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The regional development of Siberia faces some difficulties nowadays and they are thought to be the result of historical development. According to American authors, Clifford Gaddy and Fiona Hill (“The Siberian Curse”), as well as some Russian scientists, such problems stem from the period of Soviet abusive colonization of Siberia, or even earlier – from the period of monarchy. But it is essentially hard to realize the situation of Siberia from the perspective of Moscow, let alone from abroad. It is also difficult to imagine the huge differences in territorial proportions, contrasts in Siberian regions, and distances between cities. So it is not acceptable to use non-geographical, dot methods in solving regional problems of Siberia. In fact, the regional problems are very complicated and multilateral, and we should study them with an open mind. Development of Siberia, the Eastern and Northern territories, was not something special in Soviet times. It was based on the whole country large-scale development plans and strategic objectives
Content available Instruments financed by the regional policy
The article describes the impact of financial integration on regional policies, instruments and types of financial instruments from the previous and current programming period in order to promote Polish regional policy.
The starting point for the deliberations in this article is a definition of a region from the point of view of geographic, cultural, social, political and economic aspects, followed by a description of the concept of regional development. The article raises questions about the overall approach to the process of changes taking place in a given territory. It also explains the issue of regional policy reorientation. The aim of the article is to analyse the concept of regional development and the main challenges that lay before it.
nr 1(43)
Supporting innovation, particularly technological progress, is considered a substantial element of policies towards sustainable development. It is considered that both research and innovation contribute to employment growth, increase prosperity and quality of life. Given the above assumptions and the role of research in the knowledge-based economy, the European Union has decided to create their own innovative policies and instruments of implementation. The paper defines the areas of convergence between cohesion policy and innovation policy implemented by the EU and Polish policy implemented at national and regional level. In Poland, innovation, competitiveness and eco-efficiency play a significant role in the regional disparities and an integrated approach to innovation can provide benefits for both Poland and the EU.
Istniejący znaczny stopnień konwergencji polityki spójności z innymi politykami Unii Europejskiej oraz subsydiarnie określonym poziomem krajowym, w najbliższym czasie będzie ulegał wyraźnej intensyfikacji. Dodatkowo nacisk na paradygmat rozwojowy Unii Europejskiej będzie coraz bardziej widoczny w tym procesie, zgodnie z zapisami art. 14 TFUE, określającymi spójność jako kluczową wartość UE. Wspieranie innowacji, w szczególności postępu technologicznego jest uznawane za istotny element polityki na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju. Uważa się, że zarówno badania naukowe jak i innowacje przyczyniają się do wzrostu zatrudnienia, podniesienia poziomu dobrobytu i poprawy jakości życia. Biorąc pod uwagę te założenia i rolę badań naukowych w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy, Unia Europejska postanowiła kreować własną politykę innowacyjną oraz instrumenty jej realizacji. Celem artykułu jest określenie ogólnych właściwości unijnej polityki spójności jako polityki przekrojowej (krzyżowej). W artykule zdefiniowano obszary konwergencji polityki spójności z polityką innowacyjną realizowaną przez Unię Europejską oraz polską polityką realizowaną na szczeblu krajowym i regionalnym.
Currently, regional policy makers are facing the dilemma of reevaluation of regional policy assumptions. Modern changes in the world economy, their directions and spontaneity have a significant impact on this state. It seems that the new assumption of regional policy should be based on the latest domains of economic mechanisms and endogenous competitive advantages.
This article aims to discuss the objectives and instruments of the European regional policy with particular reference to the current period of its programming. Programming is a particular feature of the implementation of the Community policy, therefore this study is also intended to present a short overview of the programming of this policy in Poland. The main information about the existence and evolution of European regional policy is presented. Special attention is given to its political programming (tasks and spheres of financial intervention), especially budget programming. The main purposes of solidarity policy in Poland are presented. Its programming tools which are implemented according to the main document, which characterises directions of financial support from the EU, are given. This document entitled the National Strategic Frames presents a diagnosis of the social and economic situation of the country and the intentions of its regions towards development of solidarity. It contains a chapter about financial resources sharing according to operation programs as well as a description of the realization system.
Content available remote Polska "samorządność" na tle standardów europejskich
tom Vol. 3, no 2
W powyższym przeglądzie podstawowych zagadnień ustrojowych i gospodarczych zostały przedstawione niektóre rozwiązania przyjęte w trzech państwach Europy Zachodniej, których obszar, liczba ludności, potencjał ekonomiczny i kulturowy są porównywalne z Polską. W krajach, w których organizację terytorialną i wszelkie instytucje można analizować mając na względzie ich przydatność przy realizowaniu polskiego modelu ustroju terytorialnego.
In above review of basic constitutional and economic problems were introduced some solutions accepted in three countries of Western Europe, which area, number of population, economic and cultural potential are comparable with Poland. Those are countries which territorial organization and all institutions one can analyse having on regard their usefulness at realising Polish model of territorial system.
The development strategy is a kind of plan — a composite document specifying basic development trends of entity or group of entities, which at the same time takes into account the potential of the entities for which the strategy is implemented and the possibility of development as well, which gives economic and social environment. Necessary activity, which organization needs to realize, organization which has already worked out and accepted vision of development, is a skillfully translate into concrete actions from an operational character, namely the creation of the operational plan. It is build based on methods like: Management by Objectives or Balance Scorecard. In this paper, it was presented development strategy of the Cross Border Cluster of Zeolitic Tuffs. In first part, were presented general and partial goals of cluster developed during the strategic diagnosis, then there was prepared Balance Scorecard for a cluster, as a tool for creating a cluster strategy. In the next part of the article, were included strategic matrices for individual areas. The article concludes developed plan of action for the cluster for the coming period.
Strategia rozwoju jest swego rodzaju planem — dokumentem kompleksowym określającym podstawowe kierunki rozwoju podmiotu lub grupy podmiotów, który to plan równocześnie uwzględnia potencjał tkwiący w podmiotach, dla których realizowana jest strategia, jak również bierze pod uwagę możliwości rozwoju, które daje otoczenie zarówno gospodarcze, jak i społeczne. Niezbędnym działaniem, jakie musi wykonać organizacja mająca już wypracowaną i zaakceptowaną wizję rozwoju, jest jej umiejętne przełożenie na konkretne działania o charakterze operacyjnym, czyli opracowanie planu operacyjnego. Buduje się go zazwyczaj w oparciu o technikę Zarządzania poprzez Cele (Management by Objectives) lub Strategiczną Kartę Wyników (Balanced Scorecard ). W nieniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiona została strategia rozwoju Transgranicznego Klastra Tufów Zeolitowych. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawuione zostały cele ogólne i cząstkowe klastra wypracowane podczas diagnozy strategicznej, następnie opracowana została strategiczna karta wyników dla klastra, jako narzędzie tworzenia strategii klastra. W koloejnej części artykułu znalazły się matryce strategiczne dla poszczególnych obszarów. Artukół kończy opracowany dla klastra plan działań na najbliższy okres.
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki analiz dotyczących planowania przestrzennego w gminach z końca 2004 roku, udostępnionych dzięki uprzejmości Departamentu Ładu Przestrzennego i Architektury w Ministerstwie Transportu i Budownictwa, a uzyskanych w ankiecie GUS. Omówiono pokrótce najważniejsze wskaźniki obrazujące zaawansowanie prac planistycznych, zwłaszcza opracowanie miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Przeanalizowano też szeroki zakres czynników, głównie społeczno-ekonomicznych, mogących wpływać na stan planowania przestrzennego. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań sformułowano wnioski praktyczne dla polityki regionalnej.
The article presents the analysis of spatial planning process in communities at the end of 2004, based on information by Ministry of Transport and Construction and Central Statistical Office survey. Briefly discussed are the most important indicators reflecting the advancement of planning works. As a result of the research carried out, the practical conclusions for the regional politics were formulated. The research helped to identify and judge the state of the preparation of planning works in relation to the forming of spatial structure in the country. The analysis shows that the state of the planning works in the municipalities especially in relation to local plans, is unsatisfactory especially in urban areas. The planning predictions, contained in Priorities and Conditions… should be also critically judged. They are unrealistic, inconsistent with the real socio-economic situation. In the future it is necessary to develop a detailed monitoring system for the spatial planning on a regional, sub-regional and local scale.
The paper deals with the evaluation of the development of public administration in Slovakia, focusing on the analysis of self-governing regions. Based on the assessment of the current state of self-governing units it emphasizes the need for the formation of quality of regional policy. When evaluating the level of governing regions, we use several indicators. We focus on the financial, institutional and informational indicators. For the comparison, we use a rating of total transparency, which contributes to a more comprehensive view of the self-governing regions.
Artykuł dotyczy oceny rozwoju administracji publicznej na Słowacji koncentrując się na regionach samorządowych. Przeprowadzona ocena bieżącej sytuacji słowackich regionów samorządowych skłania do zwrócenia uwagi na potrzebę doskonalenia jakości polityki regionalnej Do oceny sytuacji regionów zastosowano wskaźniki finansowe, instytucjonalne i informacyjne. Do porównań wykorzystano ranking transparentności regionów.
In the last ten-odd years we have been observing a discussion held in the European Union on the change of the regional policy paradigm in terms of its objectives, priorities, tools and the geographical scope of intervention. Changing development conditions require modification of the European cohesion policy model, the main priority of which still is to equalize the level of development of regions in the Community Member States. At the turn of the centuries we can see changes in the way the European cohesion policy is implemented and also the orientation of the equalization policy (which compensates the social and economic backwardness of regions) towards the development policy (which supports competitiveness, takes advantage of the endogenous potential for development and eliminates various barriers). Such policy is to contribute to a more effective use of the potential for development in the entire Community to stimulate growth, employment and cohesion. This paper aims at attracting attention to the evolution of the European cohesion policy model towards a place-based policy.
Content available remote Zasady polityki regionalnej w Unii Europejskiej
tom Z.6
Transformacja systemowa Polski, jako już wkrótce kraju członkowskiego Unii Europejskiej, musi uwzględniać również kluczową zasadę demokracji jaką jest samorządność terytorialna. Wyraża się ona poprzez ewolucję polityki regionalnej i zarządzania przenoszonego na grunt regionu. Prezentowany artykuł obejmuje zasady i cele polityki regionalnej UE, stanowiącej punkt odniesienia dla przekształceń strukturalnych w Polsce.
In order integrate with the European Union, Poland should adopt the European criteria of cohesion. Therefore special funds are necessary to reach economic, social and special cohesion. The Paper focuses on political transformation, which leads to regional differentiations, favoring big cities and the west Poland. Applying the criteria of cohesion, however, will be conductive only to there strong regions.
Content available remote Pobudzanie inicjatyw lokalnych poprzez zarządzanie
tom Z.6
Na treść artykułu składa się przedstawienie ewolucji procesu i skuteczności zarządzania regionalnego stymulowanej poprzez czynniki lokalne. Ożywianie inicjatyw oddolnych w systemie demokracji jest tożsame z wyzwoleniem ogromnego potencjału, który właściwie zarządzany może być dominującą siłą restrukturyzacji gospodarki. Części składowe artykułu to: - problemy rozwoju regionalnego w Polsce, - zarządzanie regionalne w gospodarce rynkowej, - instrumenty stymulacji rozwoju regionalnego, - model budowy strategii rozwoju.
The article focuses on the proccess of regional management in Poland, stimulated by local authorities. It emphasizes that in the demoeratic system local initiatives, if managed properly can appear crucial in economy restructuring. The paper touches upon the following issues: - regional development in Poland, - regional mangement in marhet economy, - instruments for regional develepment stimulation, - the development stratergy.
Regional policy as an integral part of development policy supports the achievement of the objectives at national level and helps in the best way to exploit the development potential of regions and territories, provides external (exogenous) factors of economic growth, and supports the creation of regional identities in the economic, social and cultural dimension through the construction of multilevel governance. This article presents basic issues regarding the genesis and development of regional policy in Poland, as well as the goals and challenges of a new regional policy.
In the aforementioned case study, an endeavour has been made to analyse and assess the regional policies of the European Union and its consequences for the Polish economy, from a financial perspective, for the years 2007-2013. A fundamental problem Poland is faced with after nearly three years of EU membership, is the capability of regions to utilise the increasing assistance from the European Union budget. The basic conditions to being able to utilise such a considerable sum, is a change in the public finance system and of the regulations governing the functionality of the administration. A better and more efficient utilisation of the budgeted funds would be to achieved upon subjecting a large portion of public expenses to Union principles and control.
W niniejszym opracowaniu dokonano analizy i oceny polityki regionalnej Unii Europejskiej w perspektywie finansowej 2007-2013 i jej konsekwencji dla polskiej gospodarki. Zasadniczym problemem, przed którym staje Polska po niespełna trzech latach członkostwa w UE jest zdolność absorpcji przez regiony rosnącej pomocy z budżetu Unii Europejskiej. Podstawowym warunkiem wykorzystania tak dużej pomocy jest zmiana finansów publicznych i zasad funkcjonowania administracji. Lepsze i sprawniejsze wykorzystanie środków budżetowych zapewnia dostosowanie dużej części wydatków publicznych do zasad unijnych oraz unijnej kontroli.
nr 1 (14)
Regional Policy shall be understood as overall activities performed by public administration (local and state administration) in order to support growth. Those activities should merge and coordinate tasks realized by both local and central authorities. Although self-governance authorities in voivodeship are entitled with many competencies, lack of balance can be observed between local and government authorities. This article shows the analysis of legal documents stating basis for tasks assignment related to inter- and intraregional policy, in the light of three main rules: subsidiary in tasks split, decentralization of power and balance in public administration.
This paper is devoted to the analysis of the concept of growth poles theory elaborated by an outstanding French professor François Perroux. In the first part the author presents philosophical and methodological analysis of Perroux’s concepts. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the implementation of the growth poles theory in Spain in the years 1964−1975. The originality of Perroux’s concept lies in the introduction of economic space in a consideration and the omission of the role played by physical space. On the other hand, Perroux’s concept is the generalization of the method applied much earlier by other economists. Perroux’s growth poles theory is the part of theory of harmonized growth, but harmonized growth is not the concept of harmonious growth understood as the natural harmony existing in the economic life. Perroux indicates the need for permanent harmonizing of economic forces for social welfare. Perroux is convinced the economic growth is unsustainable, not only spatially but also by sector. That opinion was not something new. He simply belongs to a group of researchers of economics convinced of unsustainable growth. However, there is one difference. Perroux, not like the others, limits only to establish the fact. He tries to explain why that is. Therefore, he created the theory which explained the phenomenon of unsustainable economic growth. He believes the economic growth appears at the points with different frequencies and at different time. Perroux also points to the industrial complexes and entire industries that can be a source of economic growth which he calls “growth poles”. Growth poles policy was very popular in the 60s and 70s. Many countries like France, Spain, Greece or Italian had poles in their economic plans. This tendency was halted as a result of the oil crisis in 1973. Then the active policy of the state in economic planning began to give the way to economic liberalism. In case of Spain, the growth poles policy consisted in the stimulation of industry formation in regions which give hope for accelerated industrial development. During three consecutive periods of planning in Spain a number of poles situated in different regions were created. At that time in Spain there was a problem of migration towards rich regions like Catalonia, Madrid or Basque Country. Therefore, the aim of the implementation of the poles was not only to develop the industry, but also to stop the migration process. One way to evaluate the functioning of the poles in the Spanish economy is examining the amount of established companies, the level of production and the rate of economic growth obtained in regions with poles, the balance of trade between a region with the pole and surrounding regions. The method used by the author consists in comparing two periods: the first period without the pole and the second period with the pole. The analysis also compares the results obtained with the national average.
Content available remote Polityka regionalna Unii Europejskiej i Polski
tom Z.4
Artykuł składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej zostały przedstawione założenia polityki regionalnej UE. Opierają się one na czterech uwarunkowaniach: Funduszach Strukturalnych, Inicjatywach Wspólnotowych, nomenklaturze terytorialnych jednostek statystycznych oraz dokumentach dotyczących polityki regionalnej. W drugiej części scharakteryzowano politykę regionalną Polski oraz przedstawiono możliwości dostoso-wania tej polityki do zasad UE.
The article consist of two parts. The first part presents foundations of regional policy of European Union. There are four elements of it: Structural Funds, Communities Initiatives, NUTS - The Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics and documents concerning the development of regio-nal Europe strategy. The second part presents the regional policy of Poland and adjust it to principles of European Union.
Modern concepts of regional development are trying to reconcile apparently confl icted development business – enhancing the capabilities of competitive regions with the prevention of socially and politically unacceptable differences between and within region. Main aim is to present selected theoretical and practical approaches, including the tasks of the regional government, understood as the formation of the cohesion and competitiveness.
This article presents the formal and organizational basis for the implementation of youth policy at the European, national and regional level. The author made an attempt to verify to what extent the existing mechanisms inherent in the model of youth policy in the broad sense, understood as a system of cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder activities for young people, are treated subjectively, not only as beneficiaries of the initiatives taken by the public authorities. In the first part of the submitted paper, the author focused on the construction of a European system of youth policy, outlining the solutions adopted by various European institutions in recent years. In the second part, the Polish solutions for youth policy were presented. The last part of the given article concerns the formal and institutional arrangements for young people adopted on the regional level in Poland. The present paper is based on an analysis of legislation and strategic documents, desk research and internet sources. In the last part of this work, the author has used the comparative method.
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