During the autumn season of 2016, the tomb of an inspector of hairdressers of the Great House, Ankhires (AS 98), commenced excavation. The works were finished in the autumn season of 2017. In the architecture of the mastaba, two building phases were detected. Its cultic places were accessible from the north. A corridor chapel, where two levels of mud floor, a possible mud brick altar and a northern niche in the western wall were uncovered, leads to Room 2, giving access to abundantly decorated Room 1 with polychrome reliefs in at least three registers. The wall decoration of the funerary chapel was largely destroyed; only one block remained in situ and several fragments of the false door were found in the debris. In the core of the mastaba, only one shaft was uncovered. It was 11.75 m deep with a burial chamber at its bottom. An entrance into the burial apartment was in the western wall of the shaft. Neither the bottom of the shaft, nor the burial chamber were finished, though. This fact is fairly surprising taking into consideration the tomb’s intricate architecture. The tomb is preliminarily dated to the late Fifth Dynasty (Nyuserre – Djedkare). Interestingly enough, six late burials in wooden coffins (67–69/AS98/2017, 99–101/AS98/2017) from the end of the First Millennium BC were excavated by the western part of the entrance into the mastaba, and to the east of its eastern outer wall. The coffins were decorated very simply. However, the timber was very fragile and that is why the coffins had decayed, with the exception of two examples (67/AS98/2017 and 68/AS98/2017). In front of the eastern outer wall, three faience amulets were found (96/AS98/2017, 103/AS98/2017, 105/AS98/2017). These might be related to the late burials.
A new tomb (AS 98) of Ankhires, inspector of hairdressers of the Great House, was excavated at Abusir South in the autumn seasons of 2016 and 2017. The stone-built mastaba is preliminarily dated to late Fifth Dynasty, from the reign of Nyuserre to Djedkare. It has an unusual architectural plan, consisting of a corridor chapel, Rooms 1 and 2, an L-shaped chapel, two serdabs and Shaft 1. It was obviously built in two phases. The extension gave the mastaba the area of 413 m2 . In view of several facts, the tomb represents a new phenomenon not only at the Czech archaeological concession but also at the Memphite necropolis. It was surrounded by several structures including tombs (AS 101, AS 102), a technical(?) structure (AS 100) or a cultic installation (AS 99), which were also partly excavated. The work has brought to light many interesting finds, being it remains of the original wall decoration, remains of wooden statues or ecofacts. An analysis of the animal bones assemblage is also incorporated in the present study.
On the lateral walls of the Bark Hall in the Main Sanctuary of Amun in the Temple of Hatshepsut, four stands for burning offerings are represented in front of Amun’s bark. Conservation work on the walls of this room uncovered the painted layer. One of the stands preserves traces of an inscription which was erased in ancient times in two phases. The first phase of erasure may be dated to the reign of Tuthmosis III, while the second one was executed during the Amarna period. The paper presents the legible parts of the text, which was a standard dedication formula, along with a reconstruction of the damaged areas
The pyramid complex of King Djedkare in South Saqqara is a key monument for our understanding of the history of the late Fifth and early Sixth Dynasties and of the social and religious transformations of that period. Despite its exploration in the 1940s and 1950s, neither the architecture of this monument nor its relief decoration and other finds have been fully documented and published. The current mission working in Djedkare’s pyramid complex therefore has three main aims to fulfil: 1. to document its preserved architecture in detail and provide a precise plan of the funerary temple; 2. to consolidate the badly damaged parts of the substructure of the king’s pyramid; 3. to document and catalogue the relief fragments collected in the funerary temple both by the previous and the current missions, and then to analyse the decorative program of the monument. A large part of the king’s funerary temple has been documented since 2010, revealing many details which were not or could not be noticed by the earlier explorers. The monument included the usual parts of a funerary temple but also some buildings which cannot be found in other Old Kingdom royal complexes. These include above all the two massifs situated in the eastern part, or an enigmatic building, today entirely gone, which was constructed in the southern part of the precinct. In 2018, the mission uncovered the northern part of the king’s precinct, which had not been explored previously and which revealed a high number of secondary burials from later periods of Egyptian history. Underneath these later layers, the remains of the architecture were documented belonging to the king’s monuments as well as to a smaller pyramid complex of his queen, which is neighbouring the king’s monument in the north. The mission not only uncovered and documented the southern part of the queen’s precinct including its entrance but also succeeded in finding the name and title of the owner of this unusual (and until that time anonymous) complex, the king’s wife, Setibhor.
Pyramidový komplex panovníka Džedkarea v jižní Sakkáře je klíčovým monumentem pro porozumění historického vývoje pozdní 5. a rané 6. dynastie, stejně jako společenských a náboženských změn, které v té době probíhaly. Přestože byl zkoumán ve 40. a 50. letech 20. století, jeho architektura ani zbytky reliéfní výzdoby nebyly dosud nikdy zcela zdokumentovány ani publikovány. Současná archeologická expedice zkoumající Džedkareův pyramidový komplex si proto klade tři hlavní cíle: 1. podrobně zdokumentovat dochované části architektury a pořídit přesný plán zádušního chrámu; 2. konsolidovat a restaurovat poničené části substruktury královy pyramidy; 3. zdokumentovat a katalogizovat fragmenty reliéfní výzdoby shromážděné v zádušním chrámu dřívějšími výkopci i současnou expedicí, analyzovat výzdobný program památky. Od roku 2010 se podařilo dokončit dokumentaci velké části králova zádušního chrámu, a to včetně řady detailů, jež dřívější archeologové neodhalili. Chrám zahrnoval nejen obvyklé součásti, ale také stavby, které v jiných královských komplexech Staré říše nenajdeme. Především jsou to dva tzv. masivy ve východní části chrámu a rovněž enigmatická budova, dnes zcela zničená, jež kdysi stála v jižní části okrsku. Roku 2018 expedice odkryla severní část králova okrsku. Nikdy dříve nebyla zkoumána a nacházelo se zde velké množství sekundárních pohřbů z pozdějších období egyptských dějin. Po odstranění těchto pozdějších vrstev byly zdokumentovány dochované části architektury patřící jak k chrámu krále, tak i k menšímu okrsku jeho královny (ten s ním sousedí na severu). Expedice zde odkryla a zdokumentovala jižní část královnina zádušního chrámu včetně jeho vstupu. Navíc se zde podařilo nalézt jméno a tituly majitelky tohoto nezvyklého a do nynějška anonymního komplexu. Byla jí královská manželka Setibhor.
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