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Paper presents results of research on professional advancement by young personnel in coal mining industry. The study involved occupational groups, both supervisors and workers, with short practice in coal mining industry. Lack of young, well qualified mining staff may result, in not so far perspective destabilize mining personnel as an effect of still existing generation gap, including a gap arising from lack of replacement of staff in dimension of their qualifications, competencies and professional skills. In this context, carrying out research on professional advancement as stabilization of young mining staff is important.
Projektowanie zrównoważone jako pochodna filozofii ekorozwoju kładzie największy nacisk na wyróżniającą ten nurt metodologię. Przy założeniu że istotą jest przystosowanie nowego problemu do dotychczasowej wiedzy, proces projektowy może być rozpatrywany jako swoisty odpowiednik metody badawczej. W proces może dodatkowo zostać wpleciony mechanizm weryfikacyjno-waloryzacyjny w postaci procedur certyfikacyjnych. Pozwala to w sposób obiektywny zweryfikować przyjęte założenia i umożliwia jednocześnie ocenienie „produktu” pod kątem początkowych oczekiwań.
Sustainable design, as a derivative of the philosophy of sustainable development, has focused on distinguishing the designing methodology. Assuming that the essence is to adapt a new problem to the existing knowledge, the design process, can be considered as a specific test method. The whole process can also be woven into the mechanism of verification, in the form of procedures related to certification. This allows to objectively verify the assumptions and to simultaneously valorized 'product' in terms of initial expectations.
Celem artykułu jest pokazanie klasyfikacji wybranych metod badawczych stosowanych w naukach pedagogicznych z próbą adaptacji do potrzeb badania przydatności zawodowej na gruncie pedagogiki pracy.
The aim of the article is to present the classification of selected research methods used in pedagogical areas with an attempt to adapt them to the needs of professional suitability research on the basis of labour pedagogy.
The article reflects on the issue of the research method in public economic law.     In the first part, the concept of science is explained, which can be understood as     a process consisting in the systematised pursuit of knowledge of the truth for idealistic or utilitarian purposes. The starting point is K. Jaspers’ definition, according to which the concept of science contains three elements: methodical cognition (1), certainty of knowledge (2), universal validity (3). Each of the elements indicated    is then considered. Methodical cognition is to be distinguished from thought. The former is cognition of reality presupposing an awareness of the research method and its limitations. The latter is driven by intuition. The use of the method should be strongly linked to the research objective. The author then refers to the second defining element: certainty in the science of law. In his view, certainty is sought    in answers to questions about the content of the law in force. Secondly, certainty   is sought in the criteria evaluating the law and the results of this evaluation. The third element, i.e. universal validity, is related to the generally accepted methods of interpretation and the fundaments of law lying in human rights and the human dignity that is their source. The second part of the paper focuses on defining the research objective and  the adequacy of the method, referring to the dogmatic, historical and comparative methods that should aim at determination the law in force and its evaluation. In the third part of the article, a proposal for a research method in public economic law is presented, which consists of three elements: presenting the context of the research objective, applying the dogmatic method, and evaluating the law in force. In the last part, attention is drawn to the need for uprightness of life, and therefore ethos, as a condition for the ability to recognize what is just.
The text presents the procedures and techniques of the research method aimed at “evoking the historical source”, which is understood as the researcher’s prepared and implemented scientifi-cally rigorous participation in the creation by a witness of history of such a reminiscence material that could be a carrier of information and would be subjected to rudimentary historical analysis. The text presents the defined assumptions and subsequent stages of the research procedure.
The main aim of the paper is to assess possibilities of implementing behavioural approach and economic experiment in Polish studies in area of agricultural finance. There are two sub-goals: (i) highlighting methodology of economic experiment and indication of technical subtleties concerning agriculture; (ii) identification of potential areas of implementing behavioral approach and experiment in agriculture finance. The article verifies following thesis: economic experiment that was carefully planned and carried out, closely related to the behavioural approach , in addition to traditional research methods, contributes to clarification of more complex financial problems of agriculture. The article also presents the current state of research reffering to behavioral approach and economic experiment, as well as indication of potential areas of exploiting them in agricultural finance. Behavioural approach and economic experiment, complementary to traditional research methods , significantly enrich the research workshop of financiers. There are many limitations of using economic experiment. Both processes of integration of Polish financiers dealing with the agricultural sector and also establishment of cooperation beyond the rigid framework of research areas should be reinforced. Taking into account trends in development of modern economic sciences, behavioral finance with economic/financial psychology will play a more significant role in explaining financial processes of the agricultural sector.
Content available Case study (studium przypadku)
The article discusses case study with a focus on the history of the term and its transdisciplinary application, from medicine and sociology, through law, psychiatry, psychology, sexology, and literary studies. The author discusses the differences between case study as a genre (Brigit Lang, Joy Damousi, Alison Lewis, Yiannis Gabriel) and case study as a research strategy (Bent Flyvbjerg, Gerring John, Ryszard Nycz), which has been recently also employed in literary studies. Determining the scope and features of case study is accompanied by an analysis of description as a key tool in formulating “the story of the case.”
Artykuł stanowi opracowanie hasła case study (studium przypadku) ze zwróceniem uwagi na historię terminu i jego transdyscyplinarne zastosowanie: wychodząc od medycyny i socjologii, przez prawo, psychiatrię, psychologię i seksuologię, kończąc na literaturoznawstwie. Autorka stara się zarysować rozróżnienie między studium przypadku jako formą gatunkową (Brigit Lang, Joy Damousi, Alison Lewis, Yiannis Gabriel) a studium przypadku jako strategią badawczą (Bent Flyvbjerg, Gerring John, Ryszard Nycz) – stosowaną od niedawna także w literaturoznawstwie. Wyznaczaniu zakresu oraz cech case study towarzyszy analiza opisu jako kluczowego narzędzia wspierającego przebieg „opowieści o przypadku”.
Methods of identifying dates of passing determined threshold value are of signifi cant importance in the study of thermal growing seasons. The difficulty to determine dates of beginning and end of growing season in a given year stems from the fact that daily mean air temperature changes irregularly on a day-to-day basis often crossing the threshold value (i.e. 5°C) multiple times. The most frequently used method to identify dates of threshold value crossing is the mathematical or graphical method proposed by Gumiński in 1950 which based on monthly mean air temperature values. In the 1970s, Huculak and Makowiec presented a method using daily mean values of air temperature. It is assumed that both methods give comparative results although calculations of daily mean air temperature render more accurate results. This paper presents the comparison of these two methods. Air temperatures measurements from 1966–2005 taken at 38 weather stations located in various physiographic conditions in Poland were used.
Okres wegetacyjny, będący okresem aktywności życiowej roślin, jest jednym z najważniejszych okresów rolniczych określających warunki funkcjonowania rolnictwa. Na podstawie obserwacji fenologicznych przyjmuje się, że okres wegetacji większości roślin w Polsce odpowiada porze roku, podczas której średnia dobowa temperatura powietrza wynosi co najmniej 5°C. Tak wyznaczony okres bywa najczęściej nazywamy termicznym okresem wegetacyjnym (TGS). W pracy przedstawiono różnice w datach przejścia temperatury powietrza przez wartość progową 5°C za pomocą dwóch najczęściej stosowanych do tego celu w Polsce metod: Gumińskiego (opartej na średnich miesięcznych wartościach temperatury) oraz Huculaka i Makowca (opartej na średnich dobowych wartościach temperatury). Stosując metodę Gumińskiego, zastosowano zaproponowany przez tego autora wzór matematyczny. Jako materiał do analiz wykorzystano pomiary temperatury powietrza prowadzone w latach 1966–2005 na 38 stacjach synoptycznych położonych w różnych warunkach fizjograficznych na terenie Polski.
The article is an attempt to reconstruct the field of German-language discourse studies and to analyse them critically. Owing to very strong references, in the discourse analysis models examined in the article, to Michel Foucault’s concept, they are regarded as post-Foucault. The authors present the main threads in German-language discourse studies: (1) approaches the objective of which is to formulate a theoretical-methodological basis of a post-Foucault discourse analysis (these are primarily “discipline-specific” schools of discourse analysis: linguistic and sociological, as well as the programme of the so-called critical discourse analysis); (2) “dispositive” approaches, which constitute a novelty in the debate over the discourse category and regard the dispositive category as a possibility of finding a supradiscursive “system.” The authors also reflect on the critical remarks about the various threads in the studies, including those formulated by scholars themselves. The main conclusion from the authors’ reconstruction is that there is a tendency in German-language discourse studies to understand the category of discourse quite narrowly, with regard to specific disciplines, and thus that there is a lack of an integrated and interdisciplinary model of discourse analysis.
This article proposes a reflection on the usefulness of the autonarration method for research in language didactics and plurilingualism. Starting from a definition of the autonarration relating to the field of teaching / learning of languages and cultures, we then explain the specificity of the plurilingual competence to justify the choice of the autonarration as a method well adapted to the study of learning to aim at the development of such a competence. We then present the types of autonarration practised and their functions as well as possible difficulties for research. Our words are supported by examples of research whose purpose was to examine the impact of plurilingual competence in the teaching / learning languages.
W pracy podano wyniki badań indukcyjnego monitora ładunku opracowanego i wykonanego w ICHiTJ. Wyniki te zweryfikowano, mierząc jednocześnie ładunek impulsu akceleratora przy pomocy cylindra Faradaya (z oscyloskopem cyfrowym) i prezentowanego monitora. Monitor ten ma bardzo prostą konstrukcję. Nie zawiera układu próbkująco - pamiętającego, a mimo to charakteryzuje się lepszymi parametrami od większości znanych monitorów ze wspomnianym układem. Czułość monitora wynosi około 0,7V/nC, a najmniejszy zakres mierzonych ładunków (1-15) nC.
A non-destructive beam-charge monitor, which measures the charge in single pulses of accelerator electrons in the range from 1nC to 15nC is described. The measurements can be carried out with different pulse widths, from 1 ns to 1500 ns. The device is used in pulse radiolysis experiments for recording pulse - to - pulse fluctuations of dose rate in the target cell.
Artykuł poświęcony jest „problematyce rodzinnej” w ujęciu eklezjalnym i społecznym. Głównym jego celem jest próba wypracowania koncepcji naukowego poszukiwania propozycji praktycznych rozwiązań aktualnych problemów związanych z rodziną i życiem jej członków. Niekwestionowana wartość rodziny w Kościele jest warunkowana wewnętrznymi przemianami samej rodziny, a jej rola w społeczeństwie w dużej mierze jest zależna od sytuacji zewnętrznej. W tym artykule chodzi przede wszystkim o dowartościowanie społecznego wymiaru problematyki rodzinnej w perspektywie teologii stosowanej. Jej głównym przedmiotem badań jest człowiek jako indywidualna, niepowtarzalna jednostka, która jednak może się prawidłowo rozwijać i realizować swoje powołanie osobowe, egzystencjalne, ale i chrześcijańskie w relacjach społecznych, w tym przede wszystkim w rodzinie, ale też we wspólnocie kościelnej. Do poznania zagadnień rodzinnych w teologii stosowanej można wykorzystać schemat eksploracyjnych badań, który polega na wykorzystaniu wyników krytycznej analizy prawdy objawionej do interpretacji wyników badań nauk świeckich w celu rozwiązywania konkretnych problemów współczesnych rodzin.
The article is devoted to „family problematic” in the ecclesial and social perspective. Its main objective is an attempt to work out a scientific concept of seeking proposals for practical solutions to current problems connected with the family and the life of its members. The unquestionable value of the family in the Church is conditioned by the internal transformations of the family itself, while its role in society is largely dependent on the external situation. The article is devoted to „family problematic” in the ecclesial and social perspective. Its main objective is an attempt to work out a scientific concept of seeking proposals for practical solutions to current problems connected with the family and the life of its members. The unquestionable value of the family in the Church is conditioned by the internal transformations of the family itself, while its role in society is largely dependent on the external situation. This article is primarily concerned with appreciating the social dimension of family issues in the perspective of applied theology. Its main object of study is man as an individual, unique unit, who, however, can develop properly and realize his personal, existential and Christian vocation in social relations, including primarily the family, but also in the church community. To learn about family issues in applied theology, an exploratory research scheme can be used, which involves using the results of critical analysis of revealed truth to interpret the results of secular science research in order to solve specific problems of contemporary families.
Growing competition together with an increase in consumers’ requirements result in some necessity for distinguishing a company’s offer on the market. Foundations of the market success may be provided by the brand image. In the era of the Internet and popularisation of social media, companies have lost a major part of their control over their brand image that at present is a derivative of feedback and opinions obtained in social media. Therefore, companies are now facing some need to conduct related research into their brand image in the social media environment. This allows for identifying a process of selecting products by consumers, behaviours of consumers and their attitudes towards brands.
Narastająca konkurencja i wzrost wymagań konsumentów powodują konieczność wyróżnienia oferty przedsiębiorstwa na rynku. Podstawę sukcesu rynkowego może stanowić wizerunek marki. W dobie Internetu i popularyzacji mediów społecznościowych przedsiębiorstwa straciły większą część kontroli nad wizerunkiem marki, które w tej chwili coraz częściej jest wypadkową komentarzy i opinii zasięgniętych w mediach społecznościowych. Przedsiębiorstwa stoją, zatem przed koniecznością prowadzenia badań wizerunku marki właśnie w tym środowisku. Pozwala to poznać proces wyboru produktów przez konsumentów, ich zachowania i postawy wobec marek.
Content available Założenia do budowy metodyki badawczej
W artykule przedstawiono sposób podejścia do budowy założeń metodyki badawczej przy pisaniu prac naukowych. Omówiono zarys wybranych metod i technik badawczych w naukach o zarządzaniu oraz opisano przykład założeń do procesu badawczego z zastosowaniem autorskiej metody „LIDER”. Autor w procesie badawczym zwraca szczególną uwagę na precyzyjne zaprojektowanie badań, stworzenie modelu badawczego i wybór konkretnych metod badawczych.
The following article presents ways to approach the issue of creating research methods while writing dissertations. It sets forth an outline of selected research methods and techniques within the scope of management science. Furthermore, an example of assumptions to the research process, employing „LIDER” - the author’s own research method – was described. Within the scope of the research process, the author puts an emphasis on careful design of research, establishment of a research model and choice of specific research methods.
Content available remote Technologie wspomagające zarządzanie relacjami z klientem
The paper presents selected technologies that are necessary for customer relationship management on examples of chosen furniture corporations. A net, which becomes a basic tool of work, is getting more common in business. It is the fastest developing branch of modern technology, which more and more companies and individuals are addicted to. The internet and computer networks allow conveying information to any given place on earth, which makes companies more competitive in general and on a different, global scale. Progress in the field of employing modern technologies, including internet technologies, affects communication capabilities to a great extent. Employment of internet technologies for company management allows to obtain faster, more efficient and bidirectional communication with no time limitations with both cooperating parties and customers. In these days of constant competition for a customer.s attention companies want to build long-term relationships with customers and create friendly and pleasant atmosphere of professional contacts. The examples analysis contains micro, smal and medium sized enterprises at the wielkopolskie province area. The- re were customer relations described and features of inter- net technologies in its aiding and all the profits for the corporation that are relative with them. Presented research results show validity of employing internet technologies aiding customer relationship management.
To properly compose a space at the community level its area should be analyzed taking into account the cultural and natural values and landscape values specified in sight from roads and valorisation of views. Such studies are aimed at the gradation of study area for spatial effects in the case of heavily accented investments there in the landscape. This article describes a method proposal of analysis for the municipality area taking into account the landscape values, this method was a one of the elements of study of the cultural landscape of the community Paczków done by a team of authors. In the first part of the paper the authors present the systematics of the well-known landscape valorization methods, noting, inter alia, methods of the natural valorisation, valorization methods of the cultural elements, planning and managerial valorization methods. During the work on the study there was developed an authorial method of valorisation of panoramas and views presented in the further part of the study. After the preliminary analysis of the terrain and routes of the community Paczków the exhibi-tion space was selected within an average of 500 m from the locality, situated on the road leading to it. Of the selected points there were made photos of the village panoramas and open landscape with a viewing angle of about 90-1200. On their basis there were made drawings by processing the image of photo on linear composition taking into account the facture differences of individual planes. The number of plans and landform were analyzed (wing view, the emergence of a distant placed surfaces, hilliness of the area plane), then the degree of diversification of land cover (crop diversity, variety of colors, variety of surface structures). We analyzed the complexity of the habitat elements (the relationships between the saturation of buildings and surrounding greenery it, the types of systems of the mid-field green), and the degree of space orientation (emphasis of the road direction by vertical elements - rows and avenues of trees, its free and smooth direction, emphasizing the landscape elements receding in perspective). For each of these issues there were made 4 models of panoramic view with a four-level scale of complexity, with the assumption that with it grows the view attractiveness. In total, each panoramic image of the community area could get points in a scale from 4 to 16. It was assumed to consider as a medium attractive view in the range of 7 to 10 points, 11 points and above as a very attractive view and worthy of protection. The views of scoring 6 and below have no landscape value. The diverse composition of the view emphasized by the ordering element is, according to authors, of the greatest value. As it turns out, it has a strong relationship with the commonly understood cultural values. These are the view approaches to the traditionally shaped forms, and so, inter alia, the localities with the building development surrounded by high green, enriched with the dominant of church tower, the diversity of crop fields, alleys and roadside rows, free but dependent on landform the road line make the landscape so pleasant to receive. The conclusion here is that the developed method, based on the valorisation of purely spatial elements gives a good tool for assessing the value of the landscape, and in particular the degree of its consistency with the cultural values.
The article ponders on selecting methods within a research process, in terms of management sciences and management-related practice. The author discusses the relation between science and practice. Research methods and research-related approaches are described. The author presents approaches, procedures, methods and techniques in research processes.
W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z podejściem do wyboru metody w procesie badawczym w kontekście nauki i praktyki zarządzania. Omówiono związek nauki z praktyką. Scharakteryzowano metodykę badawczą i podejście do badań. Przedstawiono podejścia, procedury, metody i techniki w procesie badawczym.
Przydrożne obiekty sakralne stanowią ważny element polskiego krajobrazu kulturowego świadcząc o jego dziedzictwie i tożsamości. Dotychczasowe studia nad tego typu obiektami są różnorodne, jednak wiążą się przede wszystkim z ich znaczeniem kulturowym. Niewiele jest badań dotyczących także roślinności towarzyszącej przydrożnym obiektom sakralnym oraz poruszających kwestie analiz krajobrazowych. Niniejsza praca prezentuje próbę połączenia powyższych zagadnień. Autorzy zaproponowali wieloaspektową metodę oceny przydrożnych obiektów sakralnych w trzech ujęciach: krajobrazowym (ocena wizualno-przestrzenna), kulturowym (ocena unikalności) i przyrodniczym (ocena roślinności towarzyszącej). Metoda jest rodzajem bonitacji punktowej, gdzie poszczególnym kryteriom ewaluacyjnym przyznawane są wartości punktowe. Im wyższy wynik końcowy, tym większa wartość krajobrazowa badanego obiektu. Zaletą metody jest powtarzalność, a czytelność formularza ewaluacyjnego zapewnia możliwość jej stosowania przez różnych badaczy.
Roadside sacral objects are an important element of the Polish cultural landscape, bearing testimony to its heritage and identity. Previous studies into this type of objects are diverse, although they relate predominantly to their cultural meaning. There is little research related to vegetation accompanying roadside sacral objects and approaching the matter of landscape analysis. This paper is an attempt at combining the above issues. The authors present a multi-aspect method of evaluating roadside sacral objects in three aspects: landscape (visual-spatial evaluation), cultural (evaluation of uniqueness), and natural (evaluation of accompanying vegetation). This method is a type of point bonitation, wherein individual evaluation criteria are given points. The higher the total score, the greater the landscape value of the object studied. A great advantage of this method is repeatability, and the readability of the evaluation form makes it easy for various researchers to use.
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