The text presents contemporary history in regional museums in the Czech Republic, based on an analysis of eleven expositions. In the introduction, it provides a basic overview of the approaches to museum reflection in the Czech Republic. In the actual analysis it examines the extent to which the museums exhibit contemporary history and what are the milestones of their exposition. Second, it focuses on the question of whether local museums present history from a nationwide or local perspective. The text puts forward normative proposals for exhibiting contemporary history in the regional context.
In the IT age of the 21st century, in the post-industrial society, systemic changes are taking place, including transformation forces, new tasks and needs. The first need in museology was to increase the number of branches in the regions (regional museums). Such a progress has already taken place. About 75% increase in museum facilities has been noted. During 1990-2004, there were 37 historical, 28 regional, 11 ethnographic, 9 natural, 8 techniques, 6fine arts museums. A small regress was recorded in archaeological and biographical museology. The second stage seems to be a qualitative progression, segmentally adapted to the current needs of potential visitors. Scientific and statistical publications are not optimistic. This concerns mainly young peopleand students of high schools, and secondary and vocational schools of all majors and specialties. The objective of my research is to arouse interest children and teenagers in museum messages as a means of studying history and cultural heritage. The Bobolice Regional Museum is a good example of this activity, perhaps because its founder, an active creator, animator and authority, is a retired teacher of geography and mathematics - currently the curator and manager - Bronislaw Malinowski.
The article presents a new understanding of the meaning and functions of a regional museum in the face of changes taking place in the contemporary world. These changes concern the very philosophy of man, whose role is less perceived in terms of supremacy over the natural environment, and more in terms of equality. Next, the role of the nation-state is diminished for the benefit of the global society, at the same time expanding the space for cultural localisms, including regional and minority ones. Localisms, in turn, go beyond the sphere of ethnos, embracing cultural divisions of the typological order. The criteria for describing cultural peculiarities go beyond the affirmation of one's own heritage, while focusing on its dark sides. All of these and other processes make it necessary to redefine the mission of a regional museum, the main task of which, after all, is to display the genius loci, the spirit of the place where the museum operates and which it aims to express.
Artykuł prezentuje nowe spojrzenie na znaczenie i funkcje muzeum regionalnego wobec zmian mających miejsce w świecie współczesnym. Zmiany te dotyczą samej filozofii człowieka, którego rola coraz mniej postrzegana jest w kategoriach supremacji wobec środowiska naturalnego, a coraz bardziej relacji równorzędności. Dalej, ma miejsce pomniejszanie roli państwa narodowego na rzecz społeczeństwa globalnego, poszerzając zarazem przestrzeń dla lokalizmów kulturowych, w tym regionalnych i mniejszościowych. Lokalizmy z kolei wykraczają poza sferę etnosu, obejmując swym zasięgiem podziały kulturowe z porządku typologicznego. Kryteria opisu osobliwości kulturowych wychodzą poza ramy afirmacji własnego dziedzictwa, skupiając się zarazem na jego ciemnych stronach. Te i inne procesy pociągają konieczność redefinicji misji muzeum regionalnego, którego wszak naczelnym zadaniem pozostaje eksponowanie genius loci, ducha miejsca, w którym muzeum funkcjonuje i którego ma wyrażać.
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