The paper ventures into the common characteristics of the Law and Theatre. The aim of the author is to show how a court session employs and makes use of the principles of theatricality, and to defend the hypothesis that a criminal court trial, in particular, bears manifold similarities to a ritual. Thus, a criminal court session can be explored by similar methodologic tools as the latter, which understand theatre in broader, socio-anthropologic sense as a cultural model.
Studie se zabývá styčnými body práva a teatrologie. Jeho cílem je poukázat na to, že soudní jednání pracuje s principy performativity, a obhájit tezi, že zejména soudní jednání v trestních věcech je svým původem a mechanismem působení příbuzné s rituálem a lze je tedy zkoumat za pomoci obdobné metodologie, založené na širším sociologicko-teatrologickém pojetí divadla jako kulturního modelu.
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The aim of the present paper is to discuss the thin border dividing ritual and non-ritual activity by contrasting two opposing theories of ritualization: one perceiving ritualization as a static phenomenon, the other as a dynamic process. Since the author favors the latter, he stresses the crucial importance of corporeality as the source and vehicle of (embryonic) ritual forms. The article further presents a brief introduction to the work of Ronald L. Grimes, a renown ritologist, who has been practically unknown to both the Czech scholarly and general public. Among other things, Grimes explores the origin, development, and extinction of rituals and their place in modern Euro-American society.
The study focuses on four hitherto unknown mythological texts that accompany the text of the Royal purification ritual on the northern wall of the burial chamber of the shaft tomb of Iufaa at Abusir. These include a text describing the appearance and functions of the Hayshesh sea serpents, a cosmogony involving the uroboros, a myth of the glorifier of the Nun and an aetiological myth of the origin of divine awe. These texts further illustrate the nature of the sacred “library” that Iufaa accumulated in his tomb and elucidate the meaning of the originally royal purification ritual that adorns the northern and part of the eastern wall of Iufaa’s burial chamber.
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This paper deals with the prose works of Jan Balabán. It focuses mainly on the contradictions between idealized notions of the family and relationships within it and the “reality” of the fictional world, which does not match these ideas. The methodological contribution is based on anthropological literature, mainly regarding Wolfgang Iser’s idea (literature as a medium which facilitates anthropological experience that is otherwise unattainable), but also considers the sociological theories of Zygmunt Bauman involving liquid modernity and the fixed and pure relationships of Anthony Giddens.
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The study presents an interpretative analysis of the theatrical aspects of the First May celebrations in the Czechoslovakia in 1948, mass event with crucial importance for the Communist regime, which was then only taking over political power in the country. First step of the analysis is an historical overview of the First may celebrations in the world, followed by a description and characterization of the particular elements of the event using poetic tools borrowed from sociology and sociocultural anthropology, especially the methodology of Jeffrey Alexander. The aim of the analysis is to prove the (un)successfulness of the cultural performance, as far as the interests of the Communist regime are concerned.
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