Studies on the dynamics of geomorphologic processes occurring in the Tatras began in the 1950s and continue to pique the interest of researchers. The history of the study of Tatra relief morphodynamic changes is marked by certain breakthrough stages associated with the emergence of key works yielding multiplier effects. These works identified new directions and sparked new trends in geomorphologic research as well as inspired deeper analysis of the study area. A significant acceleration of geomorphologic research in the Tatras has occurred in the most recent decade. This resulted mostly from the use of complex monitoring of key dynamic geomorphologic processes and the use of lichenometric and dendrogeomorphologic methods, which enable the identification of complete event chronologies. The present study reviews the most important quantitative studies on the evolution and rate of contemporary geomorphologic processes in the Tatras as well as novel research data produced in the last several years. The authors note principal research directions and the discuss relevant works on the identification of contemporary and relict periglacial relief along with papers on the dynamics of slope and fluvial processes and anthropogenic erosion. The paper also describes certain tendencies observed recently in the realm of morphogenetic processes associated with ongoing climate change.
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The Śnieżnik Massif represents a prominent morphological feature in the East Sudetes, which is bounded by a system of faults controlling its differential uplift. Vertical movements originated at least during the Oligocene times, with culmination phase in the Pliocene times, whereas estimated total uplift was in the range of 500–1000 meters. This study presents a qualitative (geomorphometric) and quantitative (morphotectonic) approach that combines the Late Cenozoic tectonic uplift model with landscape evolution theories. Application of basin asymmetry factor (AF) and hypsometric integral (Hi) analyses allowed recognizing a NW trending, presumably tilted, fault blocks. They originated as a result of the Palaeogene planation surface braking and differential uplift. Uplift and later fault-block tilting in the Śnieżnik Massif morphotectonic unit, were generally realized along NE-SW striking the Wilkanów fault to the west and WNW-ESE striking southern fault zone, as expressed here e.g. by Potoczek-Branna, Hermanice and Pisary faults.
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Stream piracy is proposed to explain unusual relief of two neighbouring valleys in the Bieszczady Mountains, SE Poland. The Muczny Stream for more than 2 km of its headwater course is an underfit stream and the upstream continuation of its former valley is traceable in the present-day Roztoki Stream. The Roztoki Stream broke through its former right bank along a zone of a large tectonic fault, where disintegrated and displaced rocks provided routes for water escape by sapping toward the San valley. The barrier was weakened and destroyed by groundwater sapping, mass wasting on its distal side and headward erosion at the outflows of the escaped water. The gradient of the stream increased, resulting in incision of bedrock in the stream’s lower course and in construction of an alluvial fan whose size is exceptional for the area. Headward erosion created a deeply incised channel, outstanding in narrowness and depth among the other stream channels in the area. Incision of this channel, in turn, provoked capture of a nearby eastward stream that had been flowing straight to the San in a broad gentle valley. Headward erosion after the capture led to incision of a deep and narrow channel in the bottom of this old gentle valley.
Celem niniejszego tekstu jest przybliżenie i wstępne zaznajomienie z podstawami metody datowania opartego na izotopach kosmogenicznych, przegląd głównych kierunków badawczych realizowanych przy jej użyciu oraz omówienie aktualnego stanu badań w Polsce. Do najczęściej wykorzystywanych izotopów kosmogenicznych należą 3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al oraz 36Cl, które znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w badaniach form rzeźby oraz rekonstrukcji procesów geologicznych. Dzięki temu umożliwiają systematyzację geochronologiczną dla późnego kenozoiku, co jest szczególnie ważne tam, gdzie tradycyjne metody badawcze okazują się niewystarczające. Metoda ta cechuje się szerokim potencjałem analitycznym umożliwiając datowanie wieku ekspozycji różnych form powierzchni terenu, określanie współczynników denudacji i erozji, czy też szczegółową rekonstrukcję chronologii zlodowaceń.
The aim of this paper is to present a methodological introduction into cosmogenic radionuclides dating, summarizing the main research objectives, and an overview of the state of studies in Poland. Cosmogenic nuclides 3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al and 36Cl are among the most common ones, being widely applied to analyses of geomorphological features and reconstructions of geological processes. Thereby they allow geochronological systematization of the Late Cenozoic, being of primary importance if traditional research methods fail. This approach has broad analytical potential for, i.e., dating of exposure history of different morphological features, estimation of denudation and erosion rates, as well as detailed reconstruction of glacial chronology.
The aim of the study is to reconstruct the development of landslide relief in the Kamienne Mountains (Central Sudetes, SW Poland) based on a DEM from LiDAR data. Analyses of relief and geological maps in ArcGIS 10.5 and of slope cross-sections in Surfer 14 allowed to distinguish different types of landslide relief, developed in latites and trachybasalts lying above claystones and mudstones. The types vary from small, poorly visible landslides to vast landslides with complex relief. They were interpreted as consecutive stages of geomorphic evolution of hillslope-valley topography of the study area. Two main schemes have been established which explain the development of landslide slopes in the Kamienne Mts: (1) upslope, from the base of the slope towards the mountain ridge and (2) downslope, beginning on the top of the mountain ridge. The direction of landslide development depends on the thickness of volcanic rocks in relation to underlying sedimentary rocks. When the latter appear only in the lowest part of the slope, landslides develop upslope. If sedimentary rocks dominate on the slope and volcanic rocks form only its uppermost part, landslides develop downslope. The results show that landsliding leads to significant modifications of relief of the study area, including complete degradation of mountain ridges.
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The paper concerns the Lower Vistula River valley relief development from the Late Glacial until the present, based on the author’s geological and geomorphological mapping of this area. Relations between the older (originating prior to the last glacial advance) foundations of the valley and deposition modes within its edges during the last glaciation are described. Particular attention has been paid to traces of dead-ice blocks which had a huge impact upon the development of glaciofluvial and glacial terraces during the Late Glacial. Description of the Vistula River floodplain that reflects a morphological effect of an increasing human impact upon natural environment, its development, landforms and sediment properties, are presented in detail. Their analysis leads to the conclusion that the present-day floodplain resembles partly an initial stage of the anastomosing rivers.
Na podstawie szczegółowego kartowania geomorfologicznego i geologicznego przedstawiono uwagi o rozwoju rzeźby doliny dolnej Wisły od schyłku ostatniego glacjału do czasów dzisiejszych. Na podstawie badań sedymentologicznych osadów wysnuto tezę o silnym uwarunkowaniu ich depozycji od starszych założeń doliny widocznych już w sposobie depozycji osadów glacjolimnicznych ze schyłku ostatniego zlodowacenia. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na rolę brył martwego lodu warunkujących rozwój tarasów fluwioglacjalnych i fluwialnych. Omówiono rozwój sedymentologiczny równiny zalewowej Wisły, będącej morfologicznym efektem coraz silniejszego wpływu człowieka na środowisko naturalne. Wskazano na dużą stabilność koryta Wisły i pewne cechy osadów mogące świadczyć o inicjalnym stadium kształtowania się rzeki typu zbliżonego do anastomozującego.
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