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In this article the influence of a company's quality management on competitiveness and regional development are discussed. In the era of globalisation competitiveness is crucial. Classic management theories may not meet the challenges and threaten the firm's existence. For this reason the authors do not present the history and assumptions of modern quality management, but rather focus on its influence on the comapany's competitiveness. Nowadays complex quality management and quality management systems in accordance with ISO are requirements for ensuring a a strong market position for companies and as a consequence the development of regions in which they are located.
The author believes it is essential that the potential of culture be looked at in a complex way. On the one hand, it is seen as valuable in and of itself, passed along from one generation to the next and defining a country’s identity. It is also a source of satisfaction and emotion, a field of creativity of outstanding personality. On the other hand, it is an area in which Poles may express their desires and expectations. This paper suggests looking at culture as the basis of society’s knowledge, the foundation of modernity, a catalogue of essential tools for the human race of the twenty-first century to meet the demands that lay ahead. Culture is constantly being changed by the passing of time. Tied to history while never remaining indifferent to modern changes, culture carries within itself an element of duration and one of change, and likewise a social factor integrating the two. In the social sciences the recurrence of certain regularities and phenomena, characteristic of the culture from earlier times, are observed and may be revived in new forms of modernity. The strengthening of creative environments allows for a fuller use of existing cultural and artistic potential, which is becoming a real factor in regional development, increasing the attractiveness of a region for its inhabitants, investors and tourists alike. The standard of cultural bases needs to be improved and the conditions for taking advantage of existing potential creative environments to be created. It is also important to promote the culture of a region within the country and beyond its borders. A developed cultural exchange will be an important area of intraregional, interregional and international cooperation.
W artykule przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia związane z formułowaniem i wdrażaniem polityki regionalnej w Polsce w okresie przedakcesyjnym i w okresie członkostwa w Unii Europejskiej. Scharakteryzowano zmiany organizacyjno-prawne dotyczące kompetencji i zadań różnych szczebli administracji publicznej w kwestiach dotyczących polityki regionalnej, jakie zaszły w Polsce od roku 1999. Omówiono toczącą się na forum europejskim i krajowym dyskusję dotycząca przyszłości polityki spójności. Przedstawiono także rezultaty badań dotyczących oceny procesów formułowania i wdrażania polityki regionalnej na przykładzie województwa mazowieckiego z których wynika, że wśród aktorów zaangażowanych w politykę regionalną dominują trzy perspektywy postrzegania i oceny przebiegu procesów formułowania polityki rozwoju regionalnego i praktyki jej realizacji: perspektywa realizacyjna – poziom gminy i powiatu, perspektywa koordynacyjna – poziom województwa, perspektywa programowania - poziom agend rządowych. Wyniki badań pozwalają też stwierdzić, że system programowania i realizacji polityki regionalnej mimo wielu braków pozwala realizować projekty istotne z punktu widzenia funkcjonowania jednostek samorządu terytorialnego i wykorzystywać dostępne środki finansowe z UE. Badania wskazały pewną dezintegrację elementów systemu programowania, formułowania i realizacji polityki rozwoju regionalnego, co jest przyczyną niedostatecznego wykorzystania istniejącego potencjału w różnych fazach programowania i realizacji polityki regionalnej. Wyniki badań pozwalają na sformułowanie następujących rekomendacji dotyczących formułowania i realizacji polityki regionalnej: zdecydowanego wzmocnienia wymaga zaangażowanie władz samorządowych (gmina, powiat, województwo) w prace nad polityką regionalną podejmowane w ramach instytucji wspólnotowych, w szczególności na forum Komitetu Regionów Unii Europejskiej; konieczne jest zapewnienie stabilności regulacji prawnych; niezbędne są efektywne mechanizmy współpracy w układzie: władze centralne – regiony – gminy, służące wymianie informacji i koordynacji działań; sposób finansowania projektów powinien uwzględniać sytuację beneficjentów, co oznacza wprowadzenie rozwiązań w postaci zaliczek.
This article presents selected issues related to formulation and implementation of regional policy in Poland in the period before accession to the European Union and during the first years of the Polish membership in the EU structures. Changes, which have taken place in Poland since 1990, of legal regulation concerning competencies and tasks of different tiers of public administration, which are connected with regional policy are described. The article contains also comments on current discussion about the future of EU cohesion policy. Based on the results of empirical studies conducted in the mazowieckie voivodship evaluation of processes of formulation and implementation of regional policy is presented. Results of studies allow to formulate conclusion, that three perspectives of perception and assessment of regional policy formulation can be distinguished: implementation perspective (municipality and county level), coordination perspective (voivodship / regional level), and programming perspective (central government level). Results of studies prove, that despite of some weaknesses the system of regional policy formulation and implementation in the region is effective and creates opportunities to realize programs and projects that are important for local governments. The system is not fully coherent which results in inefficient use of intellectual and organizational potential of actors involved in regional policy making. The following recommendations to improve current situation were formulated: local self governments shall be more involved in the process of designing and developing regional development policies that take place at the European level, especially at the forum of Committee of Regions; it is also necessary to secure stability of legal regulations concerning regional development policies; there is a need to establish mechanisms of cooperation among central government agencies and regional as well as local self governments. These mechanisms shall contribute to efficient exchange of information and coordination of different undertakings; advance payments are recommended as an instrument to enlarge a group of beneficiaries of EU funded projects.
The paper considers the issue of cooperation between particular actors such as: enterprises, local government, R&D sector, and business environment institutions in the context of innovativeness of the economy. Presently, numerous studies analyze how to create an innovative economy in order to answer the question of what contributes to generation of innovations and the key elements in this process. Furthermore, the created models of a group of determinants influencing innovativeness are still evolving and depending on the examined aspect, different approaches to innovation in the regions are presented, including cooperation between the aforementioned entities. The main aim of the paper is to present the significance of cooperation between different actors in the region for developing innovative solutions. To achieve the aim, the authors present an example of cooperation between enterprises, pointing out the benefits of common projects, and present activities undertaken in regions which enhance innovation. The authors also focus on checking the offers and readiness for cooperation of selected Polish universities. In order to elaborate the basic information, the authors conducted desk and field research. In order to check the state of the art of the investigated issue and prepare the background for the empirical part of the paper, analysis of the literature on the subject was conducted. The desk research was supported by Google Scholar, Emerald, and Scopus databases. To present cooperation in the regions in the context of innovativeness, the authors used the method of observation and case studies. As a result of the research, it can be said that cooperation between science and business brings mutual benefits, although when the benefits to businesses are often analyzed and measured in the literature on the subject, less attention is paid to the effects of cooperation for the R&D sector — e.g., financing the scientific research by the business sector, and the opportunity for scientific workers to gain experience in enterprises. According to the conducted research it can be said that the last two decades brought changes both in the awareness of local authorities about their role in creating a pro-innovative environment and in the way they operate. Polish universities have also started transformation and have started to deal with potential co-operators by preparing the offer and information for them.
W artykule podjęto rozważania dotyczące współpracy pomiędzy poszczególnymi podmiotami, takimi jak przedsiębiorstwa, samorząd lokalny, sektor B+R, instytucje otoczenia biznesu w kontekście innowacyjności gospodarki. Obecnie można wskazać na mnogość badań zajmujących się tematyką współpracy w regionie, weryfikujących odpowiedzi na pytanie co przyczynia się do generowania innowacji i jakie są kluczowe elementy tego procesu. Wciąż rozwijane są modele czynników decydujących o innowacyjności i w zależności od badanego aspektu przedstawiane są różne podejścia traktujące o innowacyjności regionów w tym także współpraca pomiędzy ww. podmiotami. Celem pracy jest zweryfikowanie istniejącej współpracy między różnymi podmiotami w regionie w zakresie opracowywania i wprowadzania innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Aby osiągnąć cel, autorzy wskazują na korzyści współpracy między przedsiębiorstwami, na zalety wspólnych projektów, przedstawiając działania podejmowane w regionach zwiększających innowacyjność. Autorzy skupili się również na sprawdzeniu oferty i gotowości do współpracy polskich uczelni wyższych. W celu opracowania podstawowych informacji i teoretycznego aspektu artykułu autorzy przeprowadzili badania desk research, które wykonano z wykorzystaniem baz danych Google Scholar, Emerald, Scopus. Kolejny etap objął badania jakościowe polskich regionów. Aby zrealizować zamierzenie badawcze autorzy skoncentrowali się na wskazaniu przykładowych projektów i działań podejmowanych w regionach oraz korzyści wynikających z realizowanych działań. Ponadto, badania polegały na sprawdzeniu oferty i gotowości do współpracy wybranych uczelni wyższych w Polsce. Przeprowadzane badania skłaniają do wniosku, że choć oczywistym jest, iż współpraca nauki i biznesu przynosi obopólne korzyści to korzyści dla przedsiębiorstw są znacznie częściej analizowane i mierzone w literaturze przedmiotu, mniej uwagi poświęca się skutkom współpracy dla sektora badań i rozwoju, np. możliwość uzyskania przez naukowców doświadczeń w przedsiębiorstwach. Ostatnie dwudziestolecie przyniosło także istotne zmiany zarówno w świadomości władz lokalnych co do ich roli w kreowaniu środowiska proinnowacyjnego jak i w sposobie ich działania. Również polskie uniwersytety rozpoczęły transformację i podjęły działania dotyczące stworzenia oferty współpracy dla potencjalnych kooperatorów.
In the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy the role of the railway was decisive in regional development as well as in the areas of the Hungarian Kingdom, the Pannonian Croatian areas and concerning the accessibility of the Adriatic Sea. During the 19th and 20th centuries the iron horse gave the chance for the quick development of the port of Fiume. At present in terms of Croatian-Hungarian relations on the micro regional level the role of the railway is evanescent concerning regional development. Only the Koprivnica-Zagreb-Rijeka railway line transacts Hungarian heavy traffic. The aim of my study is to present and compare the characteristics of the two eras from the point of view of transport and regional policy.
tom 6
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The development of clusters seems to be a natural consequence of the observed trends in the global economy. The increased interest in the creation and development of clusters can also be seen in most of the countries of the European Union, however, the experience of EU countries in this field is different. In addition to strong clusters with a long tradition, new clusters are created with much lower potential. Clusters compatible with the most important EU documents are to play the role of organizations supporting regional development and ensuring the growth of innovation of the European Union in the new programming period. The Japanese economy is based on the important role of clusters in this area, which along with the US and the European Union is among the largest economies in the world. The experience of Japan in this area is much longer. A lot of still functioning clusters were created in this country in the XVII and XVIII centuries. The aim of this study is a comparative analysis of the socio-economic situation of the European Union and Japan, with special emphasis on the role that clusters play in those economies. The result of the analysis is to identify the factors that allow for the effective operation of enterprises within created cluster structures. The analysis of Japan's experience in this area is a valuable source of information for policy guidelines developed to support clusters in the EU.
The main aim of the article is to estimate the resources of human capital and its differentiation in the counties of Warmia and Mazury. There was applied the synthetic indicator of human capital (WZKL) on which basis there was made a hierarchy of counties. The analysis was carried out in spatial and time dimension, using data from the Local Data Bank from the Central Statistical Office and the censuses. The analysis covers 2002 and 2011. In those years the censuses were conducted, which are the only reliable source of information about education an essential component of human capital. The purpose of the study is to find answers to research questions: what is the state of human capital, what is its spatial differentiation, and what changes have occurred in the period 2002–2011 in the counties of Warmia and Mazury?
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Resilience of any area in question is linked with its structure, which is being built and rebuilt over the years. For instance, Košice city reinforces for most sector of Information, communication and as well its sector of Art, entertainment and recreation. After implementing strategy of reinforcement the city can be better up to the task to cope with shocks. Similarly other areas, this paper was trying to shed light on this topic by implementing methodology of localization quotient and using data for seven cities in Eastern Slovak Republic. The analysis provides comparison in structure and resilience potential of cities in terms of employment.
In the article, the considerations about the role of widely comprehended information technology in the regional development, especially in Poland, is presented. On the grounds of subject bibliography, the main factors causing the differences in the effects of IT influence on the regional development, were identified and the analysis of Poland's situation, in comparison with other European countries carried out. In the analysis were, used data taken from, statistical publications "The World Factbook", compiled annually by CIA in the USA.
Content available remote Socio-economic potential of Polish cities - a regional dimension
The main aim of the research presented in this paper was to construct and evaluate a synthetic index of socio-economic potential of Polish cities (IoEp) at the level of voivodships and also to examine relations between this potential and the economic development of regions. The index reflects the level of localisation advantages offered by a city. That is why an assumption was made that there is a positive relationship between the level of socio-economic potential of cities in a region (measured by the IoEP index) and its level of economic development. The obtained results show that there are significant and stable differences in the level of economic potential of Polish cities. One can also observe that the higher the level of IoEP was, the higher the value of regional GDP per capita. That gives some basis to positively verify the research hypothesis.
Content available Projekt Trendy rozwojowe Mazowsza
Artykuł poświęcony jest realizacji projektu badawczego Trendy rozwojowe Mazowsza w kontekście zmiany podejścia do zarządzania regionem. Projekt koordynowany przez Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie i współfinansowany ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego jest jednym z najważniejszych projektów badawczych, realizowanych przez Samorząd Województwa Mazowieckiego. Głównym celem projektu jest stworzenie systemu przewidywania zmian społecznych i gospodarczych na Mazowszu. W artykule omówiono strukturę projektu oraz wymieniono jego główne cele. Przedstawiono również hipotezy oraz wiodące tematy badawcze. W drugiej części artykułu pokrótce opisana została międzynarodowa konferencja Świat – Europa – Polska. Przyszłość Mazowsza (27-28 maja 2009 roku), poświęcona inauguracji projektu Trendy rozwojowe Mazowsza. Uwzględniona została również część warsztatowa, dotycząca wskazówek oraz sugestii metodologicznych na poczet realizacji projektu.
The article describes „The development trends of Mazovia Region” project in the context of changing approaches to the management of the region. The project, coordinated by the Mazovia Office for Regional Planning in Warsaw and co - financed by the European Social Fund, is one of the most important research projects undertaken by local government of the Mazovia Region. The main aim of “The development trends of Mazovia Region” project is to create appropriate instruments of sustainable development of regional policy, focused on forecasting of social and economic changes. The article presents the structure of the project, its main objectives, the hypotheses and the leading research topics. The second part of the article briefly describes the international conference „World - Europe - Poland. The future of Mazovia” (27 - 28.05.2009 r.). The conference was devoted to the inauguration of the “The development trends of Mazovia Region” project. The article contains also some methodological suggestions towards the project made during workshops: society, economy, space.
The starting point for the deliberations in this article is a definition of a region from the point of view of geographic, cultural, social, political and economic aspects, followed by a description of the concept of regional development. The article raises questions about the overall approach to the process of changes taking place in a given territory. It also explains the issue of regional policy reorientation. The aim of the article is to analyse the concept of regional development and the main challenges that lay before it.
Content available remote Przedsiębiorczość jako inkubator rozwoju regionalnego
tom Z. 11
W założeniach przedsiębiorczość stanowi swoisty "inkubator" obliczony na aktywizację wszelkich zasobów, czego skutkiem jest rozwój regionu, a tym samym poprawa warunków życia mieszkańców. Procesy przedsiębiorcze determinuje otoczenie lokalne, czyli samorządy terytorialne oraz instytucje otoczenia biznesu. Od ich inwencji zależy dynamika i tempo rozwoju szczególnie małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw na bazie inicjatywności oddolnej. Strategia innowacji natomiast powinna stanowić ogniwo łączące cele europejskiej, krajowej i regionalnej polityki z instytucjami oraz potencjałem rozwojowym regionu. Na treść artykułu składają się: - mechanizmy przedsiębiorczości w rozwoju społeczeństw, - uwarunkowania i kierunki rozwoju regionalnego /czynniki rozwoju regionu, marketing regionalny/, - instytucje wspierania przedsiębiorczości /zadania instytucji przedsiębiorczości, instytucje rynku pracy, inkubatory przedsiębiorczości, ośrodki innowacyjności/, Celem artykułu jest wykazanie przedsiębiorczości jako mechanizmu generującego aktywizację potencjału ekonomicznego i społecznego regionu na bazie inwencji oddolnej oraz innowacji władz samorządowych i zasad gospodarki rynkowej.
Originally, entrepreneurship serves as an incubator which is to make use of all the resources resulting in region development and, at the same time, in improvement of living conditions of its inhabitants. Entrepreneurial processes are determined by local governments as well as business institutions. Dynamics and speed of their development (mainly of small and medium size enterprises) depends on their invention. Innovation strategy should link aims of european, national and regional politics with the institutions and developmental potential of a region. The article discusses the following: - entrepreneurial mechanisms in the development of societes - conditions and directions of regional development /factors of regional development, regional marketing/, - institutions supporting entrepreneurship /tasks of entrepreneurship institutions, job market institutions, entrepreneurship incubators, innovation centers/ Objective of the article is to show entrepreneurship as a mechanism which generates increase in economic and social potential of a region on the basis of local governments' innovation as well as the rules of market economy.
Ornithological tourism, also known as birdwatching, is a form of cognitive tourism. Poland has enormous natural potential and ornithological tourism is developing more and more dynamically, so it is important to understand and organise it well. The aim of this study is to review information about ornithological tourism as one of the branches of tourism. It is also to prove that birdwatching may be the basis for tourism and economic development both in its local and regional aspects. The article also attempts to indicate the needs of tourist infrastructure for the development of ornithological tourism on the basis of a survey of 356 respondents, including 87 women. Most of the respondents were young people, aged under 35 (66,4%). 78% of them were urban inhabitants. Most had higher (64,4%) or secondary education (27,8%). The respondents indicated Biebrza National Park (18,3%), Warta River Mouth National Park (16,5%), the Gulf of Gdańsk (8,7%), Milicz Ponds (7,2%), Lake Jeziorsko (7,1%) as the most popular places of ornithological tourism. 34% of the respondents were of the opinion that birdwatching sites in Poland were poorly prepared for the activity.
Jedną z form turystyki poznawczej jest turystyka ornitologiczna, zwana także birdwatchingiem. Polska posiada ogromny potencjał przyrodniczy, a turystyka ornitologiczna rozwija się coraz prężniej, dlatego tak ważne jest, by była właściwe rozumiana i organizowana. Celem pracy jest przegląd informacji o turystyce ornitologicznej jako jednej z gałęzi turystyki. Artykuł ma na celu wykazanie, że birdwatching może być podstawą rozwoju turystyczno-ekonomicznego zarówno w ujęciu lokalnym, jak i regionalnym. Podjęto także próbę wskazania potrzeb dotyczących infrastruktury turystycznej dla turystyki ornitologicznej w oparciu o przeprowadzone badania sondażowe na grupie respondentów. W ankiecie wzięło udział 356 osób, w tym 87 kobiet. Były to głównie osoby młode, w wieku do 35 lat (66,4 %), z których 78% zamieszkuje obszary miejskie. Ankietowani posiadali przede wszystkim wykształcenie wyższe (64,4%) oraz średnie (27,8%). Respondenci wskazali Biebrzański Park Narodowy (18,3%), Park Narodowy Ujście Warty (16,5%), Zatokę Gdańską (8,7%), Stawy Milickie (7,2%) oraz Zbiornik Jeziorsko (7,1%) jako obszary najchętniej wybierane w celu uprawiania turystyki ornitologicznej. Spośród osób ankietowanych, 34% badanych uważa, że miejsca obserwacji ptaków w Polsce są słabo przygotowane do uprawiania birdwatchingu.
The present paper raises the issues of financial autonomy of Polish cities with regard to the aspect of social and economic development of provinces, in which they are located – the topic being of crucial importance both from the theoretical and practical point of view. The significance of the undertaken research follows mainly from the fact that self-reliance and autonomy of a city in the area of financial management are indispensable conditions for its functioning. What potentially leads cities to harmonious and sustainable development is the fact that they possess legal personality, complete their tasks on their own account, manage their property and have their own, independent of the state finances, financial system. In spite of the fact that the goal of a city is not to make maximum profits but to satisfy collective public needs, the most important aim of local self-government authorities while making financial decisions should be to manage their financial resources in a rational way but, at the same time, to keep in mind the priority of the public interest.
In the context of school network optimizing, the fate of small rural schools in Latvia has been a topical issue for politicians at the national and local level for almost a decade. As one of the main reasons talking about the depopulation of rural areas and the reduction in the number of students on formal education programs, that each new school year begins with news about the closure of several rural schools. At the same time, documents of political planning, scientific publications and research emphasize the special role of rural schools in further development, implementing state and local government obligations to provide residents with access to vital services, including education, to make attractive rural communities existence and to discover opportunities for their sustainable development. In recent decades theoretical approaches has also emphasized the role of local communities and their participation in rural development processes (the endogenous development model), while also taking into account the specific regional needs (the neo-endogenous model). The actions of various agents involved in the education system and the activity of rural communities aimed at preserving schools and the creation of multifunctional centres as one of a schools survival strategies are analysed in this article, based on the empirical data obtained in the framework of the international comparative project “Rural depopulation and the governance of education: comparative study of Latvia and Norway”: a survey of Latvian municipality education field specialists (n = 103) and quantitative survey data and the study of specific characteristic cases of representatives of small rural school administration (N = 200). The results of local governments and school administrations survey point to a direct link between the level of development of the territory (for analysis purpose all state municipalities have been grouped according to territorial development index (TDI)) and the accessibility of education, as well as the degree of activity of education agents and local communities in decision-making processes. Closure of small schools during the last 5 years most often affected economically less developed, poor municipalities. Analysis of empirical evidence suggests that the smaller the economic and social resource of municipality is ñ the smaller is the social capital of its inhabitants. In municipalities with the lowest TDI, there is comparatively weak activity of local population, a desire to take part in decision-making in support against the closure of schools. In this situation, every local government, administration/teachers of schools, as well as local residents, are forced to take responsibility for finding solutions that are based not only on economic calculations or received as direct instructions from higher institutions. Many municipalities together with schools administration search and find solutions due to expansion of functions of schools, cooperation with other municipalities and in other ways. The study is conducted with the support of funding from the EEA / Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 under Project Contract no. NFI/R/2014/014.
The goal of the article is presenting strategic regional development priorities of Malopolska Voivodeship. The outcomes of research are based on research conducted in local communes with use of AHP questionnaire. The research procedure consists of two steps: in first weights of main criteria and subcriteria were estimated. Subsequently, significance of subcirteria were determined with relevance to previously defined strategic alternatives. The research outcomes indicated preferred strategic scenario and determined key factors of development in frame of each strategic scenario.
The aim of this article is to identify the role played by the decision on building conditions and land use in the development of a group of cities, the so called “Polish metropolises”, that is Gdańsk, Poznań, Kraków, Lodz and Wroclaw. These are the cities classified in a hierarchy decidedly lower than Warsaw, but regardless of this fact they are consistently named the most developed cities in Poland. The article analyzes as well the role played by the decisions in local and regional development along with their practical dimensions, manifesting itself in the number of issued decisions and the number of denials on building conditions.
The aim of this study is to characterise labour demand in the Lubelskie region and some of its determinants. The first part briefly discusses the theoretical aspects of labour-demand, including its measurement methods and main determinants. The second part offers a statistical analysis of labour demand in the Lubelskie Voivodship against national trends. It proves that labour demand in the Lubelskie Voivodship demonstrates slower growth and a less growth-favourable structure, and that the chances to find work there are smaller than in the country as a whole. However, an analysis of the main determinants of labour demand conducted in the next part of the study suggests that lower labour-demand growth in comparison to the country as a whole can be more attributable to factors related to the product-market situation rather than excessive increase in wages. It was also indicated that an important reason for such disproportions might lie in the relatively high significance of rural areas and agriculture, and also in the weaker position of the region’s business sector compared to the country as a whole.
Celem opracowania jest dokonanie charakterystyki popytu na pracę w regionie lubelskim oraz jego wybranych determinant. W pierwszej części zwięźle omówiono kategorię popytu na pracę, sposoby jego pomiaru oraz główne determinanty. W drugiej dokonano statystycznej analizy popytu na pracę w województwie lubelskim na tle tendencji ogólnopolskich. Wykazano, że popyt na pracę w regionie lubelskim charakteryzuje się niższą dynamiką i mniej rozwojową strukturą, a szanse na znalezienie pracy są niższe niż w kraju ogółem. Natomiast przeprowadzona w kolejnej części pracy analiza głównych determinant popytu na pracę wydaje się wskazywać, że dla wyjaśnienia niższej od krajowej dynamiki popytu na pracę większe znaczenie mogą mieć czynniki związane z sytuacją na rynku dóbr niż nieuzasadniony ekonomicznie wzrost płac. Zasygnalizowano również, że dla utrzymywania się omawianych dysproporcji istotne znaczenie może mieć relatywnie duży udział obszarów wiejskich i rolnictwa w strukturze gospodarczej oraz słabsza kondycja sektora przedsiębiorstw w regionie na tle kraju.
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