Przedstawiono normy ISO i ASTM dotyczące oznaczania zawartości zanieczyszczeń występujących w paliwie wodorowym przeznaczonym do zastosowania w ogniwach paliwowych typu PME (proton exchange membrane). Dokonano analizy norm opisujących metody analityczne i aparaturę badawczą, w którą musi być wyposażone laboratorium analityczne, aby świadczyć usługi na rynku paliwa wodorowego stosowanego w transporcie drogowym.
A review, with 27 refs., of standards describing anal. methods and equipment, in which must be equipped an anal. laboratory to provide services on the market of H₂ fuel used in road transport. ISO and ASTM standards regarding the detn. of impurities present in H₂ fuel dedicated to the proton exchange membrane fuel cells were disscused.
The article states that one of the most pressing educational problems of our time is the organization of educational processes in the building of a comprehensive school, namely the combination of various functions that ensure the intellectual development of schoolchildren. One of the current trends is the cooperation of the premises of scientific and technical profile with other teaching functions of the school. The studied examples of the American, European and Oriental experience show that there are several approaches to integrating specialized facilities in a general educational institution.
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