Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, many scientific papers have described the medical aspects and treatment of the virus infection and its symptoms. There are also many studies on how pandemics of this magnitude affect psychological wellbeing. Despite the spread of COVID-19, it has remained a rather abstract threat for many people in Poland. They have often expressed disbelief and negative attitudes toward social restrictions. The study aimed to investigate changes in attitudes to the COVID-19 threat in young people and the psychological repercussions of social isolation. The present study examined the changes in young people's attitudes, ones not directly affected by COVID19, over a period of a month. It comprised 41 individuals aged 21 to 60. The partic- ipants were asked to fill out a specially designed Internet questionnaire. This consisted of 5 open questions concerning their attitudes, values, feelings, reactions, and vision of the future. They were also encouraged to give their own remarks. At first, 46.6% of participants reported a feeling of discomfort, while 48.4% treated the situation as an opportunity to temporarily slow down the pace of life. However, negative moods and deterioration of mental state arose over time, and 58.7% of respondents reported discomfort in the second study. It shows that counter-arguing against information that causes discomfort and fear does not work for long. Moreover, the majority of them believed that the epidemic would result in the deterioration of their psychological wellbeing. The study revealed that psychological restlessness was almost imperceptible at first, and many participants reported a feeling of relief. Nevertheless, deterioration of mental state arose gradually, often leading to a lack of motivation, feelings of loneliness, helplessness, and, consequently, aggressive behaviors. The neuropsychological and biological aspects of long-term stress are also discussed.
During its entire utilisation history - lasting several hundred years - the area of the Tatra Mountains underwent multidirectional anthropopressure. As the result, all components of their natural environment have been transformed, including relief and water conditions.The analysis of the literature on this topie conducted by the author, as well as his observations performed in the area, confirmed the assumption that transformations caused by human actions developed with varying intensity and admitted various forms depending on the area of action and the magnitude of means applied. The transformation scalę presented here estimates the influence of anthropopressure on the stability of the catchment area systems of larger Tatra streams, partial catchment areas of their confluents and selected slope surfaces. In systems, where the limits of persistence were not exceeded, stability was ensured by natural processes compensating for the conseąuences of anthropopressure. In systems where stability was disturbed, planned preventive measures are necessary.
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Planowanie przestrzenne jest podstawowym narzędziem racjonalnego gospodarowania przestrzenią. Spełnia poprawnie swoje zadania, jeśli opiera się na dobrym rozpoznaniu uwarunkowań przyrodniczych, w tym abiotycznych. Na obszarach wyżynnych i górskich istotną luką w informacji przyrodniczej jest brak szczegółowych map geomorfologicznych. W artykule omówiono znaczenie rzeźby w procesie zrównoważonego gospodarowania przestrzenią. Przedstawiono możliwości, jakie stwarza w tym zakresie Numeryczny Model Terenu.
Spatial planning is a basic tool for the rational management of space. It can properly fulfill its function if based on a thorough recognition of environmental determinants, including abiotic factors. A key feature of planning documents is the spatial presentation of natural resources and phenomena, supplemented with a quantitative description. In upland and mountain areas, the lack of detailed geomorphological maps constitutes a significant environmental information gap. This study discusses the importance of relief in sustainable spatial management. Applications of data possible to obtain from Digital Elevation Model were also presented.
Pain relief by touch has been studied for decades in pain neuroscience. Human perceptual studies revealed analgesic effects of segmental tactile stimulation, as compared to extrasegmental touch. However, the spatial organisation of touch-pain interactions within a single human dermatome has not been investigated yet. In 2 experiments we tested whether, how, and where within a dermatome touch modulates the perception of laserevoked pain. We measured pain perception using intensity ratings, qualitative descriptors, and signal detection measures of sensitivity and response bias. Touch concurrent with laser pulses produced a significant analgesia, and reduced the sensitivity in detecting the energy of laser stimulation, implying a functional loss of information within the ascending Aδ pathway. Touch also produced a bias to judge laser stimuli as less painful. This bias decreased linearly when the distance between the laser and tactile stimuli increased. Thus, our study provides evidence for a spatial organisation of intrasegmental touch-pain interactions.
Badania w ramach nauk neurologicznych, dotyczące kojącego wpływu dotyku na ból, prowadzone są od dziesięcioleci. W badaniach nad percepcją u ludzi wykazano działanie przeciwbólowe segmentarnej stymulacji dotykowej w porównaniu z dotykiem poza segmentem, w którym umiejscowiony jest ból. Nie badano jednak dotąd przestrzennej organizacji interakcji pomiędzy dotykiem i bólem w obrębie pojedynczego dermatomu u człowieka. W dwóch eksperymentach zbadaliśmy czy, jak i gdzie w obrębie dermatomu dotyk moduluje odczuwanie bólu wywołanego laserem. Mierzyliśmy odczuwanie bólu, wykorzystując liczbowe oceny nasilenia bólu, deskryptory jakościowe, miary czułości wykorzystujące teorię detekcji sygnałów oraz błąd odpowiedzi na bodziec. Dotyk stosowany jednocześnie z chwilowymi pobudzeniami laserem wywoływał istotne działanie przeciwbólowe i zmniejszał czułość wykrywania energii stymulacji laserowej, co wskazuje na czynnościowy ubytek informacji w obrębie wstępującej drogi Aδ. Dotyk powodował również błąd w ocenie bodźca lasera jako mniej bolesnego. Błąd ten zmniejszał się liniowo wraz ze zwiększającą się odległością pomiędzy bodźcem lasera i dotykowym. W związku z tym nasze badanie dostarcza dowodów na przestrzenną organizację wewnątrzsegmentarnych interakcji pomiędzy dotykiem i bólem.
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