In the article the essential characteristics of Humboldt research university model, which opened a new era in the history of European universities, drastically changing not only the inner content, but also the role and place of universities in the society, are revealed. It is noted that Humboldt university model was based on the ideas of classical German philosophy from Kant and Fichte to the very W. von Humboldt, on such concepts as Wissenschaft (science) and Bildung (education), and three main approaches formed its basis: denial of primitive utilitarian views on education, where knowledge is not valued itself, but because of its practical use; the priority of fundamental and theoretical knowledge; the importance of liberal education, without which there cannot be an educated person. The key principles of Humboldt university operation are analyzed: the unity of research and teaching, academic freedom. The implementation features of Humboldt research university model are defined: state support of the university while maintaining the status of relative autonomy; academic freedom in research and teaching; learning through research and involvement of students in research; active participation in public life, as university is responsible for the reunification of the state, the formation of citizenship; value orientation revival of ancient culture education (connection between education and training). The impact of Humboldt research university model on the transformation of university’s mission understanding and on the development of modern research universities is proved. It is emphasized that in a post-industrial society Humboldt research university model is an ideal matrix of the classical vision of the university and affirmation of the continuity of the university as a social institution and the phenomenon of intellectual and cultural life, which leads to its creative re-thinking and integration of the latest trends in global scientific and educational space in its context. The basic principles of Humboldt university model remain valid, but get a new essence, are reinvented, expand their value, causing the major characteristics of the modern research university.
An innovation broker plays an essential role in the commercialization process of scientific research with the participation of business representatives. He is the link between the two worlds – science and business. The main task of innovation brokers is to build relationships with scientists, as well as with the socio-economic environment. Long-term relationships based on loyalty and trust are the essence of relationship marketing. So, is it possible to use elements of relationship marketing in the daily work of an innovation broker? This article aims to try to identify how innovation brokers at Polish universities covered by the “The Excellence Initiative – Research University” program establish and build relationships with representatives of the world of science and business and to determine the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on these relations during and after it. Exploratory qualitative research was carried out using an open questions online questionnaire. The conducted research shows that the relationship marketing strategy applies in the work of an innovation broker.
W procesie komercjalizacji badań naukowych z udziałem przedstawicieli biznesu ważną rolę odgrywa broker innowacji. Jest on łącznikiem pomiędzy dwoma światami – nauki i biznesu. Głównym zadaniem brokerów innowacji jest budowanie relacji zarówno z naukowcami, jak i z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym. Długotrwałe relacje oparte na lojalności i zaufaniu stanowią kwintesencję marketingu relacji. Czy zatem w codziennej pracy brokera innowacji można wykorzystać elementy marketingu relacji? Celem niniejszego artykułu jest podjęcie próby zidentyfikowania czy brokerzy innowacji na polskich uczelniach objętych programem „Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza”, nawiązując i budując relacje z przedstawicielami świata nauki i biznesu, wykorzystują koncepcję marketingu relacji, a także określenie wpływu pandemii koronawirusa na te relacje w trakcie jej trwania oraz po jej zakończeniu. Przeprowadzono badania jakościowe, które miały charakter eksploracyjny, z wykorzystaniem internetowego kwestionariusza ankiety z pytaniami otwartymi. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że strategia marketingu relacji znajduje zastosowanie w pracy brokera innowacji.
The article identifies and analyzes the specific features of functioning of the US higher education system which determine its competitiveness and leading positions in the world as also outlines the possibilities of use of the American experience in the development of the higher education system in Ukraine. In order to achieve the aim we used the structural-logical and structural-functional analysis which allowed us to determine the specific features of the US higher education system; the system-structural and comparative analysis which helped to define the promising directions for the development of higher education in the United States; the scientific extrapolation method which permitted us to outline the possibilities of using the innovative potential of American experience in the process of modernization of higher education in Ukraine. It has been established that the specific features of the functioning of the higher education system in the USA are socio-economic, political, historical, socio-cultural determinants of its development; ramification of legislative support, implementation of a number of reforms that were standard-oriented, professionally oriented and market-oriented; decentralization and regionalization, financing alternatives, multilevelness and diversification of its structure, comprised of universities, colleges and specialized institutions; intensive development of research and corporate universities. It has been found out that the specific features of functioning of the US higher education system ensure its competitiveness and leadership worldwide, therefore, American experience of building the higher education system can be used in Ukrainian educational space. To perspective directions of further research we refer the study of the organizational, content and procedural foundations of master degree programs at US universities, analysis of strategies and models of research universities in the United States, determination of possibilities of using elements of innovative American experience in Ukrainian educational space.
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