This paper develops some analytical perspectives for a proper assessment of the dynamics observed on the Hungarian residential property market over the last decade. These dynamics are examined in comparison to official policy objectives. On the one hand, sustainable development and social balance were particularly urgent issues after the last financial crisis. On the other, the residential property market was officially instrumentalised to achieve them. We examined real estate market processes using data from the Hungarian Central Statistical Office and found a change in investment motives and in the main groups of actors dominant in the market, and we also examined the role of foreign investment. At the aggregate national level, the past decade looks like a process of recovery. Nonetheless, the factors relevant for the observable dynamics do not seem to correspond to the goals also formulated in the new constitution, but rather document the investment fever of certain groups.
Transport infrastructure is paraphernalia that helps in curtailing urban sprawl in municipal cities and it also lessens traffic overcrowding and air effluence. It equally promotes high-density development in addition to more affordable accommodation all over developed countries. This article reviews and evaluates the range of study outcomes established by the emerging frontier of knowledge delving on the capitalization effects of transport-oriented development on real estate prices. The effect of transport system services on accommodation price has been investigated from numerous viewpoints employing several rigorous statistical tools. Based on the findings of the existing literature, there are two broad kinds of impacts that closeness to a transport system can have on the value of housing accommodations: accessibility benefits (experienced in close proximity to transit services) might increase housing values, while nuisance qualities (experienced in transit-oriented facilities) could equally have a negative outcome on apartment prices. Owing to the contradictory nature of these simultaneous effects, findings from numerous empirical investigations have been opposing or open to debate. The reviewed empirical studies provide policymakers with new-fangled empirical evidence as well as analytical tools to re-examine value capture as a financing option and to transform, modify, improve, reorganize and restructure investment strategies or opportunities for rail transit services. Property development and construction companies may perhaps be able to make a decision on where to erect real estate for profit maximization and sales. Transportation planning and urban development authorities, conversely, might be able to obtain and distribute tax income based on the ease of access benefit and nuisance effects.
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Residential property management is a peculiar task. The specificity of residential property management is primarily due to legal regulations, related to heterogeneous quality of housing, and varied housing tenure. Moreover, continuous usage of housing space by occupants requires a constant and uninterrupted supply of specific services. The aim of the study was to analyse major problems connected to residential property management, and to describe entities responsible for housing stock management in Poland.
Zarządzanie nieruchomościami mieszkaniowymi jest specyficznym zadaniem. Specyfika zarzadzania nieruchomościami mieszkaniowymi wynika przede wszystkim z regulacji prawnych, jakim podlegają lokale mieszkalne i różne pod względem własności rodzaje mieszkań oraz z faktu ciągłego przebywania w nich użytkowników, co wymaga nieprzerwanego dostarczania do mieszkań określonych usług. W opracowaniu poddano analizie problemy zarządzania nieruchomościami mieszkaniowymi oraz przedstawiono podmioty zarządzające nieruchomościami mieszkaniowymi w Polsce.
The article discusses problems related to the definition of built-up land for residential purposes under the Act on transformation of the right of perpetual usufruct into the ownership title of 20 July 2018.
W artykule przybliżono instytucję najmu okazjonalnego lokalu mieszkalnego, uregulowaną w ustawie z dnia 21 czerwca 2001 roku o ochronie praw lokatorów, mieszkaniowym zasobie gminy i o zmianie kodeksu cywilnego (Dz.U. z 2023 r., poz. 725). Wskazano, kiedy umowa może znaleźć zastosowanie, jakie warunki wynajmujący musi spełnić, aby korzystać z ochrony, oraz jak wygląda cały etap zawierania umowy w trybie najmu okazjonalnego. Uwagę poświęcono także skutkom zawarcia umowy najmu okazjonalnego względem zawarcia typowej umowy najmu. W tekście zasygnalizowano także istotne elementy, na które należy zwrócić uwagę przy zawieraniu umowy – zarówno z perspektywy najemcy, jak i wynajmującego.
The article presents the institution of occasional rental of residential premises, regulated in the Act of June 21, 2001 on the protection of tenants' rights, municipal housing resources and amending the Civil Code (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 725). It is indicated in the article when the agreement may be applicable what conditions the landlord must meet to benefit from the protection, and what the entire stage of concluding an occasional lease agreement looks like. Attention was also paid to the effects of concluding an occasional lease agreement compared to concluding a typical lease agreement. The text also indicates important elements that should be taken into account when concluding a contract - both from the perspective of the tenant and the landlord.
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