The article describes key topics of discourse between a philosopher and an atheist Jean-François Revel and his son, Matthieu Ricard, a biologist and a Buddhist monk. It concerns similarities and differences between empirical science, philosophy and religion, mostly Tibetan Buddhism. They discussed status of consciousness and possibility of rebirth (reincarnation). The result of it was that both Revel and Ricard kept their positions. Ricard could not persuade Revel to his arguments, which his father regarded as propositions of faith.
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Architektura ginie nie tylko dlatego, że jest już nie modna, brzydka, stara i ma pryszcze. Giną także nowe i piękne domy. W ciągu paru sekund znikają z powierzchni ziemi całe miasta. Po latach na tych miejscach wyrastają nowe inne domy, które często zmieniają nie tylko swój styl ale i sposób myślenia ich lokatorów na całe wieki.
Architecture dies not only because it is out of fashion, ugly, old and has pimples. New and beautiful houses die as well. Within several second whole cities disappear from the Earth. After years in these places arises new other houses, which often change not only their own style but also manner of thinking of their residents for long centuries.
Motyw maski – ważny wskaźnik zmian i przedmiot rozważań – należy do kultury XX wieku. Obraz maski i temat maskarady wykorzystują twórcy – przedstawiciele różnych tradycji narodowych – w wybranych formach gatunkowych. Maskarada wiąże się z kłamstwem, reinkarnacją, z problemami realnymi i nierealnymi, utratą własnej tożsamości. Popularność motywu maski w literaturze dwudziestowiecznej jest wyjątkowa: maska występuje na poziomie tematu, motywu, struktury obrazu, sposobu tworzenia utworu. Na przykład, w sztukach Kondrata Krapiwy pojawia się motyw maski i maskarada jako zespół zjawisk kulturowych w literaturze narodowej.
The mask motif which became a significant element of the 20th century culture is not only an important indicator of paradigmatic change, but also a subject of reflection. Artists of different national and cultural backgrounds often use the image of the mask in various genre forms. Masquerade theme is associated with deception, reincarnation, the problems of the real and unreal, the loss of identity. The range of application of the mask motif in the 20th century literature is very wide: the mask may be present on the thematic or motif level, or on the level of image structure. For example, Kondrat Krapiva’s plays “Who Laughs Last,” “My Dear Fellow,” “The Gate of Immortality” use the mask motif, the masquerade theme as a complex of cultural phenomena of national literature.
Present article aims at showing the supernaturalism conception of religious systems of the East against the background of Christian supernaturalism conception based on the Word of God and the conception of New Age Movement which is built on worldview of religious systems of the East. The base of this conception diff ers from the Christian one. It is a pantheist delineation of God, so it assumes there is no real border between Him and creature. This fact changes perception of character of the creation and idea of spirituality diametrically. Because this delineation premises an emanation of divinity, not the act of Creation without violation of the essence of God, it does not mention about the real identity of human being, Divine Mercy, or eternal life at all. For humane-self is illusive and Wight is coming up for process of consecutive reincarnations, which are dependent on karma. Ergo, spirituality of the East does not base on right of reprieve and techniques that are associated with the spirituality are peculiarly gnostic, connected with enlightenment of mind and nirvana, explained by entrants of New Age as stifling or transformation of perceptorium. These ideas have been present in western notion starting from ancient Greek thought through Jewish kabbalah, Christian Gnosticism, esotericism, illuminism, theosophy, anthroposophy and so-called potential of human’s mind development characteristic of New Age’s praxis. On the other hand, transcendental meditation, yoga, reiki or martial arts base on idea of socalled divine qi energy which with suitable techniques, poises, or meditation you can tap inside you or be fulfilled with to get specified benefits, therapic powers, inner harmony, etc. It is a cosmic delineation of God regarded as macrocosm and human regarded as a microcosm defined as a hologram of surrounding reality. What is more, according to religious systems of the East and New Age Movement, human is regarded as a small piece of divine mind and direct emanation of god. They need no God’s Epiphany, tenets, or religious system which would make knowable reality objective or would mediate between them and God. From the viewpoint of this world’s vision, there can’t be any objective truth, because everyone is in possession of it proportionately to their enlightenment. Hence cognitive relativism ant toleration towards different opinions or religious systems, for ultimate instance in this perception of God and the world is only Wight, not Epiphany or any religious authority.
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