Objectives: The aim of this paper is to perform an evaluation of the social and living conditions of professional soldiers and their families in Poland at the beginning of the 21st century and two decades later. Methods: The research methods used in this study are: literature analysis and review and the method of logical analysis and structure. Results: The analysis of the available sources allowed the author to draw the conclusion that the appropriate status level of a professional soldier may realistically contribute to the improvement of the overall state of social security of both the soldiers and their families, as well as of the capacity of the armed forces, provided, however, that the organisational and legal conditions are fully adjusted to their needs both during service and after termination. Conclusions: Professional soldiers serve in the conditions that result from currently existing organisational, systemic, and legal solutions that secure the process of realisation of the tasks for: the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, the state of Poland, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The social and existential situation of professional soldiers and their families is influenced by numerous, different factors, both external (political or economic) and internal (departmental) ones, as well as those connected to the course of performing professional military service: the structure of the armed forces and the types of tasks performed in the country and abroad.
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For the company's success the most important are employees - their competencies, skills, motivation and involvement. Personnel management is a key area in the company management. It is composed of many tasks leading to the most effective usage of humans' knowledge and skills in order to achieve company's objectives. In these activities the important role is played by the motivation system including the remuneration system based on clear, logic and fair rules. The meaning of remuneration is included in many motivation theories, especially in Maslow's human needs theory, Herzberg's two-factor theory and Adam's equity theory. For mostly employees, remuneration (or in other words: compensation, payment) is the most important element of their motivation for work. Remuneration may be determined both as a whole both as a sum of different components (including non-financial ones), which are related to different aspects of work. The design of remuneration systems in modern production enterprises requires the rational foundations for the process of basic pay rate differentiation. The basic pay is a major part of employee's compensation and that is why it essentially influences his (her) motivation and work results. To be motivating and objective the basic pay should be a determinant of all major aspects of the work, that means it should consider required knowledge and skills, responsibility level, effort put in work, material work environment etc. All those are taken into account in job evaluation process. The basic pay is usually supported by variable payment components such as bonuses or rewards, which should be implemented to the company's remuneration system in proper way. The properly designed bonus system should be concerned with results obtained by company as a whole, next with results obtained by particular departments or teams and finally with achievements of particular employees. For example if a team's results are not satisfied, the team shouldn't participate in the bonus fund sharing. The rules for individual bonus include definition of the proper bonus criteria. These criteria are related to employees rating process and should be adequate to the worker's situation. The bonus dependent on quantity of work may be used when a worker can influence on it and is usually related to productivity (work standards) degree. The bonus dependent on quality of work is designed to improve carefulness and accuracy of work as well as to minimize the amount of defective products. The bonus dependent on rational use of equipment is aimed at the optimal use of machines and plants, especially when they are very expensive. The crucial here is to use the machine's work-time in the most efficient way and to avoid failures and minimize shutdown time. This kind of bonuses may be suitable to support the TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) philosophy and practice in a company. The bonus dependent on rational use may concern also the production factors such as materials, tools, energy and others. The bonus dependent on safety of work may be an element of the company's health and safety policy. It is aimed at supporting proper behaviors at work oriented to wearing of personal protection means, following the safety procedures etc. Pay decisions should be based on systematic approach, that means they should result from developed and accepted within a company rules and procedures. It makes the company's policy clear and logical. Pay differentiation based on job evaluation as well as on defined bonus criteria enables to avoid some casual and incoherent decisions and actions.
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W artykule znajduje się analiza wpływu poszczególnych czynników (ludzie, kierownictwo, komunikacja, kadry, dokonywanie wyborów, orientacja, trening rozwój, delegowanie, motywacja właściwa, współpraca, scalanie, system informacyjny, mierzenie wyników, korygowanie błędów, nagradzanie), na podstawie których opiera się budowa kompleksowego systemu motywacyjnego.
Analysis which concern the influence of individual factor are placed in this article (people, management, communication, staff, executing of choice, orientation, training of development, delegating, proper motivation, cooperation, integrating, information system, gauging of result, error correction, rewarding) form the basic structure of complex incentive system.
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The growing use of work teams in organizations has implications for compensation of the teams and their members. While the use of teams has increased significantly in the past few years, the question of how to compensate the individuals who compose the team remains one of the biggest challenges. One of the alternatives might be team incentive program such as gainsharing, for example. There are several reasons why organizations have established group or team inventive. Firstly it enhances productivity and ties earnings to team performance. Moreover, it improves quality and helps in cost reduction. Finally, it improves employee morale and builds their commitment.
Coraz częstszą praktyką dzisiejszych organizacji jest praca zespołowa. Zespołowe formy pracy są wykorzystywane choćby w ramach popularnego zarządzania projektem. Wiąże się to nieodłącznie z pewnymi implikacjami w dziedzinie wynagradzania. Problem nagradzania pracowników zespołowych jest jednym z największych wyzwań stojących przed specjalistami z dziedziny zasobów ludzkich w ostatnim czasie. Odpowiedzią na te wyzwania mogą być odpowiednie formy nagradzania zespołowego, takie jak programy partycypacji w korzyściach. Organizacje wprowadzają odpowiednie programy nagradzania zespołowego głównie ze względu na wiele korzyści, jakie są możliwe do uzyskania. Wśród nich wymienia się głównie wyższą efektywność organizacji mierzona większą produktywnością i poprawą wykonania oraz lepsza jakością produkowanych dóbr czy świadczonych usług. Zwraca się tez dużą uwagę na korzyści niewymierne w postaci większego zaangażowania pracowników i poprawy ich morale.
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