The aim of the study was to verify whether there is a relation between parents mistakes, such as aggression, rigor, constraining the activity of the child, indifference, parent’s self-accentuation, pandering to the child, doing things for the child, the idealization of the child, inconsistency towards the child and the development of emotional competencies of early school-aged children. Parental mistake is defined as parental behavior, which may have negative effect on child development. Emotional competence is a child’s ability to manage emotions so that they are relevant to a situation. The study involved 80 parents and 80 children aged 6 to 10 years old. Parents completed a questionnaire on the mistakes committed by them. Children also assessed the severity of the parental mistakes. Teachers evaluated the children’s level of emotional competence. The analyzes were performed using three algorithms of artificial intelligence: a) k-mean cluster analysis, b) artificial neural networks, and c) algorithm Classification & Regression Tree (C&RT), which linked the levels of child’s emotional competence with the severity of parental mistakes. Th results reveal that low severity of mistakes: aggression, rigor, constraining the activity of the child, indifference, parent’s self-accentuation, and the idealization of the child is associated with higher levels of emotional competence of children. There are some inconsistencies in the results, which relate to mistakes of pandering to the child, doing things for the child and mistake of inconsistency.
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Badanie jakościowe przeprowadzono równolegle dla dwóch grup osób zaangażowanych w proces wychowania: rodzica i jego dorosłego dziecka. Analizowane „parami" (n = 26) narracje stanowiły odpowiedzi na pytania: (1) Jak Pan/Pani wychowywał(a) swoje dziecko?, (2) Jak byłaś/byłeś wychowywana/y? Analiza tych narracji przy użyciu narzędzi teorii literatury pozwoliła wyodrębnić elementy składające się na ukrytą historię (w ramach kompozycji szkatułkowej). Za takie uznano wypowiedzi zawierające informacje: implikowane i stematyzowane z wyższego poziomu komunikacji, określone w czasie, wypowiedziane językiem samorzutnym, w których dystans narratora jest najmniejszy oraz te, które można przypisać nadawcy. Przeprowadzenie tych analiz na parach monologów osób spokrewnionych pozwoliło porównać, jak dwa światy przedstawione (działania ludzkie, role przypisywane bohaterom, procesy, stany rzeczy, przeżycia, czas i miejsce) mają się do siebie - czy są tymi samymi i takimi samymi.
Qualitative analysis was conducted concurrently on two subject groups engaged in the upbringing process: parents and their adult children. The narrations, analyzed "in pairs," (n = 26) constituted the answers to the questions: (1) How did you raise your child? (2) How were you raised? The analysis of the narrations (using theory of literature devices) allowed for the isolation of elements of hidden stories (within the confines of a story within a story). As such, we considered communications containing the following information: implied and thematized - at a high level of literary communication and defined in time, told in free-flowing language in which the narrator's distance is the smallest, as well as information which can be attributed to the addresser. Conducting discourse analysis on persons in monologue pairs allows us to compare whether the worlds presented (human activity, attributed roles, processes, states, experiences, times and places) are the same and alike.
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