Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KEiT PAN) has been acting on behalf of scientific community in Poland since 1960. The article presents structure, statutory tasks, and Committee activities on behalf of the integration and development of electronics and telecommunications sciences and technology in Poland. The Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of PAS is all the time an active participant of research life in the country. However, this participation is different than it used to be, and all the time is subject to intense changes. The authors present critically the current status of the Committee, but also undertake an effort to newly define the role, activity and potential of KEiT PAN, in completely new conditions of doing research in Poland, Europe and worldwide, than it was at that time, when the PAS Committees were originally defined. The conclusions, upon possible acceptance by the national research and technical communities of electronics and telecommunications, may possibly serve to change and/or optimise the work of the Committee in the near future.
Komitet Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji Polskiej Akademii Nauk – KEIT PAN działa w krajowym środowisku naukowo-technicznym od roku 1960. Artykuł przedstawia strukturę, zadania statutowe i działania Komitetu na rzecz integracji i rozwoju elektroniki i telekomunikacji w kraju. Komitet Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji cały czas jest aktywnym uczestnikiem życia naukowego w kraju. Jednak to uczestnictwo jest inne niż kiedyś i cały czas się zmienia. Autorzy przedstawiają krytycznie stan obecny prac Komitetu, ale i podejmują próbę zdefiniowania na nowo roli, działania i potencjału KEiT PAN, w całkowicie odmiennych warunkach uprawiania nauki w kraju i na świecie, niż jakiś czas temu gdy Komitety były definiowane. Wnioski, jeśli zostaną zaakceptowane przez krajowe środowisko naukowe elektroniki i telekomunikacji, mogą posłużyć do zmiany, czy optymalizacji pracy Komitetu EiT w przyszłości.
Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of Polish Academy of Sciences (KEiT PAN) has been acting on behalf of scientific community in Poland since 1960. The article presents structure, statutory tasks, and Committee activities on behalf of the integration and development of electronics and telecommunications sciences and technology in Poland. The Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications of PAS is all the time an active participant of research life in the country. However, this participation is different than it used to be, and all the time is subject to intense changes. The authors present critically the current status of the Committee, but also undertake an effort to newly define the role, activity and potential of KEiT PAN, in completely new conditions of doing research in Poland and worldwide, than it was at that time, when the PAS Committees were originally defined. The conclusions, upon possible acceptance by the national and Committee research Communities of electronics and telecommunications, may possibly serve to change and/or optimise the work of the Committee in the near future.
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