Based on a pilot study, a list of critical success factors for an IT project was developed. These factors were subjected to statistical analysis on the basis of the results of a questionnaire. Two samples of projects, called “success” and “failure” respectively, were analysed. The groups were distinguished in order to evaluate the influence of selected factors on the success of an implementation project. Furthermore, a non-parametric test was applied, in order to conduct statistical data analysis, which confirmed the influence of the majority of the selected factors on the success of an implementation project.
The article describes a test rig that allows the measurement of fuel oil specific heat changes based on the cooling time of liquids. After that, by analysing the test results, a research hypothesis was created and verified. The hypothesis is that the specific heat energy of fuel oil impact the operation of the circulation pump.
W artykule przedstawiono autorską metodę sprawdzania poprawności działania węzła tarcia traktowanego jako układ tribologiczny w aspekcie II zasady termodynamiki na podstawie analizy i oceny wyników badań laboratoryjnych wykonanych na stanowisku badawczym. Jako stanowisko wykorzystany został zmodyfikowany węzeł tarcia aparatu czterokulowego T-02. Zaprezentowano algorytm, według którego zostały wykonane badania empiryczne. Wykazano, że wyniki badań potwierdziły przydatność metody określania entropii całkowitej węzła tarcia do analizy działania „szkodliwego”, umożliwiającej ocenę przydatności płynu smarującego do wytwarzania warstwy smarującej. Na podstawie analizy wyników sformułowano także hipotezę badawczą, z której wynika, że zmiana średniej entropii całkowitej węzła tarcia świadczy o zmianie działania węzła tarcia. Hipoteza ta została zweryfikowana na podstawie testu Anova z uwzględnieniem statystyki Fishera LSD.
The article presents an authorial method for checking the correctness of the operation of a friction couple, treated as a tribological system in the aspect of the second law of thermodynamics, based on the analysis and evaluation of the results of laboratory tests performed on the test stand. A modified friction couple of the T-02 four-ball device was used as a test stand. An algorithm was presented, according to which empirical studies were performed. It was demonstrated that the test results confirmed the usefulness of the method of determining the total entropy of the friction couple for the analysis of the "harmful" action, enabling the assessment of the suitability of the lubricating fluid for the formation of lubricating film. The hypothesis was also formulated based on the analysis of results, which shows that the change in the average total entropy of the friction couple is indicative of a change in mode of action of the friction couple. This hypothesis was verified on the basis of the Anova test, taking Fisher LSD statistic into account.
The paper focuses on the criteria for the assessment of the progress in ecology and attempts to respond to the question - how to achieve the progress in ecological research? As regards the first issue, the author suggests two criteria, which he finds an easy to determine measure of progress. They include the following: a number of resolved issues and the existing progress in perfecting the ecological terms. With respect to the latter issue, the author specifies six critical recommendations on the basis of literature data and cited opinions of several researchers. According to him, their application would make it possible to achieve an unquestionable progress in ecology.