Analyses regarding socio-economic development and quality of life are an important aspect of research and discussion for many international organisations, states and local authorities. Due to the complexity and multidimensionality of these issues, conducting research can be problematic. The conclusions of various analytical centres indicate that there are many paths towards establishing a set of factors which affect quality of life and ways of assessing socio-economic development levels. Depending on the criteria considered, the most common methods for determining the degree of the advancement of life quality or socio-economic development include taxonomical techniques and analyses of potential, which are based mainly on objective data sourced from official registers. The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the level of socio-economic development and quality of life in the European Union in the years 2004 and 2018. The analyses were conducted for a rarely used level of spatial data aggregation, i.e. for NUTS-2 units. The analysis covers only those European regions that were EU members in 2004. As the primary research tool, the two-dimensional development matrix was adopted, which enabled the verification of the hypothesis regarding the convergence of synthetic measures that indicate the levels of socio-economic development and quality of life in the EU regions. For these indices, the development matrix is also used to identify the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and threats for selected spatial units, and, at the same time, to estimate the rates of change of the socio-economic development and quality of life levels.
The aim of the research is to indicate the influence of economic determinants of interregional migration flows in Poland in the years 1999— —2015. The analysis was conducted on the basis of data from the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland using descriptive methods of migration flows differentiation analysis, wages and unemployment rates in time and space and spatial econometrics methods: the least squares method (LSM), generalised method of moments (GMM), logistic models and fixed effects models. The conclusions of the research are as follows: migration inflows are most strongly influenced by relative wages, and outflows by the relative unemployment rate. Moreover, migrants decide to change their place of residence, taking into account a spatial factor.
Celem badania jest wskazanie oddziaływania determinant ekonomicznych na międzyregionalne przepływy migracyjne w Polsce w latach 1999—2015. Badanie przeprowadzono na podstawie danych z Banku Danych Lokalnych GUS, przy wykorzystaniu opisowych metod analizy zróżnicowania przepływów migracyjnych, płac i stóp bezrobocia w czasie i przestrzeni oraz metod ekonometrii przestrzennej: metody najmniejszych kwadratów (MNK), uogólnionej metody momentów (UMM), modeli logistycznych oraz modeli z efektami indywidualnymi. Wnioski z badania są następujące: na napływy migracyjne najsilniej oddziałują płace względne, a na odpływy — względna stopa bezrobocia. Ponadto migrujący, podejmując decyzję o zmianie miejsca zamieszkania, kierują się także czynnikiem przestrzennym.
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