The author presents the functions of the lexical exponents of gradations with a dialectal origin, namely of: the adjective galanty and the averbs galancie, galancio, galanto in the colloquial Polish language and Polish dialects. Based on dialectal and general Polish data coming from published works (dictionaries, atlases, dialectal monographs) and unpublished collections of vocabulary, she discusses their gradational meanings falling into three semantic categories: sufficiency (e.g. galancie osób pojechało (‘quite many’ people have gone)), completeness (e.g. zupa galanta (‘quite a good’ soup)), and intensity (e.g. galancie wąski (a ‘very’ narrow)). The identifi cation of the meanings of the discussed forms as exponents of the intensity of a characteristic is, in most cases, conditioned on the context. They express various values of many gradational characteristics which are extracted while being actualised in a sentence. Due to their limited distribution (mainly Greater Poland, Kuyavia, Łęczyce and Sieradz Land, northern Lesser Poland, Masovia, Chełmno and Dobrzyń Land) and presence in the colloquial Polish language, the discussed forms can be classified as regionalisms with a dialectal origin.
Literary texts written in French-speaking areas out of France very often represent real challenges for translators, because they have to deal with a diatopically marked language and with a large number of realia which require the implementation of specific strategies for translate in the target language. In this article, we will try to understand the strategies used by Italian translators when translating the linguistic specificities of Quebec literary works in Italian. The practice of translation can orient the vision (or reception) of a Quebec literature in Italy which appears at first sight to be hermetic because of its linguistic regionalisms. Do Italian translations of Quebec literature require revisions?
The article contains results of lexical analysis of 8 romantic poems (including the national epos) of 7 eminent Polish romantic authors: Antoni Malczewski, Adam Mickiewicz, Seweryn Goszczyński, Józef Bohdan Zaleski, Juliusz Słowacki, Zygmunt Krasiński and Cyprian Kamil Norwid. Botanical terms used by the poets are presented in quantitative and qualitative aspects. Their stylistic functions are described. This lexical layer is necessary in literary creation of world and very important in poetical views. The names of elements of native nature have special importance for homesick creators in exile as well as for patriotic readers.
This analysis is based on an unpublished collection of 25 sonnets written by Wincenty Byrski one hundred years ago. They are devoted to the Tatra subject matter. The author of the article, applying the methods of cultural linguistics, discusses the descriptions of the mountain nature in the poetic language of W. Byrski. The research is focused on the toponyms, the lexis referring to different rock formations, watercourses, animated nature, atmospheric phenomena and the elements. Simultaneously, the author comments on the solemnly marked lexis, archaisms, regional expressions and comparative structures used by the poet.
The subject of the article is the attitude of naïve language users to the broadly identified phenomenon of regional lexical diversity, including all lexical units limited to a specific territory, regardless of their status (regionalism, micro-regionalism, dialectism). The considerations are based on meta-linguistic comments of the Internet users posted on online forums devoted to regional distinctiveness.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest stosunek użytkowników języka niemających specjalistycznej wiedzy językoznawczej do szeroko rozumianego zjawiska regionalnego zróżnicowania leksyki, obejmującego wszelkie jednostki leksykalne charakteryzujące się występowaniem ograniczonym do konkretnego terytorium, niezależnie od ich statusu (regionalizm, mikroregionalizm, dialektyzm). Podstawą rozważań są metajęzykowe komentarze internautów zamieszczone na forach internetowych poświęconych odrębnościom regionalnym.
The vocabulary item płatek appeared in the poem by Masurian folk author Jan Domasz O teraźniejszych modach. It can be assumed from the context that it was used as a noun that can be defined as ‘a piece of cloth worn around the head or neck – a scarf or a bandana’. The other word that was used to describe a piece of clothing protecting the head was myca. The item płatek was a diminutive of płat. Both mentioned words have many meanings in the Polish language as well as in other Slavic languages. The primary meaning of the word was ‘a piece of cloth’ that led to the creation of the word płatek and the word płacić (to pay) as cloth was used by the Slavic people as the currency.
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