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Content available Thank God it’s just COVID!
We have been lucky with the COVID-19 pandemic: it got the attention of the first world, yet (unlike other pandemics) has not threatened the very existence of humankind. COVID-19 has given us a chance to see how well we were prepared for something that was predictable.
The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in modeling of various machining processes has been the topic of immense interest among the researchers since several years. In this direction, the principle of fuzzy logic, a paradigm of AI technique, is effectively being utilized to predict various performance measures (responses) and control the parametric settings of those machining processes. This paper presents the application of fuzzy logic to model two non-traditional machining (NTM) processes, i.e. electrical discharge machining (EDM) and electrochemical machining (ECM) processes, while identifying the relationships present between the process parameters and the measured responses. Moreover, the interaction plots which are developed based on the past experimental observations depict the effects of changing values of different process parameters on the measured responses. The predicted response values derived from the developed models are observed to be in close agreement with those as investigated during the past experimental runs. The interaction plots also play significant roles in identifying the optimal parametric combinations so as to achieve the desired responses for the considered NTM processes.
Ovarian cancer represents the fifth most frequent cause of death as a result of malignant processes after cancers of the breast, large intestine, lung and stomach. Owing to the localisation of ovarian cancer, approximately 75% of cases are diagnosed at the III and IV stages of advancement according to FIGO. Because of the advanced stage of the disease surgery has to be followed by chemotherapy in most cases of ovarian cancer and therefore resistance to cytostatic drugs represents a major clinical problem. The potential to predict the response to therapy with the use of cytostatic drugs would enable the most effective drugs to be applied in individual cases, thus improving the efficiency of the treatment and restricting the development of resistance to cytostatic drugs. In the present paper the progress made so far in the prediction of the clinical course of ovarian cancer is reviewed. The significance of the expression of the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters is described, including P-glycoprotein and MRP2, the principal representatives of the protein group. The importance of disturbed control of apoptosis and the overexpression of HER-2 and topoisomerase 1A are also discussed. Two sections are devoted to the most recent studies in the biology of ovarian cancer, pangenomic studies on gene expression using DNA microarrays and aberrations of DNA methylation.
Content available A Perceptionist's View on Psychoacoustics
Psychoacoustics is traditionally based on a world model that assumes a physical world existing inde- pendently of any observer – the so-called objective world. Being exposed to this world, an observer is impinged upon by a variety of stimuli reaching his/her sensory organs. These stimuli, if physiologically adequate, may cause biological transduction and signal processing in the sensory organs and its afferent pathways in such a way that finally a specific excitation of the cortex takes place, which results in sen- sations to appear in the observer’s perceptual world. The sensations are understood as being subjective, since they require an observer to exist. This world model – also known as (objectivistic) realism – reaches its limits when it comes to explaining more complex phenomena of perception. Thereupon, in this paper, an alternative world model is emphasized and applied to psychoacoustics, namely the perceptionist’s model. Like realism, perceptionism has a long tradition in epistemology. It appears to be suitable to improve our understanding of perceptual organization.
A test group consisting of 104 healthy men from the ages of 19 to 21 was divided into two groups according to the magnitude of their individual α- frequency (ІАF) median―groups with high (n = 53, IA ≥ 10,04 Hz) and low (n = 51, IAF ≤ 10,03 Hz) levels of ІАF. Changes in power and coherence of the EEG oscillations during the usual manual movements as well as intergroup differences were evaluated. The higher level of the background tone of the cortex activation in men with a high IAF (individual alpha-frequency) was found as correlative with a signi􀏐icant selection of the relevant sensory information and a nonspecific input afferentation and its weakening under the performance of habitual manual movements. A functional state of the cortex is relatively lower in men with a low IAF and compensated by the tension of brain processes associated with a low level of the selective attention and the increase of the reticular influences and their significance during the finger movements. Men with a high IAF are characterized by the greater locality and asymmetry of processes of the cortical excitation under the dominant role of the left hemisphere. Activation changes are more diffuse in nature in subjects having a low frequency
The Semarang-Demak plain has experienced intense human intervention over the last 40 years, thereby causing land subsidence. This study aims to assess long-term conditions in the study area using the drivers-pressures- state-impacts-response (DPSIR) framework to mitigate land subsidence. Methods include analysis of land subsidence, socioeconomic, surface, and subsurface data, as well as spatial analysis. Results show that rapid population growth and economic activities are major driving forces, manifesting as pressures exerted from overexploitation of groundwater, increasing building and infrastructure loads, and decreasing non-built areas. Groundwater overexploitation reduced the artesian pressure in the 1980s, forming depression cones of the groundwater level from 5 to 30 m below mean sea level. From 1984 to the present, the constructed areas have increased more than tenfold, with Semarang City possessing the most densely built area. Based on our findings, we propose responses consisting of surface water utilization, spatial building regulation, and rigorous groundwater and land subsidence monitoring. Moreover, we encourage the strengthening of law enforcement and inter-sectoral management to ensure the successful land subsidence mitigation.
Human trafficking is a new phenomenon of Albanian post-socialist society which significantly increased during the difficult years of its transformation from centralized state-led economy to market economy. Both economic and political instability contributed to its size, nature and multiple dynamics. Drawing on a rights-based approach to human trafficking, this paper examines the effectiveness of the counter-trafficking response of the Albanian government with a special emphasis on prevention, protection and prosecution. Using secondary data and reviewing various country strategic documents, it highlights a range of weaknesses and challenges which have hindered its effectiveness over years. It concludes that successful and effective counter-trafficking response requires well rounded and coordinated gender sensitive, victim-centred, holistic and human rights-based efforts. Combined with adequate law enforcement, they will sustainably tackle the full spectrum of this problem.
The ultimate goal of this study is to develop a comprehensive and competitive management system to enhance resilience capability of supply chains. In addition, the study aims to identify and eliminate barriers affecting resilience by identifying the factors may cause trouble in the near future. The theoretical framework was established to summarize the significant finding in the area of resilient supply chain and as a guideline for the empirical part. A qualitative approach based on multi criteria decision making process has been adopted in order to gather data through in-depth interviews. The developed method to evaluate resilience capability through supply chains piloted in a sample of five companies involved in an automotive supply chain.
The author refers solely to coexisting polemic poetic works (prints and manuscripts) adhering to a literary convention of an initiating text. The poems treat significant events from the final years of the First Polish Republic and became the seed bed of the ideological struggle. Their polemic character was usually indicated in their titles beginning with words such as answer, reply, response, travesty, “tit for tat”, or with prepositions “on” (“on poetry”) or “to” (“to the author”). Perhaps they would not have won much renown if it was not for their presence in poetic skirmish. This paper indicates various battle methods used by polemicists and the propaganda impact of these works.
Autorzy omawiają zasady organizacji ćwiczeń z zakresu reagowania kryzysowego Renegade/Sarex obejmujących reagowanie na zagrożenia terrorystyczne z powietrza oraz działanie służb ratownictwa lotniczego i morskiego. Opisują proces planowania ćwiczeń połączonych. Zwracają uwagę na rolę poszczególnych służb układu pozamilitarnego oraz Sił Zbrojnych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w wykonywaniu zadań przewidzianych w ćwiczeniach. Wskazują również na zagadnienia, które wymagają doskonalenia na poziomach cywilnym i wojskowym. Zdaniem autorów udoskonalenia wymaga zwłaszcza kwestia współdziałania oraz scentralizowanego dowodzenia służbami uczestniczącymi w działaniach.
The authors discuss the rules of organizing the Renegade/Sarex emergency response exercise, whose aim, among other things, is to test readiness to react in the event of an airborne terrorist threat, as well as readiness of air and naval rescue services. The authors describe the process of planning joint exercises. They point to the role of individual non-military services and the Polish Armed Forces in executing tasks within the framework of the exercise. The article also draws attention to matters that require improvement both on the civil and military level. According to the authors, the matters which particularly require perfecting are coordination and centralized command of the services participating in the operations.
A factorial experiment was performed to evaluate whether wild and primitive Aegilops and Triticum species may be used in wheat breeding as donors of an improved water use efficiency (WUE) and/or tolerance to nutrient shortage. Seventeen lines representative for Aegilops and Triticum species of different origin, ploidy level and genomic structure were compared with three local cultivars of hexaploid wheat T. aestivum. The genotypes were grown till maturity in experimental pots (9 dm3) under high and reduced NPK nutrition. There was a broad genetic variation in the response to nutrient shortage and efficiency of water use in the vegetative and grain mass formation. The variation was dependent upon species, ploidy level and genome present. Results suggest that a search for enhanced tolerance and novel variation in WUE among wild or primitive wheats may be essential for wheat breeders. The tetraploids T. carthlicum, T. and T. timopheevii and the hexaploid T. sphaerococcum were found to be the most promising potential sources of stress tolerance. However, only the primitive T. sphaerococcum appeared to be a valuable donor of improved WUE. Despite a high operative heritability of WUE, testing till plant maturity over diverse levels of soil nutrient status would rather be necessary for a precise discrimination of the most efficient genotypes as indicated by the genotype-stage and genotype-nutrition interactions.
Przeprowadzono doświadczenie wazonowe w celu określenia czy dzikie i prymitywne gatunki Aegilops i Triticum mogą być wykorzystane w hodowli pszenicy jako donory efektywniejszego wykorzystania wody (WUE) i/lub tolerancji na niedobór składników pokarmowych. Siedemnaście linii reprezentujących gatunki Aegilops i Triticum o różnym pochodzeniu, ploidalności i strukturze genomowej porównano z trzema krajowymi odmianami pszenicy heksaploidalnej T. aestivum. Genotypy rosły do stadium dojrzałości w wazonach doświadczalnych (9 dm3) przy wysokim i obniżonym nawożeniu NPK. Obserwowano szeroką zmienność genetyczną w reakcji na obniżone nawożenie i efektywności wykorzystania wody w tworzeniu masy wegetatywnej i plonu ziarna. Zmienność ta była zależna od gatunku, poziomu ploidalności i obecności danego genomu. Wyniki sugerują, że poszukiwanie zwiększonej tolerancji i nowej zmienności w WUE wśród dzikich i prymitywnych pszenic dla celów hodowlanych jest uzasadnione. Tetraploidalne T. carthlicum, T. dicoccoides i T. timopheevii oraz hexaploidna Т. sphaerococcum były potencjalnie najlepszymi źródłami tolerancji stresu. Jednak tylko prymitywna T. sphaerococcum okazała się cennym źródłem zwiększonej WUE. Obserwowane interakcje typu genotyp-stadium i genotyp-nawożenie wskazują, że pomimo wysokiej odziedziczalności WUE, dla precyzyjnego doboru najefektywniejszych genotypów raczej niezbędne będzie testowanie roślin uprawianych aż do stadium dojrzałości przy odmiennych poziomach żyzności gleby.
Zagadnienie ochrony przed czynnikami CBRN wpisuje się bezpośrednio w przedmiot badań realizowanych w naukach o bezpieczeństwie. Skrót CBRN oznacza Chemiczne, Biologiczne, Radiologiczne i Nuklearne zagrożenia zarówno w kontekście wypadków przemysłowych, jak i broni [1]. W kwestii sytuacji kryzysowych system bezpieczeństwa narodowego RP i właściwe mu systemy operacyjne nie ma zadań ważniejszych niż ochrona ludności przed wydarzeniami stanowiącymi zagrożenie dla zdrowia i życia oraz środowiska i eliminowanie ich następstw. Poprzez pryzmat unikalnych badań prowadzonych w praktyce autora, a także realizacje badań na zlecenie Komisji Europejskiej autor zebrał wystarczającą ilość materiału badawczego. Artykuł ten uwzględnia przegląd obecnego rynku CBRN i propozycje rozwijania technologii potrzebnych do usprawnienia pracy służb pożarniczych. Doświadczenie to uwzględnia współpracę z uczelniami w kraju i obszarze Unii Europejskiej, jednocześnie obejmując spotkania z użytkownikami technologii, dziesiątki rozmów, konferencji, wywiadów i warsztatów [2]. Przedmiotem zainteresowania autora jest także przekazanie unikalnej wiedzy zebranej jako koordynator projektu na potrzeby rozwoju dorobku nauk o bezpieczeństwie. Badania czynników prowadzących do sytuacji kryzysowych przekłada się bezpośrednio na wyznaczanie standardów rozwijanych technologii i w efekcie zwiększanie skuteczności i bezpieczeństwa prowadzonych działań, zarówno prewencyjnych, jak i reagowania [3]. W obliczu rosnących obaw związanych nie tylko z wypadkami przemysłowymi, ale również tak priorytetowych kwestii jak ochrona ludności przed bronią masowego rażenia należy bardziej niż kiedykolwiek pamiętać o udziale pracy teoretycznej w dogłębnym zrozumieniu omawianych zagadnień i tego, w jaki sposób przekładają się one na praktykę.
Protection against CBRN agents is an issue that is directly related to the subject of security research. The abbreviation CBRN stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear threats both in the context of industrial accidents and weapons [1]. Moreover, in terms of severity and potential consequences of a crisis situation, the Polish national safety system and the underlying operational systems have no tasks more important than protecting the population from events posing a risk to health and life and to the environment, as well as eliminating their aftermath. Taking into account unique research conducted during the author’s practice as well as his implementation of research for the European Commission, the author has gathered enough research material. This work primarily included reviewing the current state of the CBRN market and as response developing technologies necessary to improve the operation of fire safety operators. This experience includes cooperation with universities and academic entities from Poland and the entire European Union, including also meetings with the end-users of technologies in question, dozens of talks, conferences, interviews, and workshops [2]. Further interests of the author comprise transferring the unique knowledge gathered as project coordinator for the development of the security sciences output. Research into the factors leading to crisis situations translates directly into setting standards for the technologies developed and, as a result, increasing the effectiveness and safety of the actions carried out, both preventive and response [3]. In a situation of growing concerns not only concerning industrial accidents, but also such priority issues as protecting the public from weapons of mass destruction, it is more important than ever to remember the contribution of theoretical work to a profound comprehension of issues at hand and ways in which they are to practice.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are the mainstay of treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. However, in the majority of studies the proportion of patients demonstrating a significant clinical improvement under treatment does not exceed 40%. A routine method of identifying responders in clinical practice is the assessment of change in their cognitive functions during treatment. This review presents the available data on predictors of response to acetylcholinesterase inhibitor therapy in Alzheimer’s disease – factors allowing the prognosis of a patient’s reaction to treatment (in terms of target symptoms and tolerance) at its very beginning or even before therapy has been initiated. A variety of predictors will be discussed: genetic factors (apolipoprotein E, butyrylcholinesterase, choline acetyltransferase), demographic factors (age, gender), clinical factors (severity and rate of progression of dementia, comorbid neuropsychiatric symptoms, vascular risk factors, response to the test dose of the drug, results of neuropsychological testing, orthostatic hypotension), and work-up results (SPECT, MRI, EEG). The ability to predict patient’s response to treatment would allow a precise choice of szczególdrug for a given patient, taking into account its clinical efficacy in different subpopulations and potency for the generation of side effects, could also help cut down the global costs of prescribing those medications, and stimulate research on the biological mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. Altogether, the current level of knowledge on predictors of response to acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, with good tolerance and benign side-effect profile of this class of drugs, and lack of alternative, more effective methods of treatment of Alzheimer’s disease cannot entitle the physician to give up on the introduction of treatment in any single patient.
Przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń masztu wysokości 320 m, zaprojektowanego zgodnie z wytycznymi EN 1993-3-1, z uwzględnieniem zerwania odciągu. Do analizy wykorzystano metodę uproszczoną, opartą na bilansie energetycznym. Sformułowano wnioski praktyczne.
The paper presents the calculation results of a guyed mast with height of 320 m effected of a sudden guy rupture. The mast was designed with the rules of EN 1993-3-1. A simplified method of calculations, based on energy balance, was used for the analysis. Some practical conclusions have been drawn.
The multixenobiotic resistance (closely related to multidrug resistance) system controls transport across the plasma membrane as a defense against toxic molecules. Multixenobiotic resistance system consists of an efflux pump, ABCB1 (also named P-glycoprotein, P-gp), and/or a molecule of the ABCC family (also named multiple resistance associated protein, MRP). ABCB1 is able to increase efflux of many low-molecular foreign molecules. Measuring system induction may be used as a biomarker of cell/organism exposure to foreign substances. Various established cell lines were tested for constitutive and induced multixenobiotic resistance proteins by Western blotting immunodetection. The pumping function was indirectly assayed with Rhodamine B by visualization of cell fluorescence in the presence of verapamil. Changes in ABC proteins were measured by flow cytometry after exposition to various perfluorinated carboxylic acids. MCF7 and HeLa cells were found to contain the highest constitutive level of both ABCB1 and ABCC1. HEK293 exhibited much less ABCB1 and no activity of pumping out Rhodamine B. The pumping activity was found to be related to the amount of the cell-type specific 170 kDa ABCB1 protein. An 8-day exposure to 10–4M perfluorononanoic acid resulted in about 2–2.5-fold increase of ABCB1 level. That was confirmed also for short times by flow cytometry of cells exposed to perfluorinated acids and its natural congeners. Both ABCB1- and ABCC1-related fluorescence increased along with the carbon chain in acids from C6up to C9 and decreased for C10. Measuring of multixenobiotic resistance changes in vitroinduced by chemicals may be a convenient test for screening for their potential toxicity.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the American pedagogical ideas at the end of the ХІХth – the beginning of the ХХth centuries, considering ideas of pragmatic pedagogy by such representatives as W. James, F. Parker, E. Thorndike, F. McMurry, P. Monroe. There are the following theoretical methods that are used in the article: analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification, interpretation of historical and pedagogical sources with the purpose to decide the status of the problem and its correlation with important scientific researches of our time. The author points out that the end of the XIXth century in the US has marked a turning point for the pragmatic pedagogy, which principles differ from the traditional educational paradigm. Besides, the article proposes the number of the brightest pragmatic pedagogy representatives. Among them there are W. James (the main aims of the new pedagogy are: to provoke interest – to foresee – to prepare – to impart knowledge – to fix a result – to promote further development; the best method of teaching is a comprehensive information review with the help of multiple repetition that, as a result, turns into a habit; the interest is a continuation of unconditioned instincts); E. Thorndike (education is an organization of stimulus and response; three laws of learning: the law of readiness, the law of exercise and the law of effect); F. McMurry (the factors that influence the educational process: achievement of certain goals, extrapolation of ideas, formulation and usage of ideas, evaluation of the statement correctness and importance, memorizing, providing with a positive attitude to knowledge, stimulation of personality development); P. Monroe (modification of the school curriculum according to the social development needs) and others. As for the prospects for further research, they are connected with the comparison of the American pragmatic pedagogy and Ukrainian pedagogy at the end of the ХІХth – the beginning of the ХХth centuries. We could distinguish similarities and differences, trace the implementation of the American educational ideas into the educational process of the Ukrainian schools during the named period.
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