W artykule w sposób ogólny scharakteryzowano trzy przypadki odcinków dróg o nawierzchni dodatkowo wzmocnionej geosyntetykami, a które zostały poddane wpływom nieciągłych deformacji górniczych. Opisane wyniki obserwacji oraz pomiaru ugięć nawierzchni ugięciomierzem FWD pozwoliły na przedstawienie zakresu charakterystycznych uszkodzeń nawierzchni i wstępną odpowiedź na pytanie o ocenę skuteczności geomateracy w obszarze deformacji nieciągłych.
The article characterises three cases of road sections additionally reinforced with geosynthetics, which were subjected to the influence of discontinuous mining deformations. The described results of the observation and measurement of pavement deflection using the FWD defl ectometer have enabled the presentation of the range of characteristic pavement damage and a preliminary answer to the question about the effectiveness assessment of geomaterials in an area of discontinuous deformations.
During the implementation of investment processes with the use of ready-made prefabricated elements, undesirable situations may occur that cause scratches, excessive deflections or damage. This is due to the fact that defects occur during transport, storage or incorrect loading of the elements. The conducted tests and technical assessments often allow the use of built-in elements, however, under the conditions of the need to make their reinforcements. This may be due to the scale of damage or defects made during molding and, as a consequence, the implementation of prefabricated elements with too low load capacity. Taking action each time should allow for the implementation of reinforcements of the elements, limiting the need to dismantle them, which would result in their irretrievable destruction. The implementation of reinforcements allows to reduce the generation of waste from new elements and allows for the proper management of already produced prefabricated elements. Used elements with reinforcements should be subject to technical inspection in the same periods as other structural elements. Proper implementation of repairs allows for the final effect to be similar to the parameters of elements free of technical defects. Due to the existing problem of damage to new elements of prefabricated channel ceilings, solutions have been developed that can be used to reinforce the elements without the need to dismantle them from the places of installation, while reducing the time spent on the process.
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