The aim of the paper is the analysis of the German People’s List (German: Deutsche Volksliste, German abb. DVL, in Polish: Volkslista or Niemiecka Lista Narodowościowa, informal in Polish: Folkslista) in the region of Łódź during World War II. The Volksliste was part of the Nazi schema to re-Germanize the Łódź Germans and separate them from the influence of Polish culture and society. The main research questions are the problems of categorization of Volksdeutsche by Volksliste offices and the motivation of Germans behind rejection of the Volksliste or their application for admission to a higher category. The hypothesis about the categorisation of Germans in the Volksliste assumes that the criteria used by the Volksliste offices were insufficient and the most frequently used criteria of language and religion did not allow for a proper categorisation of the Łódź Germans. According to the author there existed many reasons for people to accept the Volksliste (they were also sometimes forced to accept it) or to apply for admission to a higher category, the economic reasons being the most important ones – the desire to preserve one’s wealth or job, or to maintain one’s social position. The article is based on various archival sources: the German administration documents from Łódź, Poznań, and Warsaw archives as well as the ego-documents, such as complaints about too low a category on the Volksliste (the case of Oskar Ambroży Klikar).
Głównym celem artykułu była ocena atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu fragmentu doliny Mrogi wraz z jej najbliższym sąsiedztwem w granicach administracyjnych gminy Dmosin. Oceny tej dokonano przy zastosowaniu metody fotograficznej Cymermana i Hopfera (1988), zmodyfikowanej przez Hajnrych (2006). Metoda polegała na ocenie 426 fotografii wykonanych z 72 stanowisk dokumentacyjnych, zlokalizowanych wzdłuż doliny rzeki Mrogi. Na podstawie wyników oceny wydzielono pięć klas atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu. Największy udział mają tereny o niewielkiej i przeciętnej atrakcyjności wizualnej, a obszarów o dużej i bardzo dużej atrakcyjności jest niewiele. Do artykułu dołączono opracowaną na podstawie badań mapę atrakcyjności wizualnej krajobrazu.
The main aim of this paper was an evaluation of the visual attractiveness of landscape of the Mroga valley and its surroundings in the administrative borders of the Dmosin commune. That evaluation was made by a photographic method of Cymerman and Hopfer (1988), modified by Hajnrych (2006). The method was based on an evaluation of 426 photographs taken at the 72 documentation sites located along the valley of Mroga river valley. On the basis of results of the assessment, it established five classes of visual attractiveness of the landscape were established, of which the largest share included areas of low and average visual attractiveness. Areas of high and very high visual attractiveness were few. A map of visual attractiveness of the landscape was made.
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