of the methods – most popular- are using morphometric parameters (e.g. the Williams, the Hey and Thorne, the Gauckler-Manning and finally the Lambor methods). We believe that the value of bankfull discharge would be accepted as a supporting tool for designers, hydraulics engineers and managers, especially those who care about river channel environment and cooperate with fluvial geomorphologists- and biologists as well as environmental agencies.
W artykule zwraca się uwagę, szczególnie inżynierów hydrotechników oraz meliorantów, na znaczenie znajomości wielkości przepływu brzegowego. Przedstawiono kilka najbardziej znanych metod obliczania tego przepływu i opisano, w jaki sposób zgromadzić dane do jego obliczenia. Cała trudność w obliczeniu przepływu brzegowego nie polega na skomplikowanych metodach obliczeń, lecz na określeniu miejsca, gdzie znajduje się istotnie brzeg rzeki lub potoku. Niektóre z metod umożliwiają określenie przepływu brzegowego na podstawie obserwacji biologicznych, przykładowo poprzez znalezienie stref charakterystycznej roślinności. Inne metody przyrodnicze bazują na obserwacji występowania biegaczowatych (metody: Woodyera i Radeckiego-Pawlik oraz Skalskiego). W większości metod korzysta się z określenia parametrów morfometrycznych (metody: Williamsa, Heya i Thorne’a, Gauckler-Manninga i Lambora). Autorzy uważają, że metodyka obliczenia przepływu brzegowego jest ważna w interpretacji danych hydrologicznych, szczególnie przez inżynierów hydrotechników, do wyznaczaniu przepływów miarodajnych, gdzie byłaby narzędziem pomocniczym.
The article presents research on bankfull discharge on two Polish Carpathian creeks: the Skawica and the Krzyworzeka. The Woodyer’s method was presented as a bankfull criterion within small mountain catchments. A set of plant indicators, for such conditions, was found for each of so called “Woodyer’s benches” along the researched sections of the investigated creeks. It was concluded that Woodyer’s method could be used not only as an auxiliary one for bankfull determination but also as a decisive method in case of mountain stream.
Content available remote Posadowienie wysokiego budynku na prefabrykowanych palach wbijanych
Wybrany przypadek dotyczy budynku wielokondygnacyjnego, posadowionego bezpośrednio przy erozyjnym brzegu rzeki. Wykonawca fundamentów zrealizował zamienny, własny projekt: posadowienie na 230 wbijanych prefabrykowanych palach żelbetowych. Płytę ułożono na głębokości 0,7 m p.p.t. Po wbiciu 76 pali stwierdzono w trzech rzędach przemieszczenia poziome głowic pali w kierunku rzeki, które początkowo wynosiły ok. 20 cm i zwiększyły się do 50 cm. Przedstawiony przykład posadowienia na palach wbijanych, mimo dobrego geotechnicznego i geologiczno-inżynierskiego rozpoznania podłoża [3, 7], wskazuje, że w złożonych warunkach gruntowych należy analizować ostateczny projekt w zespole profesjonalistów, w tym doświadczonego geotechnika [1].
The many-tiered building is located on the low terrace, directly next to the erosive bank of the river. Nonetheless, the constructor of the foundations realized a different project: deep foundation on prefabricated 230 concrete pales. The plate was placed at the depth of 0,7 m. After driving the first 76 pales, horizontal displacements of the pale head towards the river in first three rows were observed. The shifts increased from initially 20 cm to 50 cm. Geotechnical analysis [3, 7] revealed that the reason for the displacements may be disturbance of steady state, caused by activation of quasi soil wedge and its displacement along with the pales in the direction of the river [1].
The goal of the present research was to find correlations between the topographic attributes of a river valley and local ground-floor vegetation and its habitat requirements expressed by ecological indicator values (EIV), using the geographical information systems (GIS), digital elevation model (DEM), and multivariate statistical analysis. We paid special attention to the river course, which determines the differentiation in slope aspects and the amount of solar radiation reaching the ground surface. The model object was an almost latitudinal, ca. 4-km-long break section of the Sopot river, crossing the escarpment zone of the Central Roztocze Highlands, southeastern Poland. The main material comprised species lists (with estimated abundance) for each ca. 200-m-long section, according to the river valley course, separately for the left and right riverbanks, 40 sections altogether, ca. 15 000 vegetation records, and physical and chemical soil measurements. A 3-meter resolution DEM was derived from a 1:10 000 topographic map. We calculated the correlations between the topographic attributes of the valley, species richness, and the EIVs for all the species recognized in each section of the valley. We found 241 herb plant species in the ground-floor vegetation of the study area. We did not find significant differences between the two riversides (61 ±13 species per one section for the left and 63 ±17 for the right side). Thus, the parallel course of the river valley does not change the species richness on a more “sunny” and more “shiny” riverbank. However, this factor “cooperating” with other topographic attributes of the valley significantly differentiates the shape of species showing various requirements for basic habitat resources: light, moisture, soil trophy, reaction, dispersion, and organic-matter content.
Content available remote Sposób posadowienia obiektów przy brzegu Wisły w Warszawie
Valleys of large rivers, like Bystrzyca which is one of the largest Odra river tributaries, are prone to invasions of alien plant species. The Bystrzyca river valley in Krasków-Jarnołtów section is a part of a protected landscape area but it is relatively modified by human activity. Reinforcement of the river bed may have caused the appearance of invasive species, while the process of their penetration to protected areas is a serious threat to natural plant cover. The article contains basic data concerning synanthropisation and distribution of five invasive species (Impatiens parviflora, Reynoutria japonica, Reynoutria sachalinensis, Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea) found within the investigated area.
W pracy przedstawiono analizę wpływu zacienienia koryta rzeki przez drzewa i krzewy na zmiany warunków przepływu na wybranym odcinku rzeki Wełny. Do badań wybrano sąsiadujące ze sobą przekroje (jeden w niewielkim zagajniku, drugi na terenie otwartym, pozbawionym zadrzewień i zakrzaczeń). Na podstawie pomiarów terenowych określono wielkość przepływu i rozkłady prędkości w przekrojach. Dodatkowo wyznaczono spadek zwierciadła wody oraz opracowano krzywe uziarnienia materiału dna cieku. W ramach badań zmierzono indeks LAI roślinności w zagajniku oraz określono ilość i skład gatunkowy makrofitów występujących w badanych przekrojach. Na podstawie wyników badań określono wpływ zacienienia koryta przez roślinność porastającą pasy brzegowe na kształtowanie geometrii i oporów przepływów w korycie cieku.
The article presents the analysis of influence of river bed shading by the trees and bushes on flow conditions on the selected section of the Wełna River. The research area were selected as the lying mutually adjacently sections of the river (one in a small grove, and the second in the open field without of trees and shrubs). The flow rate and velocity distributions were determined in the cross sections based on of field measurements. Additionally, there were measured the decrease in water tableand grain size curves developed. The LAI index were measuredin the grove and the number and macrophytesspecies composition was described in the investigated cross sections. Based on the results, the impact of river bed shading by plant community were determined due to the shaping the geometry and flow resistance in the riverbed.
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